Publications by authors named "Rouf M"

From 1954 to 1983, a vermiculite processing facility operated near the Honolulu airport and processed raw material from the Libby, Montana mine, which is now well known for the high asbestos content of its clay deposits. The factory was closed in 1983 due to health hazard concerns, and remediation was performed in 2001 as part of the Libby mine superfund project. However, because of close proximity of the closed-down facility to residential areas of metropolitan Honolulu, some concerns remain regarding the possible environmental persistence of the harmful contaminant.

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Consumers' growing interest in using foods that improve health has motivated researchers and the food industry to develop new functional products, such as foods containing probiotics or live microbes. Probiotics have functional attributes that could satisfy most basic nutritional and therapeutic supplementation requirements. These microbes positively respond to clinical therapies against diseases and illnesses such as rotavirus-associated diarrhea, irritable bowel syndrome, and food allergies.

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Vertical profile of dissolved oxygen (DO) and associated water variables were measured in the head of the Pasur-Rupsha estuary of Bangladesh. Water samples were collected from two stations at 0.60 m depth intervals during high and low tides from July, 2016 to January, 2017.

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Increasingly prevalent respiratory infectious diseases (e.g., COVID-19) have posed severe threats to public health.

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Genetic compensation is a remarkable biological concept to explain the genetic robustness in an organism to maintain its fitness and viability if there is a disruption occurred in the genetic variation by mutation. However, the underlying mechanism in genetic compensation remain unsolvable. The initial concept of genetic compensation has been studied in model organisms when there was a discrepancy between knockout-mediated and knockdown-mediated phenotypes.

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The differentiation of lymphatic progenitors is a crucial step in lymphangiogenesis. However, its underlying mechanism remains unclear. Here, we found that noncanonical protease-activated receptor 1 () regulates the differentiation of lymphatic progenitors in zebrafish embryos.

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Background: Nephron sparing surgery is a well-established surgical procedure for patients with small/bilateral renal masses. During the procedure, hilar control can be achieved by using bulldog clamps individually on the renal vessels, the renal artery alone without clamping the vein, or a laparoscopic Satinsky clamp for en bloc hilar clamping. In our series, we described the outcome of laparoscopic nephron sparing surgery using a Satinsky clamp for hilar control.

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Background: To assess the treatment outcome and overall efficacy of the novel technique of a in comparison to the standard trans-obturator tape (TOT-O) mid-urethral sling for female stress urinary incontinence (SUI).

Materials And Methods: The study included 206 female SUI patients managed at our institution between March 2015 and December 2019. The patients were randomly distributed into 2 comparable groups (Group A as TOT-O and Group B as TVSS) with respect to age, trouble due to SUI assessed with respect to degree of incontinence (number of episodes and diapers used per day), and body mass index (≤40 kg/m), with 100 patients in the TOT-O group as group A and 106 patients in TVSS as group B.

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Recent studies have focused on capillary pruning in various organs and species. However, the way in which large-diameter vessels are pruned remains unclear. Here we show that pruning of the zebrafish caudal vein (CV) from ventral capillaries of the CV plexus in different transgenic embryos is driven by endothelial cell (EC) rearrangement, which involves EC nucleus migration, junction remodeling, and actin cytoskeleton remodeling.

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Arteriovenous malformations are congenital vascular lesions characterized by a direct and tangled connection between arteries and veins, which disrupts oxygen circulation and normal blood flow. Arteriovenous malformations often occur in the patient with hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia. The attempts to elucidate the causative factors and pathogenic mechanisms of arteriovenous malformations are now still in progress.

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Objective: To study the after robot assisted radical prostatectomy (RARP).

Materials And Methods: The study included 206 patients of organ confined prostate cancer managed at our centre between March 2014 and December 2018.The patients were randomly distributed into two comparable groups with respect to age, height, weight and BMI, with 100 patients in control and 106 patients in study group.

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Population parameters of orange mud crab () were estimated, aiming to determine sex ratios, carapace width-body weight (CW-BW) relationships, asymptotic width (CW), growth coefficient (K), mortality (Z, M, and F), recruitment and level of exploitation (E) in the Sundarban mangrove forest, located in the south-western part of Bangladesh. Year-round samples were collected using hook-lines and baited traps, the population parameters were measured from CW frequency data using FiSAT-II analyzer. The study showed that the overall male and female sex ratio was 1:0.

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Recently mud crab () has emerged as a potential export commodity. Its farming is increasing rapidly in Bangladesh because of its lucrative price and high demand in international market. However, the farming or fattening of mud crab is totally dependent on capture of wild crablets.

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Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary disease (COPD) is a heterogenous respiratory disease characterized by a progressive, not fully reversible airflow limitation associated with an abnormal inflammatory response of the lung to noxious stimuli. It is a disease presenting with pulmonary inflammation as well as a systemic one. Measurement of inflammatory marker is difficult but platelet count estimation is easy and less costly.

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Stroke is leading cause of death world wide, after coronary artery disease and cancer. A high proportion of patients suffering from an acute stress such as stroke or myocardial infarction may develop hyperglycemia, even in the absence of a preexisting diagnosis of diabetes. An observational comparative study was carried out at the Department of Neurology and Medicine, Mymensingh Medical College, Mymensingh, Bangladesh from July 2011 to June 2013 among purposively selected ninety-three patients with a view to assess the outcome of stress hyperglycemia on acute stroke.

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Background: Undernutrition is common and has been recognized as a public health problem in Bangladesh. It has devastating effects on any population as it increases morbidity children and reduces the quality of life of all affected. The study was done with the objective to assess the undernutrition and morbidity profile in children who have completed exclusive breastfeeding.

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Stroke is one of the leading causes of death and disability in developed as well as developing countries like Bangladesh. There is a crucial need to identify additional risk factors that are easily measurable and treatable in general population. Role of serum lipids, lipoproteins and lipoprotein related variables in the prediction of stroke is less clear.

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Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is an international health problem affecting 5-10% of the world population. Patients with chronic kidney disease were known to have higher prevalence of changes in serum calcium, phosphate and parathyroid hormone in Western countries, but data on the impact of CKD on serum calcium, phosphate and parathyroid hormone in our country are scarce. This cross-sectional type of descriptive study was conducted in the Department of Medicine, Mymensingh Medical College Hospital, Mymensingh, Bangladesh from March 2016 to September 2016.

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Myocardial Infarction is a major cause of death and disability worldwide. The incidence of coronary heart disease is high and second most cause of death after cancer. This prospective study conducted on 100 patients admitted with first attack of acute myocardial infarction in the department of Cardiology in Mymensingh Medical College Hospital, Mymensingh, Bangladesh from July 2012 to June 2013 who were observed 3 to 8 days of hospital stay without doing further echocardiography and evaluated the relationship between echocardiographic wall motion score index (WMSI) assessed within 24 hours of admission and in-hospital outcomes.

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Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is defined as symptoms or complications associated with regurgitation from the stomach and/or the duodenum to the esophagus. Patients with type II diabetes mellitus (DM) were known to have higher prevalence of GERD in the Western countries, but data on the impact of GERD on DM patients in our country are scarce. The aim of this cross-sectional study was to evaluate the presence of GERD in type II DM patients admitted at the Department of Medicine, Mymensingh Medical College Hospital, Mymensingh, Bangladesh from April 2015 to September 2015.

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Cirrhosis has many complications regardless of the aetiology. Complications include splenomegaly, ascites, hepatic encephalopathy, spontaneous bacterial peritonitis, hepatorenal syndrome and hepatocellular carcinoma and also linked to abnormalities in the endocrine system, including abnormal sex hormone metabolism, thyroid disease, osteoporosis, and, most recently identified, adrenal insufficiency. This prospective cohort study was done to evaluate the impact of adrenocortical insufficiency on clinical parameters in haemodynamically stable cirrhotic patients with ascites and had been performed at the inpatient of GHPD Department, BIRDEM, Dhaka, Bangladesh from April 2011 to March 2012.

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Cirrhosis has many complications regardless of the aetiology. Among them, adrenal insufficiency is recently identified entity. A prospective cohort study was done to evaluate the biochemical impact of adrenocortical insufficiency in haemodynamically stable, non-septic, cirrhotic patients with ascites and had been performed at the inpatient of GHPD department, BIRDEM, Dhaka from April 2011 to March 2012.

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Taxonomy of mud crabs genus Scylla has been misidentified for several years due to their high morphological plasticity. Several reports concerning mud crab have been published with misleading identification in Bangladesh. In this study, partial fragments of nuclear and mitochondrial DNA of Scylla species obtained from four locations along the Bangladesh coast were used to resolve taxonomical ambiguity of mud crab species.

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Retinopathy remains an important complication of diabetes. This work was carried out to evaluate the protective effects of genistein from diabetic retinopathy in rat. Fifteen adult male albino rats were divided into two groups; Group I: control (n = 5) and Group II: streptozotocin induced diabetic group (n = 10), which is equally divided into two subgroups; IIa (diabetic vehicle control) and IIb (diabetic genistein-treated).

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