The bacterial infection and poor osseointegration of Ti implants could significantly compromise their applications in bone repair and replacement. Based on the carrier separation ability of the heterojunction and the redox reaction of pseudocapacitive metal oxides, we report an electrically responsive TiO-SnO-RuO coating with a multilayered heterostructure on a Ti implant. Owing to the band gap structure of the TiO-SnO-RuO coating, electron carriers are easily enriched at the coating surface, enabling a response to the endogenous electrical stimulation of the bone.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe last two decades have witnessed significant progress in the development of severe plastic deformation techniques to produce ultrafine-grained materials with new and superior properties. This review examines works and achievements related to the low-temperature superplasticity of ultrafine-grained aluminum alloys. The examples are provided of the possibility to observe low-temperature superplasticity in aluminum alloys at temperatures less than 0.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFA homogenized, supersaturated AlZnMgZr alloy was processed via severe plastic deformation (SPD) using a high-pressure torsion (HPT) technique for different revolutions at room temperature to obtain an ultrafine-grained (UFG) microstructure. The microstructure and mechanical properties of the UFG samples were then studied using transmission electron microscopy (TEM), differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), and tensile and hardness measurements. The main purpose was to study the effect of shear strain on the evolution of the microstructure of the investigated alloy.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThis paper presents the results of comprehensive in vivo studies into the osseointegration behavior of medical implants for maxillofacial surgery produced from nanostructured grade 4 titanium. Special attention is given to the phenomenology of bone tissue formation with consideration of its surface relief features and to evaluating the quantitative parameters of the morphological indicators of osteoblast and endothelial cells in the osseointegration zone. These parameters were compared with their measurement data for standard factory-made implants, and considerable acceleration in the fixation of nanotitanium implants due to osseointegation was found.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFGastric cancer (GC) is one of the most common cancer types in the world with a high mortality rate. Hereditary predisposition for GC is not fully elucidated so far. The aim of this study was identification of possible new candidate genes, associated with the increased risk of gastric cancer development.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThis study aims to achieve an ultrafine-grained (UFG) Al 2024 alloy superplasticity at temperatures lower than the traditional ones for commercial Al alloys (400-500 °C). The UFG structure with a mean grain size of 100 nm produced in the alloy by high-pressure torsion at room temperature provided a very high strength-microhardness (HV) of 286 ± 4, offset yield strength (σ) of 828 ± 9 MPa, and ultimate tensile strength (σ) of 871 ± 6 MPa at elongation to failure (δ) of 7 ± 0.2%.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThis paper evaluates the fatigue strength of ultrafine-grained (UFG) Grade 4 Ti in the low-cycle fatigue region, as well as the strength of medical implants (plates and screws) made of UFG Ti under various types of loading in comparison with the strength of products made of coarse-grained (CG) Ti. To produce a UFG state, titanium billets after annealing were processed by the ECAP-Conform technique. The fatigue of the prismatic specimens with a thickness of 10 mm from CG and UFG Ti was tested by the three-point bending method using an Instron 8802 facility.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFTitanium is considered to be the most essential metal in the field of implantology. The main factors determining metal biocompatibility, among others, include the morphology and chemical composition of the titanium surface. Therefore, the aim of this work was to develop approaches to control the biological activity of the titanium surface by creating coatings that combine both an inorganic phase with a given morphology and organic molecules containing an integrin-selective peptide that regulate cell adhesion and proliferation.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe study is aimed to virtually miniaturize medical implants produced of the biocompatible Ti with improved mechanical performance. The results on the simulation-driven design of medical implants fabricated of nanostructured commercially pure Ti with significantly enhanced mechanical properties are presented. The microstructure of initially coarse-grained Ti has been refined to ultrafine grain size by severe plastic deformation.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe paper reports on the features of low-temperature superplasticity of the heat-treatable aluminum Al-Mg-Si alloy in the ultrafine-grained state at temperatures below 0.5 times the melting point as well as on its post-deformation microstructure and tensile strength. We show that the refined microstructure is retained after superplastic deformation in the range of deformation temperatures of 120-180 °C and strain rates of 5 × 10 s-10 s.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThis paper presents a comprehensive study of the effect of the processing by high-pressure torsion (HPT) on the corrosion behavior in Ringer's solution for two popular bioresorbable magnesium alloys-Mg-1Ca and Mg-1Zn-0.2Ca. Three states were studied for each alloy-the initial homogenized state, the as-HPT-processed state and the state after subsequent annealing at 250 and 300 °C.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIn this paper, we study the corrosion-resistant austenitic steel Fe-0.02C-18Cr-8Ni for medical applications. The microstructure and mechanical properties (tensile mechanical properties, torsional strength, impact toughness, and static and cyclic crack resistance) under different types of loading of the steel are investigated.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe prospective applications of metallic glasses are limited by their lack of ductility, attributed to shear banding inducing catastrophic failure. A concise depiction of the local atomic arrangement (local atomic packing and chemical short-range order), induced by shear banding, is quintessential to understand the deformation mechanism, however still not clear. An explicit view of the complex interplay of local atomic structure and chemical environment is presented by mapping the atomic arrangements in shear bands (SBs) and in their vicinity in a deformed Vitreloy 105 metallic glass, using the scanning electron diffraction pair distribution function and atom probe tomography.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFRecent years have witnessed much progress in medical device manufacturing and the needs of the medical industry urges modern nanomaterials science to develop novel approaches for improving the properties of existing biomaterials. One of the ways to enhance the material properties is their nanostructuring by using severe plastic deformation (SPD) techniques. For medical devices, such properties include increased strength and fatigue life, and this determines nanostructured Ti and Ti alloys to be an excellent choice for the engineering of implants with improved design for orthopedics and dentistry.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: Nanophase surface properties of titanium alloys must be obtained for a suitable biological performance, particularly to facilitate cell adhesion and bone tissue formation. Obtaining a bulk nanostructured material using severe plastic deformation is an ideal processing route to improve the mechanical performance of titanium alloys. By decreasing the grain size of a metallic material, a superior strength improvement can be obtained, while surface modification of a nanostructured surface can produce an attractive topography able to induce biological responses in osteoblastic cells.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAn integrated approach combining severe plastic deformation (SPD), chemical etching (CE), and atomic layer deposition (ALD) was used to produce titanium implants with enhanced osseointegration. The relationship between morphology, topography, surface composition, and bioactivity of ultra-fine-grained (UFG) titanium modified by CE and ALD was studied in detail. The topography and morphology have been studied by means of atomic force microscopy, scanning electron microscopy, and the spectral ellipsometry.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe strengthening mechanism of the metallic material is related to the hindrance of the dislocation motion, and it is possible to achieve superior strength by maximizing these obstacles. In this study, the multiple strengthening mechanism-based nanostructured steel with high density of defects was fabricated using high-pressure torsion at room and elevated temperatures. By combining multiple strengthening mechanisms, we enhanced the strength of Fe-15 Mn-0.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe commercially pure Ti (CP Ti) and equal-channel angular pressing (ECAP) processed Ti can contribute to the downsizing of medical devices with their superior mechanical properties and negligible toxicity. However, the ECAP-processed pure Ti has the risk of bacterial infection. Here, the coarse- and ultrafine-grained Ti substrates were surface-modified with molybdenum disulfide (MoS) to improve the cell proliferation and growth with antibacterial effect for further dental applications.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFRecent developments of nanostructured materials with grain sizes in the nanometer to submicrometer range have provided ground for numerous functional properties and new applications. However, in terms of mechanical properties, bulk nanostructured materials typically show poor ductility despite their high strength, which limits their use for structural applications. The present article shows that the poor ductility of nanostructured alloys can be changed to room-temperature superplastisity by a transition in the deformation mechanism from dislocation activity to grain-boundary sliding.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: Titanium (Ti) implants are extensively used in reconstructive surgery and orthopedics. However, the intrinsic inertness of untreated Ti implants usually results in insufficient osseointegration. In order to improve the osteoconductivity properties of the implants, they are coated with hierarchical microtopographic/nanotopographic coatings employing the method of molecular layering of atomic layer deposition (ML-ALD).
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIt is broadly accepted that psoriasis is an immune-mediated disease with a heritable component, but it is not clear what causes inflammation in the skin. Previous research suggests that fragments of the keratin 17 (K17) protein, which are constitutively expressed in hair follicles, could act as autoantigens. In this study, we synthesized the K17 protein from mRNA derived from hair follicles and tested whether it elicited T cell responses depending on the patient genotype at the major susceptibility locus HLA-Cw*06:02.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIn this work, we analyze the efficiency of the modification of the implant surface. This modification was reached by the formation of a two-level relief hierarchy by means of a sol-gel approach that included dip coating with subsequent shock drying. Using this method, we fabricated a nanoporous layer with micron-sized defects on the nanotitanium surface.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFJoint replacement is being actively developed within modern orthopedics. One novel material providing fast implantation is bioactive coatings. The synthesis of targeted nanocoatings on metallic nanotitanium surface is reported in this paper.
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