Zhonghua Yu Fang Yi Xue Za Zhi
November 2013
Objective: To comprehensive evaluate the rationality of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) expenditure through the analysis of AIDS expenditure circumstances based on the application of National AIDS Spending Assessment in Dehong prefecture in 2010.
Methods: Demographic and economic indicators of Mang City, Yingjiang, Longchuan, Ruili City, Lianghe and Wanting zone in Dehong prefecture of Yunnan province were collected from the reports issued by Dehong Statistical Bureau of 2010, and HIV/AIDS epidemic indicators were collected from the annual report of national AIDS prevention and control data.NASA method was used to analyze the actual spending and demand index was used to calculate the demand of AIDS funding in these counties (cities).
Objective: To determine the incidence and risk factors of HCV infection among heroin addicts who were receiving methadone maintenance treatment(MMT)in Dehong prefecture, Yunnan province.
Methods: All heroin addicts who were HCV negative at the initiation of MMT in June 2005 through March 2012, in Dehong prefecture, were included in this cohort analysis. HCV incidence was calculated and related risk factors determined by using Cox proportional hazard regression model.
Zhonghua Yu Fang Yi Xue Za Zhi
November 2012
Objective: To calculate the actual expenditures in a county of Dehong prefecture, Yunnan province, China by using the method of National AIDS Spending Assessment (NASA) in 2010.
Methods: Data were collected through NASA data collection form based on adapted NASA classification in the county of Dehong prefecture from October to December, 2011, and complemented by semi-structured interview with 16 well trained programmatic and financial representatives in 8 spending units. Data were entered in Resource Tracking Software (RTS) V 2009.
Zhonghua Liu Xing Bing Xue Za Zhi
October 2012
Objective: To examine the mortality and risk factors among HIV-infected patients during 1989 - 2011 in Dehong prefecture, Yunnan province.
Methods: All HIV-infected patients reported during 1989 - 2011 in Dehong prefecture who held local residency were included in the study. Mortality rates and cumulative survival rates were calculated.
Zhonghua Liu Xing Bing Xue Za Zhi
September 2011
Objectives: To analyze the fatality and causes of death related to comprehensive prevention and care programs among HIV-infected patients in Dehong prefecture of Yunnan province, from 1989 to 2010.
Methods: Data on HIV/AIDS death cases in Dehong prefecture were extracted from the "Chinese National Comprehensive HIV/AIDS Prevention and Care Information System" and were analyzed.
Results: From 1989 to the end of 2010, a total of 13 493 HIV/AIDS cases registered as local residents or currently living in Dehong, had been reported.
Objective: To explore the determinants and changes of CD4(+) T cell counts among antiretroviral treatment-naive HIV/AIDS patients in Dehong prefecture, Yunnan province.
Methods: A retrospective cohort analysis was conducted on HIV-infected local residents, being reported during 1989 through May 2010, in Dehong prefecture. The patients had received at least two CD4(+) T cell counting tests before receiving the antiretroviral treatment (ART).
Zhonghua Liu Xing Bing Xue Za Zhi
December 2011
Objective: To determine the incidence and risk factors of HIV infection among heroin addicts receiving methadone maintenance treatment (MMT) in Dehong prefecture, Yunnan province.
Methods: All heroin addicts who were HIV negative at the initiation of MMT in June 2005 and through June 2011, in Dehong prefecture were included in the cohort analysis. HIV incidence was calculated and related risk factors determined by using Cox proportional hazard regression model.
Zhonghua Yu Fang Yi Xue Za Zhi
November 2011
Objective: To explore a new method for finding more HIV/AIDS.
Methods: In September 2009, newly reported HIV-infected individuals from May to August, 2009 in Dehong prefecture were asked to participate in a survey which requested demographic characteristics, history of high-risk behaviors and contact information of individuals with whom they had high risky contacts. People with risky contacts with HIV-infected cases (index cases) were also approached to participate in this survey and HIV testing was provided.
Zhonghua Liu Xing Bing Xue Za Zhi
February 2011
Objective: To determine the adherence to and its determinants of methadone maintenance treatment (MMT) among heroin addicts in Dehong prefecture in Yunnan province from 2005 to 2009.
Methods: A dynamic cohort analysis was conducted with the time of treatment initiation as the time of cohort entry, to calculate the proportion of adhering to the treatment at different time points after initiation of the treatment, and to study the determinants of adherence.
Results: A total of 3758 had been treated.
Zhonghua Liu Xing Bing Xue Za Zhi
November 2010
Objective: To determine the survival rate of HIV/AIDS patients after receiving free antiretroviral treatment in Dehong prefecture, Yunnan province.
Methods: A retrospective cohort analysis was conducted on all the HIV/AIDS patients aged over 16 years who had started antiretroviral treatment during January 2007 throughout December 2009 in Dehong prefecture.
Results: A total of 3103 HIV/AIDS patients had received antiretroviral treatment during the study period.
Objective: To determine the proportions and correlates of recent HIV infections among newly reported HIV/AIDS cases from 2005 through 2009 in Dehong prefecture, Yunnan province.
Methods: All available serum samples of newly reported HIV/AIDS cases during 2005 - 2009 period in Dehong prefecture, were tested using the BED HIV incidence capture enzyme immunoassay (BED-CEIA).
Results: A total of 9367 HIV/AIDS cases were newly reported in 2005 through 2009, of whom 7252 (77.
Zhonghua Liu Xing Bing Xue Za Zhi
September 2010
Objective: To study the HIV incidence and risk factors among sero-negative spouses of HIV patients in Dehong prefecture of Yunnan province.
Methods: A cohort of sero-negative spouses of the HIV patients had been developed and followed up since November, 2005. HIV new infections and related behaviors had been investigated every six months.
Zhonghua Liu Xing Bing Xue Za Zhi
July 2010
Zhonghua Yu Fang Yi Xue Za Zhi
August 2010
Objective: To perform cost-effectiveness analysis of interventions in female sex workers in Dehong prefecture in China, with an aim of providing evidence for rational resource allocation in female sex worker interventions in the future.
Methods: The data of expenses for female sex worker interventions in Dehong from 2005 - 2007 were obtained through questionnaire survey. Meanwhile, the data from baseline survey in 2004, from surveillance of female sex workers from 2005 through 2007 as well as from the special survey on sexual transmission in 2007 were collected.
Zhonghua Liu Xing Bing Xue Za Zhi
January 2010
Objective: To trace and provide HIV-testing among those having contacts with HIV-infected individuals at various levels in Dehong prefecture, Yunnan province and to evaluate the effectiveness and feasibility of such investigation as a supplemental strategy for HIV testing and control.
Methods: Newly reported HIV infections from August throughout October in Dehong prefecture, in 2008 were asked to provide contact information of persons whom they had high risk contacts with. Persons having had risk contacts with HIV-infected cases were here of interviewed and their blood tested on the sero-status of HIV.
Zhonghua Liu Xing Bing Xue Za Zhi
December 2009
Objective: To determine the incidence and risk factors on HIV infection among injection drug users (IDU) in Dehong prefecture area of Yunnan province.
Methods: An epidemiological cohort of HIV-negative IDU had been developed and followed since October, 2004. HIV new infections and related behaviors had been investigated every six months.
Zhonghua Yu Fang Yi Xue Za Zhi
December 2008
Objective: To uncover the transmission patterns of the HIV epidemic in Dehong prefecture.
Methods: The reviewed case reports, data of sentinel surveillance, testing and special survey were analyzed by SAS 8.0 program.
Zhonghua Yu Fang Yi Xue Za Zhi
December 2008
Objective: To investigate the current situation of the sexual transmission of HIV in Dehong prefecture, analyze the influential factors, and provide support for drafting pertinent preventive interventions in the future.
Methods: We had analyzed the data of case report from 2005 to 2007, and the prostitutes surveillance data from 2003 to 2007. A special survey was conducted from October 26 to November 7, 2007.