Publications by authors named "Ruksha Tatiana"

This review produces information about the role of protein phosphatase-6 (PPP6C) in various biological processes such as cell proliferation, cell cycle regulation, apoptosis, autophagy, cell migration and differentiation, and DNA damage repair. The issues of the participation of PPP6C in the formation of tumor progression and the role of PPP6C in the epigenetic regulation of the tumor process are covered. The article presents in detail the classification of mutations depending on the biological effects they have.

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Cancer cell drug resistance hinders significantly therapeutic modalities in oncology. Dacarbazine is chemotherapeutic agent traditionally used for melanoma treatment although it's effectiveness insufficient. In the present study we performed NGS-based transcriptomic profiling of B16 melanoma tumors after Dacarbazine treatment in vivo.

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Objective: The aim of the present study was to analyze mutations of the mast/stem cell growth factor receptor Kit (KIT) gene in patients with melanoma from Eastern Siberia regions of the Russian Federation.

Methods: KIT gene mutations in exons 11 and 13 were analyzed by Sanger sequencing in 57 tumor samples obtained from patients with KIT-positive melanomas localized in preferable locations.

Result: Mutations were identified in 21% of patients.

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Melanoma is one of the most aggressive types of malignant tumors, commonly affecting young individuals. The treatment of metastatic tumors remains obscure due to the resistance of tumor cells to drugs mediated by various mechanisms. The acquisition of a resistant phenotype is associated with both genetic and epigenetic alterations in cancer cells.

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The risk of malignant tumor development is increasing in the world. Obesity is an established risk factor for various malignancies. There are many metabolic alterations associated with obesity which promote cancerogenesis.

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Background: Melanoma is a highly heterogeneous malignant tumor that exhibits various forms of drug resistance. Recently, reversal transition of cancer cells to the G phase of the cell cycle under the influence of therapeutic drugs has been identified as an event associated with tumor dissemination. In the present study, we investigated the ability of chemotherapeutic agent dacarbazine to induce a transition of melanoma cells to the G phase as a mechanism of chemoresistance.

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The treatment of melanoma remains a challenge, despite novel approaches recently becoming available for disseminated tumors. RNA targeting is being intensively studied in various types of disease. The aim of the present study was to explore whether the in vivo use of a microRNA (miR)-204-5p inhibitor affected melanoma progression, and whether its metastasis affects target organ remodeling.

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Melanoma is highly heterogeneous type of malignant neoplasm that is responsible for the majority of deaths among other types of skin cancer. In the present study, we screened a list of differentially expressed genes in two primary, drug-naïve melanoma cell lines derived from patients with melanoma following treatment of the cells with the chemotherapeutic agent dacarbazine. The aim was to determine the transcriptomic profiles and associated alterations in the cell phenotype.

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MicroRNAs are involved in the control of tumour progression and in metastatic cascade dynamics. However, the role of microRNAs in distant organ reorganization at the premetastatic stage is less clear, although the process of premetastatic niche formation is a crucial event according to modern concepts of tumour dissemination. The role of the present study was to investigate the expression levels of miR-155, miR-21, miR-205 and miR-let7b, as well as that of their target genes, in target organs of melanoma metastasis at the premetastatic stage.

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'Dormancy', in the context of carcinogenesis, is a biological phenomenon of decreased cancer cell proliferation and metabolism. In view of their ability to remain quiescent, cancer cells are able to avoid cell death induced by chemotherapeutic agents, and thereby give rise to tumor relapse at a later stage. Being a dynamic event, the dormant state is controlled by several epigenetic mechanisms, including the action of microRNAs.

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Tumor heterogeneity affects the efficacy of anticancer treatment as tumor subclones with distinct molecular patterns may be present within one tumor, leading to differing sensitivities to chemotherapeutic agents. In the present study, six melanoma tissue fragments were obtained from different parts of tumor of four patients and then the effect of vemurafenib treatment on biological characteristics and molecular processes of cell cultures was estimated by using MTT-test, apoptosis, migration and invasion assays, PCR real time. There was different BRAF status determined between cells derived from the central and peripheral regions of primary melanoma tumors.

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Background: The tumor microenvironment is composed of cancer-associated fibroblasts, tumor-associated macrophages, endothelial cells, immune cells, signaling molecules and extracellular matrix structures, which closelycommunicate with the tumor via multiple mechanisms. MicroRNAs are paracrine regulators that provide a direct interaction between the microenvironment and cancer cells. In the presentstudy, we aimed to identify the microRNA expression profile in melanoma compared with thatin healthy adjacent skin, with a further assessment of altered microRNA signaling pathways and target genes.

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MicroRNA (miR)-204-5p was previously identified to be downregulated in melanoma compared with melanocytic nevi. This observation prompted a functional study on miR-204-5p and the newly-identified miR-3065-5p, two miRNAs suggested to be tumor-suppressive oncomiRs. Application of miR-204-5p mimics or inhibitors resulted in a decrease or increase, respectively, in melanoma cell proliferation and colony formation.

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Objective: The Melanoma Screening Day Campaign started in the Russian Federation in 2006. In the present study, we analyzed the 2015-2016 survey questionnaire data acquired from screened individuals in the city of Krasnoyarsk in eastern Siberia, which has a population of one million, in order to understand the level of awareness regarding melanoma/ skin cancer prevention and early diagnosis. Methods: Individuals were enrolled in the screening campaign by mass media advertising.

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MicroRNAs are essential regulators of various cellular processes such as cell growth, differentiation, apoptosis, and the immune response, acting as factors for translational repression and/or degradation of target messenger RNA. Currently, microRNAs are considered as promising biomarkers and therapeutic targets for different pathological conditions. Skin may serve as a convenient model for microRNA modulation studies due to the comparatively easy access to targets cells.

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Introduction: MicroRNAs are essential regulators of gene expression at the post-transcriptional level. Their expression is altered in cancer tissues, and evaluation of these alterations is considered a promising tool used to diagnose and identify prognostic markers.

Materials And Methods: The microRNA expression profiles of formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded melanoma and melanocytic nevi samples were estimated with a microarray and subsequently validated by real-time PCR.

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The melanocortin 1 receptor is a Gs protein-coupled receptor implicated in melanogenesis regulation. The receptor gene is highly polymorphic, which accounts for the association of several of its single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) with an increased risk of melanoma. The present study aimed to evaluate the distribution of melanocortin 1 receptor gene variants R151C, R160W, and D294H within the Russian population of Eastern Siberia and its association with melanoma development.

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Russian rates for melanoma incidence and mortality are relatively low as compared to some other white populations but the tumor is of increasing importance. In this paper, data are based on a retrospective descriptive analysis of melanoma epidemiology and clinicopathological characteristics in Krasnoyarsk Territory belonging to the Siberian Federal District of the Russian Federation. The age-adjusted incidence and mortality rates for the period 1996-2009 were determined with subsequent retrospective analysis of clinicopathological data of 103 primary melanoma cases.

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The 18 kDa translocator protein (TSPO) is a primarily mitochondrial protein that participates in steroid biosynthesis, cell proliferation, differentiation, apoptosis, and the regulation of mitochondrial function in general. TSPO has been implicated in carcinogenesis via its ability to transport cholesterol into mitochondria to meet the increased energy needs of tumor cells. The purpose of this study was to investigate TSPO involvement in melanoma pathogenesis.

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