This study aims to investigate the feasibility of using an artificial lateral line (ALL) system for predicting the real-time position and pose of an undulating swimmer with Carangiform swimming patterns. We established a 3D computational fluid dynamics simulation to replicate the swimming dynamics of a freely swimming mackerel under various motion parameters, calculating the corresponding pressure fields. Using the simulated lateral line data, we trained an artificial neural network to predict the centroid coordinates and orientation of the swimmer.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFA soft gripper inspired by the glowing sucker octopus (Stauroteuthis syrtensis)' highly evolved grasping capability enabled by the umbrella-shaped dorsal and ventral membrane between each arm is presented here, comprising of a 3D-printed linkage mechanism used to actuate a modular mold silicone-casting soft suction disc to deform. The soft gripper grasp can lift objects using the suction generated by the pump in the soft disc. Moreover, the protruded funnel-shaped end of the deformed suctorial mouth can adapt to smooth and rough surfaces.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFMitochondrial DNA B Resour
September 2016
In this study, the complete 15,911 bp mitochondrial genome (mitogenome) of was sequenced. To estimate the status of , all available mitogenomes of were downloaded from GenBank for phylogenetic analysis. Phylogenetic analyses showed that , , , and three sequences formed a well-supported clade with very short terminal branch lengths, indicting the relatively close evolutionary relationships of these taxa.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe species of Diaphorus Meigen from Tibet are reviewed. Previously only one species, Diaphorus xizangensis Yang & Grootaert, was known to occur in Tibet. The following three species are described as new to science: Diaphorus baheensis sp.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe genus Chrysotus Meigen is reported from Tibet for the first time. Five species are recorded. The following four species are described as new to science: Chrysotus altavaginas sp.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFYing Yong Sheng Tai Xue Bao
May 2008
An investigation was conducted on the species composition and diel rhythm of benthic macroinvertebrate's drift in two adjacent 3rd order streams in the Hengshishui River watershed of Guangdong, China. One of the streams was seriously polluted by acid mine drainage (AMD) discharged from the Guangdong Dabaoshan Mine, with a very low pH (3.45) and high contents of heavy metals that exceeded the Chinese National Standards for surface water, and the another adjacent was a clean stream.
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