Publications by authors named "Ruffo A"

 In the literature, there is divergence about the relationship between anatomical variations of the turbinates and nasal septum (NS) and alterations in the maxillary sinus (MS) mucosa.  To determine, through cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) images of Brazilian individuals, the prevalence and relationship of anatomical variations of the turbinates and NS with alterations in the mucosa of the MS, as well as to analyze the relationships of these variables with demographic data.  The present cross-sectional study involved the analysis of 120 CBCT scans using the i-CAT Vision software, conducted by 2 calibrated examiners.

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Background: As recommended in the European Society for Medical Oncology (ESMO) guidelines, assessment of health-related quality of life (HRQoL) should be a relevant endpoint in randomized controlled trials (RCTs) testing new anticancer therapies. However, previous publications by our group and others revealed a frequent underestimation and underreporting of HRQoL results in publication of RCTs in oncology. Herein, we systematically reviewed HRQoL reporting in RCTs testing new treatments in advanced prostate, kidney and urothelial cancers and published between 2010 and 2022.

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Background: To evaluate the stiffness of the tunica albuginea (TA), we used a new noninvasive diagnostic technique called shear wave elastography (SWE). We determined whether SWE values are correlated with the degree of penile curvature, the time of disease onset, and pain severity experienced by patients during erection. This study analyzed the elasticity of the TA of patients with Peyronie's disease compared to that of the control group.

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Purpose: The primary objective of this study was to evaluate the testicular stiffness by ultrasound shear wave elastography (SWE) both in men with oligo-astheno-teratozospermia (OAT) and in control group. The secondary objective was to identify a possible correlation between semen quality with testicular stiffness.

Methods: This was a prospective case-control study.

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The global lockdown to mitigate COVID-19 pandemic health risks has altered human interactions with nature. Here, we report immediate impacts of changes in human activities on wildlife and environmental threats during the early lockdown months of 2020, based on 877 qualitative reports and 332 quantitative assessments from 89 different studies. Hundreds of reports of unusual species observations from around the world suggest that animals quickly responded to the reductions in human presence.

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Objective: Shear wave elastosonography (SWE) could be used to evaluate the elasticity of penile tissue. Few studies in the literature, however, have investigated its use in patients with erectile dysfunction (ED) or have attempted to correlate findings with International Index of Erectile Function (IIEF-5) scores. The primary aim of this study was to evaluate the characteristics of erectile tissue using SWE and to determine possible relationships with IIEF-5 and Erection Hardness Scale (EHS) scores.

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Background: Peyonie's disease (PD) mostly affects males in the fifth decade of life, with a prevalence in the general population ranging between 0.5% and 20.3%.

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Objective: The aim of the study is the evaluation of the efficacy and safety of the treatment with topical alprostadil (Vitaros) in post-robot assisted radical prostatectomy (RARP) rehabilitation therapy of patients with erectile dysfunction (ED).

Methods: Seventy-four patients were enrolled and underwent non-nerve-sparing RARP.

Inclusion Criteria: age <75, preoperatively International Index of Erectile Function (IIEF-5) >16, erection hardness score (EHS) ⩾2, weekly sexual intercourse ⩾1, affirmative answers to Sexual Encounter Profile Question (SEP-Q) 2 and SEP-Q3, Charlson Comorbidity Index (CCI) ⩽5, Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group (ECOG) performance status ⩽1, no moderate/severe cardiovascular disease.

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Introduction: Infertility affects 50 to 80 million (between 8 and 12% of couples). Male factor is a cause of infertility in almost half of the cases, mainly due to oligoasthenoteratozoospermia. DNA fragmentation is now considered an important factor in the aetiology of male infertility.

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Unlabelled: The primary goal in the management strategy of a patient with ED would be to determine its etiology and cure it when possible, and not just to treat the symptoms alone. One of the new therapeutic strategies is the use of low intensity extracorporeal shockwave (LISW) therapy. The mechanism of shockwave therapy is not completely clear.

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Introduction: Varicocele is the main cause of infertility in male and the most correctable cause of it too. In this study, we present our experience on 34 patients affected by bilateral varicocele and other scrotal comorbidities treated underwent surgery with a scrotal access.

Materials And Methods: 34 patients were enrolled with clinical palpable and infraclinical (ultrasonic doppler scanning) bilateral varicocele and other comorbidities like right hydrocele, left hydrocele, bilateral hydrocele, and epididymal cyst.

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Objective: A precise characterization of erectile dysfunction (ED) of vascular origin has not yet been achieved, although cavernous peak systolic velocity (PSV) is generally considered a major parameter. Nevertheless the penile dynamic color Doppler is invasive and linked to several complications. The intima-media thicknesses (IMT) of cavernosal artery would add to the predictive value of vasculogenic ED risk and outcomes.

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Background: The open Burch colposuspension, first described in 1961 had been widely employed for the surgical treatment of women with stress urinary incontinence (SUI) caused by urethral hypermobility. We evaluated the long-term efficacy of laparoscopic Burch colposuspension (LBC) for SUI in women.

Methods: A randomized prospective trial was conducted from September 2010 to January 2013.

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Background: Bladder exstrophy occurs in approximately 1 in 35,000 live births and is associated with an increased incidence of bladder cancer.

Case Presentation: A 55-year old male patient was diagnosed with a primary mucinous adenocarcinoma of an unreconstructed exstrophic bladder. Examination of the entire gastrointestinal tract shown there were not other primary cites.

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Background: Benign prostatic hyperplasia is a frequent disease among elderly, and is responsible for considerable disability. Benign prostatic hyperplasia can be clinically significant due to lower urinary tract symptoms that take place because the gland is enlarged and obstructs urine flow. Transurethral resection of the prostate remains the gold standard treatment for patients with moderate or severe symptoms who need active treatment or who either fail or do not want medical therapy.

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Introduction: The objective of this work is to compare the effectiveness of hormonal treatment (luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone agonists and/or antiandrogens) as an early or as a deferred intervention for patients with locally advanced prostate cancer (LAPC) and/or asymptomatic metastasis.

Materials And Methods: Systematic review of trials published in 1950-2007. Sources included MEDLINE and bibliographies of retrieved articles.

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Background: Peyronie's disease is an acquired connective tissue disorder of the penile tunica albuginea with fibrosis and inflammation. The disease produces palpable plaques, penile curvature and pain during erections. Patients report negative effects in four major domains: physical appearance and self-image, sexual function and performance.

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Introduction: We studied the possible correlation between age, testosterone deficiency, cavernosal fibrosis and erectile dysfunction (ED).

Methods: 47 patients with ED were enrolled between September 2010 and October 2011. IIEF-EF score, NPTR test using the Rigiscan method, total and free testosterone levels, and cavernosum biopsy were carried out on all patients.

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Background: Reduced libido is widely considered the most prominent symptomatic reflection of low testosterone (T) levels in men. Testosterone deficiency (TD) afflicts approximately 30% of men aged 40-79 years. This study seeks to evaluate the effect of a new natural compound "tradamixina "in order to improve male sexual function in elderly men, particularly libido and possible erectile dysfunction, versus administration of tadalafil 5 mg daily.

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Background: Lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS) are associated with great emotional costs to individuals and substantial economic costs to society. This study seeks to evaluate the effect of a new natural compound "Tradamixina plus Serenoa Repens" in order to improve lower urinary tract symptoms.

Methods: 100 patients (≥ 45 years) who had had LUTS/BPH for >6 mo at screening and with IPSS -The international Prostate symptom scores- ≥ 13 and maximum urinary flow rate (Qmax) ≥ 4 to ≤ 15 ml/s.

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Background: Over the past years laser technology has played a predominant role in prostate surgery, for the treatment of benign prostate hypertrophy (BPH). Various laser devices have been introduced in clinical practice, showing good results in terms of complications and urodynamic outcomes efficacy compared with TURP and Open Prostatectomy.In this study we describe the efficacy and the safety profile of a novel laser technique, ThuLEP (Thulium Laser Enucleation of Prostate) that permits a complete anatomical endoscopic enucleation of prostatic adenoma independently to prostate size.

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Giant cell tumor of bone (GCTB) is a very rare neoplasm of the skeleton (about one new case per million population per year). In literature there is a great confusion about GCTB. The majority of authors think that GCTB is a benign locally aggressive tumor, others think that this is a malignant neoplasm and some authors think that GCTB is a reactive condition.

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