Publications by authors named "Rusnak I"

Advanced cervical cancer can lead to life-threatening vaginal bleeding. Emergency uterine artery embolization (UAE) has been successfully used in such cases to achieve hemostasis. Our case demonstrates the unusual emergency use of this procedure to cease heavy hemorrhage, which led to hematometra, uterine rupture and hemoperitoneum in a patient with a large tumor in the cervical region.

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Ornithine transcarbamylase (OTC) deficiency is the most common inherited metabolic disorder in urea cycles with an incidence of 1:14,000 live births. Pregnancy, childbirth and the postpartum period are considered challenging for women with this hereditary metabolic disorder, with a risk of hyperammonemia, especially in the first week after delivery. In our article, we discuss severe hepatic failure, a pregnancy complication in an OTC deficient patient that has not previously been published.

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Hepatorenal syndrome is a severe complication of liver cirrhosis which is difficult to treat because of a very fast course and lack of adequate dosing recommendations due to the stage of the disease. In this study we aimed to refine the treatment of hepatorenal syndrome type I by modifying the dose of terlipressin, depending on the stage of acute kidney injury (AKI). Objective - to improve the treatment method of hepatorenal syndrome type I in patients with alcoholic liver cirrhosis by selecting the dose of terlipressin depending on the stage of acute kidney injury.

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The study of the pathogenetic treatment and prevention of Helicobacter pylori (Hp)-associated gastroduodenopathies (GDP) induced by nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) in patients with osteoarthritis (OA) is one of the most serious problems in modern clinical medicine. Sixty patients with OA and concomitant Hp-associated GDP induced by NSAIDs were examined. The levels of epidermal growth factor (EDF), sAPO-1/Fas and tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α) were determined.

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Objective: Primary foetal cardiac tumours are rare congenital malformations. They can cause a flow obstruction, arrhythmias and can lead to cardiac failure, hydrops or death. Postnatal management is based on patient´s clinical and hemodynamic impairment.

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Torcular dural sinus malformations (tDSMs) are rare congenital defects representing a complex of vascular anomalies that have been grouped in one single unit. Although the current literature suggests a generally favourable prognosis for prenatally diagnosed tDSMs, there are still only limited data and published papers on the subject. Factors resulting in an adverse outcome of the fetuses and children have to be taken into consideration to determine precisely the nature of the consultation and management.

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The aim of the study is to identify topical issues of the regulatory framework and the application of legal provisions related to acquisition (collection) of samples for examination in criminal proceedings. To achieve this objective, as well as justify the results, a set of general scientific and special methods is used. The comparative legal method enables to analyze the criminal procedure legislation of Ukraine and other countries, as well as the practice of the European Court of Human Rights.

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Objective: Almost one-third of pregnant women develop symptoms of restless legs syndrome (RLS), which could have a negative impact on quality of life and the course of pregnancy and/or labor. The aim of our study was to determine possible risk factors for developing RLS in pregnant women.

Methods: A total of 300 random women in the third trimester of gravidity filled out a simple questionnaire based on the official diagnostic criteria for RLS.

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Aim: To identify characteristic risk factors of preterm birth in Central and Eastern Europe and explore the differences from other developed countries.

Method: Data on 33,794 term and 3867 preterm births (<37 wks.) were extracted in a retrospective study between January 1, 2007 and December 31, 2009.

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Background: Restless legs syndrome (RLS) is a frequent neurological disorder which predominantly affects women. Pregnancy is one of the most common conditions leading to secondary RLS. Severe symptoms of RLS may lead to complications of pregnancy and/or labor.

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Breast carcinoma is the most common cancer with high mortality caused by metastatic disease. New molecular biomarkers predicting the tumour's metastatic potential would therefore improve metastasis prevention and personalised care. The aim of the study was to investigate the relationship between DNA methylation levels in invasivity and metastasising associated genes with aberrant protein expression and also to evaluate whether a similar DNA methylation level is present in the tumour and circulating cell-free DNA for utilising plasma DNA methylation as prognostic biomarker.

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The prothrombotic effect of malignant diseases on organism is commonly known. We review the documentation of the Medical Department in Liptovsky Mikulas filed in years 1996-2002 (15,512 patients). 120 patients suffered from significantly coinciding acute myocardial infarction and malignant diseases (p = 0.

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Objective: The authors tested PCR--so called nested (N-PCR) for the detection of HPV in cervical lesions of uterus. This method is based on repeated amplification of specific viral DNA fragments. The sensitivity of N-PCR was compared to the sensitivity of the hybridization method.

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Objective: During amnioinfusion exchange (AE) a certain amount of amniotic fluid is repeatedly extracted and the same amount of physiological solution is consequently instilled into the amniotic fetal cavity. The aim of this procedure is to dilute the amniotic fluid that surrounds the eviscerated organs of fetuses with laparoschisis so as to avoid the genesis of fibrous coating on these organs.

Design: Prospective study.

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The authors describe the little known Fay syndrome (benign carotidynia, extracranial vascular cephalea). They emphasize the importance of a careful case-history (in particular sore throat--usually unilateral), with careful physical examination (palpation sensitivity of the carotid artery beneath the bifurcation). The authors assume that the syndrome is not as rare but that it is rarely correctly diagnosed.

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The authors discuss the possible development of rheumatoid paraneoplastic syndrome in patients with benign tumours. They present three observations they made (cardiac myxoma, subpleural lipoma and pulmonary fibrosclerotic pseudotumour). Paraneoplasias in these cases are interesting from the pathogenetic aspect as regards their development, possibly malignant transformation of benign intrathoracic tumours.

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The authors assessed the value of commonly available laboratory examinations for the diagnosis of suspected excessive alcohol intake and suspected liver damage by alcohol. They tested the validity of aspartate aminotransferase (AST), alanine aminotransferase (ALT), alkaline phosphatase (ALP), gammaglutamyl transferase (GMT), the blood sugar level, serum cholesterol, bilirubinaemia, ferrinaemia and mean corpuscular volume (MCV). The highest validity as regards sensitivity of the examination was recorded in the MCV with a sensitivity of 0.

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Postoperative results of 113 unilateral and 77 bilateral extracapsular cataract extractions (EC-CEs) in dogs were evaluated retrospectively. Restoration or improvement of functional vision was achieved in 79.6% of the eyes in dogs with unilateral extraction and 85.

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Paraneoplastic syndromes supplement the complex clinical picture of malignomas. Their knowledge improves early diagnosis. The development, course and regression of paraneoplastic syndromes indicates that they have a multifactorial origin and their manifestation depends on the biochemical, metabolic and immunological situation of the organism.

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Intramuscular injections of the title drug in a dose of 5 mg/kg (5% of the LD50) during 10 days produced in the liver and blood serum of white rats a decrease in the activity of glucokinase, succinate dehydrogenase, glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase, 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase, glutathione reductase, ATPase and ceruloplasmin. The urea content in total phospholipids rose, whereas the content of triglycerides and hexosamine diminished. Ten and 20 days after the drug was discontinued the majority of these characteristics returned to normal.

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During the period of 1963-1982 we treated at our hospital 1694 patients with diagnosed internal malignancies. Of them, paraneoplastic syndrome as the first manifestation of the disease was found in 127 (7.4%).

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The suggested method consists in incubation of the homogenate of the tissue under study with a solution of 0.5% p-phenylene diamine hydrochloride. The forming stained products of the reaction are extracted with butanol.

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