Publications by authors named "Rovelli F"

Despite the great number of experimental investigations in the area of psycho-neuro-endocrine-immunology showing that endocrine, nervous, and immune systems cannot be in vivo physiologically separated, the diagnosis and therapies of the pathologies of these three functional biological systems continue to be separately performed from a clinical practice point of view. The separation between experimental and clinical medicine became dramatic after the discovery of more than 10 human molecules provided by anti-inflammatory and antitumor activity, completely devoid of any toxicity, which may be subdivided into three fundamental classes, consisting of the pineal indole, beta-carboline, and methoxy-kynuramine hormones. Moreover, human systemic diseases, including cancer, autoimmunity, and cardiovascular pathologies, despite their different pathogenesis and symptomatology, are commonly characterized by a progressive decline in the endogenous production of pineal hormones, endocannabinoids, and Ang 1-7, with a consequent inflammatory status and diminished natural resistance against cancer.

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The clinical management of patients affected by systemic diseases, including cancer and autoimmune diseases, is generally founded on the evaluation of the only markers related to the single disease rather than the biological immuno-inflammatory response of patients, despite the fundamental role of cytokine network in the pathogenesis of cancer and autoimmunity is well known. Cancer progression has appeared to be associated with a progressive decline in the blood levels of the main antitumor cytokines, including IL-2 and IL-12, in association with an increase in those of inflammatory cytokines, including IL-6, TNF-alpha, and IL-1-beta, and immunosuppressive cytokines, namely TGF-beta and IL-10. On the other hand, the severity of the autoimmune diseases has been proven to be greater in the presence of high blood levels of IL-17, TNF-alpha, IL-6, IL-1-beta, IFN-gamma, and IL-18, in association with low levels of TGF-beta and IL-10.

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Background: Data from routine clinical practice are needed to further define the efficacy and safety of biologic medications in children with juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA). The aim of this analysis was to investigate the disease status, reasons for discontinuation and adverse events in Italian JIA patients treated with etanercept (ETN).

Methods: In 2013, all centers of the Italian Pediatric Rheumatology Study Group were asked to make a census of patients given ETN after January 2000.

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Objective: The aim of this study was to assess whether the effectiveness of bisphosphonate infusion in patients with complex regional pain syndrome type I (CRPS-I) is influenced by variables related to patient and/or disease characteristics.

Methods: This is a retrospective analysis of patients referred in the last five years to our rheumatologic tertiary care center, all fulfilling the Budapest CRPS-I diagnostic criteria and treated with three different bisphosphonate schedules (clodronate, pamidronate, and neridronate). For every subject, demographic and clinical variables were retrieved and retrospectively analyzed.

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The clinical spectrum of the anti-phospholipid syndrome (APS) is not limited to vascular thrombosis or miscarriages but includes additional manifestations that cannot be explained solely by a thrombophilic state. Anti-cardiolipin, anti-beta₂ glycoprotein I (anti-β₂GPI) and lupus anticoagulant (LA) assays are not only the formal diagnostic and classification laboratory tools but also parameters to stratify the risk to develop the clinical manifestations of the syndrome. In particular, anti-β₂GPI antibodies reacting with an immunodominant epitope on domain I of the molecule were reported as the prevalent specificity in APS patients, correlating with a more aggressive clinical picture.

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Aging and advanced cancer are characterized by similar neuroendocrine and immune deficiencies; the most important of them consist of diminished nocturnal production of the pineal hormone melatonin (MLT) and decreased production of IL-2. At present, however, it is known that the pineal gland may produce indole hormones other than MLT. The most investigated of them is represented by 5-methoxy-tryptamine (5-MTT), which may exert antitumor, anticachectic, and immunomodulating effects under experimental conditions, in addition to those effects produced by MLT itself.

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Thanks to the discoveries of psychoneuroendocrinoimmunology, we now know that every psychological state is mediated by a specific neurochemical condition and every neurochemical change in turn influences psychological status. We can now identify three different levels of neurochemical mediation of the psychological states: neurotransmission, neuromodulation, and the psychoneuromodulation. Neurotransmission is composed of five main neural pathways, noradrenaline, acetylcholine, dopamine, serotonin, and histamine; neuromodulation; and the psychoneuromodulation.

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Recent advances in the knowledge of the mechanisms responsible for antitumor immunity have stimulated the elaboration of new cancer immunotherapeutic strategies. Moreover, more recent discoveries have demonstrated that immune responses are under a physiological modulatory control played by several neuroendocrine pathways, which explain the differences between the in vivo and in vitro immune responses. While until a few years ago the evaluation of the immune status of cancer patients was substantially established on the basis of clinical empirical criteria, recent discoveries of the antitumor cytokine network have allowed the biochemical bases of anticancer immunity to be defined, leading to new anticancer immunotherapeutic strategies, on the basis of patient neuroendocrine and neuroimmune status, in an attempt to correct the great number of cancer-related alterations on the basis of knowledge of the physiopathology of anticancer immunity.

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Seborrheic dermatitis is a chronic relapsing inflammatory skin condition characterized by scaling and poorly defined erythematous patches in areas rich in sebaceous glands. It is one of the most frequent skin disorders and may be socially embarrassing. Fungi of the genus Malassezia, lipid-dependent, ubiquitous skin residents, play a pathogenic role.

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Background: At present, it is known that cancer-related immunosuppression would mainly depend on an immunosuppressive action mediated by a subtype of CD4+ lymphocytes, the so-called regulatory T lymphocytes (T-reg), which are identified as CD4+CD25+ cells. Moreover, it has been shown that anticancer immunity is under psychoneuroendocrine regulation, mainly mediated by the pineal hormone melatonin (MLT). This study was performed to investigate the in vivo and in vitro effects of MLT on T-reg generation.

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Background: Cancer progression has been associated with neuroendocrine alterations involved in the control of the circadian rhythms, particularly those of cortisol. Moreover, the evidence of an altered cortisol rhythm may predict a poor prognosis in cancer patients. Finally, cancer progression has been proven to be associated with alterations in the pineal gland, which plays a fundamental role in the control of circadian biological rhythms.

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Background: Node involvement, negative estrogen receptor (ER) and HER2 expression are the main negative prognostic factors for breast cancer. Prolactin (PRL) is involved in the control of breast cancer growth and differentiation. Surgery-induced hyperprolactinemia seems to be a positive prognostic factor for operable breast cancer, whereas high PRL levels may predict a poor prognosis in women with metastatic breast cancer.

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Background: Several clinical studies have clearly demonstrated that the immune status is one a major prognostic factor for the survival time in cancer patients. However the main clinical problem is to identify the most prognostically important index within the great number of immune parameters. Recently the evaluation of regulatory T (T-reg) (CD4CD25) lymphocyte count and function with respect to the T helper (TH) (CD4) number has been shown to represent the main immune parameters capable of representing the functional status of the anticancer immunity in cancer patients.

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Background: The recent advances in the analysis of tumor immunobiology suggest the possibility of biologically manipulating the efficacy and toxicity of cancer chemotherapy by endogenous or exogenous immunomodulating substances. Aloe is one of the of the most important plants exhibiting anticancer activity and its antineoplastic property is due to at least three different mechanisms, based on antiproliferative, immunostimulatory and antioxidant effects. The antiproliferative action is determined by anthracenic and antraquinonic molecules, while the immunostimulating activity is mainly due to acemannan.

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Background: The pituitary hormone prolactin (PRL) may be a potential growth factor for breast cancer. High blood levels of PRL are associated with a poor prognosis in metastatic breast cancer whereas hyperprolactinemia after breast surgery may predict a better prognosis in women with operable breast cancer. The lack of postoperative hyperprolactinemia would represent the consequence of an alteration in the neuroendocrine control of breast cell proliferation.

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Background: The evaluation of the immune status of cancer patients is not routinely included in clinical oncological practice mainly because of the great number of candidate immune parameters that could potentially be the best index of the status of anticancer immunity. Until recently, the T-helper/T-suppressor lymphocyte ratio (CD4/CD8) was considered to be an index of immunosuppression in cancer patients. Successive studies documented the existence of several subtypes of CD4+ lymphocytes, as well as showing that CD8+ cells were not in fact suppressive, but cytotoxic lymphocytes.

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Background: The recent advances in the psychooncological and psychoneuroimmunological investigations of cancer patients has allowed the rediscovery of the importance of spiritual faith in influencing the clinical course of neoplastic disease, not only in terms of supportive care but also as a potential prognostic variable.

Materials And Methods: Clinical criteria were worked out to explore the existence of a real status of faith, in an attempt to correlate the degree of faith with the clinical response to chemotherapy, consisting of cisplatin plus gemcitabine, and the overall survival time in a group of 50 metastatic nonsmall cell lung cancer patients.

Results: The tumor response rate achieved in patients with a high degree of faith was significantly higher than in the other group of patients.

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Background: Lymphocytopenia represents one of the most evident side-effects of radiotherapy (RT), particularly in the case of irradiation of pelvis, since it is the main location of bone-marrow proliferating cells in adults. Because of the fundamental role of lymphocytes in suppressing anticancer immunity, RT-induced lymphocytopenia could negatively influence the prognosis of cancer patients and the therapeutic efficacy of RT itself. In experimental conditions, the biological toxicity of irradiation appeared to be reduced by antioxidant agents, such as pineal hormones melatonin.

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Background: Anticancer immunity is under psychoneuroendocrine regulation, mainly via the pineal gland and brain opioid system, which may stimulate and inhibit antitumor immunity respectively. Cancer-related immuno-suppression does not depend only on functional damage of immune cells, but also on alterations of systems responsible for the neuroimmunomodulation, the most frequent of wich is a decline in blood levels of the pineal hormone melatonin (MLT).

Patients And Methods: A study was performed to evaluate the influence of an exogenous administration of MLT alone or MLT plus subcutaneous (SC) low-dose interleukin-2 on tumor progression and survival time in patients with untreatable metastatic solid tumors.

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The recent advances in the investigation of tumor immunobiology have suggested that cancer chemotherapy, in addition to its well known cytotoxic activity, may play modulatory effects on the endogenous production of cytokines involved in the control of both tumor angiogenesis and antitumor immunity. Cancer chemotherapy constantly acts with inhibitory effects on anti-bacterial, anti-viral and anti- mycotic immune responses, whereas its action on anticancer immunity, which is mainly mediated by lymphocytes, has still to be better investigated and defined. The present study was carried out to evaluate the influence of chemotherapy on lymphocyte count and its relation to the clinical response in cancer patients suffering from the most commonly frequent tumor histotypes, including lung, colorectal, breast and prostate carcinomas.

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Background: Cancer progression depend on the immune and endocrine status of the patients. In particular, it has been observed that abnormally high levels of cortisol and/or an altered circadian secretion are associated with a poor prognosis in advanced cancer patients. The present study was performed to establish whether cancer-induced hypercortisolemia depends on an activation of the hypothalamic-pituitary axis or on a direct adrenal stimulation by inflammatory cytokines, such as IL-6, which have been proven to induce cortisol secretion.

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Preliminary clinical studies would suggest that the immune alterations characterizing severe human illnesses, such as autoimmune diseases and cancer itself, may depend at least in part on an anomalous psychoneuroendocrine regulation of the immunity. Unfortunately, at present the psychoneuroimmune interactions may be clinically investigated only by separately analyzing the neuroendocrine and the immune systems, since there is no standardized clinical test capable of detecting the physiological response of the endocrine secretion to an immune stimulation. One of the main endocrine functions influenced by the immune activation is the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis.

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The evaluation of the biological status of cancer patients should not be limited only to investigation of immune reactivity, but should also include analysis of the endocrine condition, namely concerning those hormones which have appeared to be tumor growth factors, such as prolactin (PRL) for breast and prostate carcinomas. This statement is justified by the fact that the evidence of abnormally high serum concentrations of PRL has been proven to be associated with poor prognosis in breast and prostate cancer patients. Moreover, since hyperprolactinemia negatively influences the efficacy of anticancer therapies in breast cancer, it could be fundamental to achieve a normalization of PRL levels by long-acting dopaminergic agents, such as cabergoline.

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