Publications by authors named "Rouache L"

Introduction: Urology has long remained the least feminized specialty. The objective of this study was to assess the demographic characteristics of female urologists and their feelings in terms of discrimination.

Material: The survey consisted of a questionnaire of 12 questions, sent by mailing to all female urologists, a first time in May 2016 (n=84), then a second time in January 2020 (n=98).

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Aims: To evaluate the feasibility, the efficiency, the results of continent cystostomy in adult population.

Material And Methods: Retrospective study of patients who underwent a continent cystostomy between 1987 and 2011.

Results: Forty-three patients underwent a continent cystostomy (13 men and 30 women).

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Objectives: To assess the burn-out syndrome in the population of urologists in training.

Material And Methods: A trans-sectional study was carried out among the French urologists in training association (AFUF) members. A questionnaire including the Maslach Burnout Inventory and questions on the age, gender, professional and familial status, working time and hobbies was emailed.

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Introduction: Rectourethral fistulae are predominantly of iatrogenous origin. They alter the patient's quality of life and are difficult to manage from a medical standpoint.

Patients And Methods: The major series of patients of the last 20 years have been analyzed, in order to define the best management of rectourethral fistulae.

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Purpose: To evaluate the accessibility of the fellowship for the residents of Urology expecting to accomplish their residentship between November 2010 and 2013.

Patients: Between November 2010 and January 2011, all the residents ongoing for the residentship of Urology in France were reached by an electronic mailing using the AFUF register. A questionnaire reported all the residents expecting to accomplish their residentship between November 2010 and 2013, and the number and the expected availability of fellow and specialist assistant posts during the same period.

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Objectives: To evaluate the interest borne towards neuro-urology within the community of the urology residents.

Materials And Methods: Between January and May 2009, all urology residents received an anonymous questionnaire by e-mail estimating their interest for neuro-urology. The analyzed data were: epidemiologic data; participation in theoretical learning and training courses practices; interest and investment in the speciality; opinion on the current formation.

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Objective: To evaluate the interest carried in andrology within the community of the urology residents.

Material And Methods: Between June and October 2008, all urology residents received an anonymous questionnaire by e-mail estimating their interest for andrology. The following elements were reported: age, sex, current status, future activity, participation in theoretical learning and training courses practices, interest for the speciality and the opinion on the current formation.

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Purpose: The objective was to identify the number of residents registered in the course of urology in France in 2008, and to make a forecast in the number of posts of fellow and specialist assistant available at the end of their course.

Material: From January to February 2008, a questionnaire identified in all French University Hospital the number of residents enrolled in the urology course, and the number of posts of fellow and specialist assistant in urology in the region. The year of the end of the course has been determined for each resident in compliance with seniority, and taking into account the availability.

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Introduction: The management of congenital urological malformations is sometimes complex and may require urinary diversion. Cystectomy is usually performed, but sometimes the bladder is left in place due to the presence of a pelvic cloaca and the morbidity related to this type of surgery.

Material: The authors report three cases of patients treated by urinary diversion for a congenital malformation without primary resection of the bladder

Results: In the absence of any infectious complications, bladder carcinoma on an excluded native bladder was diagnosed at the age of 3 years, 4 years and 38 years, respectively.

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