The leaf beetles have important economic and ecological significance. belongs to the subfamily Galerucinae. In this study, the complete mitogenome of has been obtained by the next-generation sequencing.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: The genus is reviewed with seven species found in Pakistan: (Mulsant, 1866), Kapur, 1973, Dobzhansky, 1926, Fabricius, 1781, Linnaeus, 1758, Faldermann, 1835 and Linnaeus, 1758. Information on prey, host plants, distribution and an identification key for species in Pakistan is provided. Additionally, newly-sequenced partial COI (cytochrome-c-oxidase subunit I) for and were used to determine their phylogenetic positions within the genus .
View Article and Find Full Text PDFbutterflies have significantly advanced our understanding of biogeography, insect-plant interactions, and other fields of ecology and evolutionary biology. However, to date, little is known about the gene expression patterns related to the high-altitude adaptation of species. In this study, we obtained high-throughput RNA-seq data of 48 adult individuals covering 10 species from 12 localities in China, and deciphered their interspecific and intraspecific expression patterns based on comparative transcriptomic analyses.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFInsects harbor a remarkable diversity of gut microbiomes critical for host survival, health, and fitness, but the mechanism of this structured symbiotic community remains poorly known, especially for the insect group consisting of many closely related species that inhabit the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. Here, we firstly analyzed population-level 16S rRNA microbial dataset, comprising 11 species covering 5 subgenera, from 14 populations mostly sampled in mountainous regions across northwestern-to-southeastern China, and meanwhile clarified the relative importance of multiple factors on gut microbial community structure and evolution. Our findings indicated that both host genetics and larval host plant modulated gut microbial diversity and community structure.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFParnassius glacialis is a typical "Out of the QTP" alpine butterfly that originated on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau (QTP) and dispersed into relatively low-altitude mountainous. Here we assemble a chromosome-level genome of P. glacialis and resequence 9 populations in order to explore the genome evolution and local adaptation of this species.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe mountain butterfly is a representative species of the genus which probably originated in the high-altitude Qinhai-Tibet Plateau in the Miocene and later dispersed eastward into relatively low-altitude regions of central to eastern China. However, little is known about the molecular mechanisms underlying the long-term evolutionary adaptation to heterogeneous environmental conditions of this butterfly species. In this study, we obtained the high-throughput RNA-Seq data from twenty-four adult individuals in eight localities, covering nearly all known distributional areas in China, and firstly identified the diapause-linked gene expression pattern that is likely to correlate with local adaptation in adult populations.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIn this study, fifteen species of Motschulsky, 1860 (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Galerucinae), with spotted elytra, from China are reviewed, including one new record: (Duvivier, 1885), six new species: Xu & Yang, , Xu & Nie, , Xu & Yang, , Xu & Yang, , Xu & Yang, , Xu & Nie, , and (Chen, 1942), . is removed from genus . A key to the spotted-elytron species of from China is given as well as habitus photographs of the related species and and photographs of the aedeagus of each new species.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFArch Insect Biochem Physiol
December 2022
The family Disteniidae is a moderately large and widely distributed lineage. Distenia punctulatoides belongs to the family Disteniidae from the cerambycoid assemblage. Here, we report the complete mitogenome of D.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAmong Scarabaeidae, the phytophagous scarab lineage including Melolonthinae, Cetoniinae, Dynastinae, and Rutelinae is considered important due to its members roles as agricultural pests or pollinators. In this study, the near-complete mitochondrial genomes of seven species from six genera in the phytophagous scarab lineage were newly sequenced: Anomala russiventris (Fairmaire, 1893); Apogonia cf. basalis (Moser, 1915); Apogonia splendida (Boheman, 1858); Coenochilus striatus (Westwood, 1874); Trichogomphus mongol (Arrow, 1908); Sophrops subrugatus (Moser, 1921) and Tetraserica leishanica (Liu, Bai, Yang Ahrens, 2014).
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIn this study, five new species of the leaf-beetle genus Chevrolat, 1836 (Coleoptera, Chrysomelidae, Galerucinae) are described from China: , , , , and A key and catalogue to the 68 Chinese species of with the second and third antennomeres of equal length are given as well as photographs of the habitus and aedeagus of the new species and type habitus images of 37 known species.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: Altica (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) is a highly diverse and taxonomically challenging flea beetle genus that has been used to address questions related to host plant specialization, reproductive isolation, and ecological speciation. To further evolutionary studies in this interesting group, here we present a draft genome of a representative specialist, Altica viridicyanea, the first Alticinae genome reported thus far.
Results: The genome is 864.
Mitochondrial DNA B Resour
December 2019
A phylogenetic tree at the species level is still far off for highly diverse insect orders, including the Coleoptera, but the taxonomic breadth of public sequence databases is growing. In addition, new types of data may contribute to increasing taxon coverage, such as metagenomic shotgun sequencing for assembly of mitogenomes from bulk specimen samples. The current study explores the application of these techniques for large-scale efforts to build the tree of Coleoptera.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIn this study, the complete 17,809 bp mitochondrial genome of (F.) (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Bruchinae) was sequenced using Illumina's HiSeq2000 platform. The mitogenome is a double-stranded circular molecule of 17,809 bp in length with 21 transfer RNA genes, 13 protein-coding genes, and two ribosomal RNA genes as in other insects.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWith efficient sequencing techniques, full mitochondrial genomes are rapidly replacing other widely used markers, such as the nuclear rRNA genes, for phylogenetic analysis but their power to resolve deep levels of the tree remains controversial. We studied phylogenetic relationships of leaf beetles (Chrysomelidae) in the tribes Galerucini and Alticini (root worms and flea beetles) based on full mitochondrial genomes (103 newly sequenced), and compared their performance to the widely sequenced nuclear rRNA genes (full 18S, partial 28S). Our results show that: (i) the mitogenome is phylogenetically informative from subtribe to family level, and the per-nucleotide contribution to nodal support is higher than that of rRNA genes, (ii) the Galerucini and Alticini are reciprocally monophyletic sister groups, if the classification is adjusted to accommodate several 'problematic genera' that do not fit the dichotomy of lineages based on the presence (Alticini) or absence (Galerucini) of the jumping apparatus, and (iii) the phylogenetic results suggest a new classification system of Galerucini with eight subtribes: Oidina, Galerucina, Hylaspina, Metacyclina, Luperina, Aulacophorina, Diabroticina and Monoleptina.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFGalerucinae is a rich group of leaf beetles. A new, up-to date checklist of Galerucinae genera in the world is provided, including the number of valid species of each genus. Genera and species were counted in literature published before the end of 2016.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFDivergence in chemosensory traits has been posited as an important component of chemosensory speciation in insects. In particular, chemosensory genes expressed in the peripheral sensory neurons are likely to influence insect behaviors such as preference for food, oviposition sites, and mates. Despite their key role in insect behavior and potentially speciation, the underlying genetic basis for divergence in chemosensory traits remains largely unexplored.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFMitochondrial DNA A DNA Mapp Seq Anal
January 2017
Spiniphilus spinicornis belongs to subfamily Philinae of family Vesperidae from cerambycoid assemblage. The first complete mitogenome of Spiniphilus spinicornis was reported. The genome is 15 707 bp in length and contains the typical 37 genes that are arranged in the same order as that of the putative ancestor of beetles.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFHost shifts and subsequent adaption to novel host plants are important drivers of speciation among phytophagous insects. However, there is considerably less evidence for host plant-mediated speciation in the absence of a host shift. Here, we investigated divergence of two sympatric sister elm leaf beetles, Pyrrhalta maculicollis and P.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFChemical signals in insects have been documented to play an important role in mate recognition, and divergence in chemical signals can often cause sexual isolation between closely related species or populations within species. We investigated the role of cuticular hydrocarbons (CHCs), short distance chemical signals, in male mate recognition between the two sympatric elm leaf beetles, Pyrrhalta maculicollis and Pyrrhaltaaenescens. Mating experiments demonstrated that strong sexual isolation between the two species was driven by CHCs divergence.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThirteen species of Pyrrhalta Joannis, 1865 with black elytron are reviewed. A key to species, photographs of aedeagus and habitus are provided. Pyrrhalta qianana sp.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFShifting between unrelated host plants is relatively rare for phytophagous insects, and distinct host specificity may play crucial roles in reproductive isolation. However, the isolation status and the relationship between parental divergence and post-mating isolation among closely related sympatric specialists are still poorly understood. Here, multi-locus sequence were used to estimate the relationship among three host plant-specific closely related flea beetles, Altica cirsicola, A.
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