Publications by authors named "Rossana Cecchi"

Processing a photo aimed at the aging of the person depicted is a delicate process. The technique performed in these cases, i.e.

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Synthetic opioids are lab-synthesized substances that target the brain's opioid receptors, offering analgesic and sedative effects. Amongst them, fentanyl is one of the most widely used to intervene in chronic pain in moderate to severe cancer situations. Butyryl fentanyl (BF) is a novel synthetic opioid whose use is growing.

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Introduction: The overall trend in the use of licit and illicit substances is increasing. However, a few data on socio-demographic and toxicological findings in post-mortem cases are available.

Methods: A retrospective study was conducted on autoptic cases evaluated in the Institute of Legal Medicine of the cities of Modena and Reggio Emilia in the period 2017-2022.

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Waterhouse-Friderichsen Syndrome (WFS) is a rare but life-threatening condition characterized by massive adrenal hemorrhage. WFS represents one of the features of the Overwhelming Post-Splenectomy Infection, which occurs any time after spleen removal and is recognized as the most serious complication in asplenic patients. We report a fatal case of WFS resulting from Streptococcus pneumoniae infection in a vaccinated and splenectomized patient.

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In case of severely burned bodies, victim identification by visual or fingerprints recognition is often prevented by altered body conditions. To overcome these circumstances, different techniques are available. Among these, the most reliable is molecular identification, especially in cases of detached body parts.

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This is the first episode of a series of four discussions on the differences between males and females, in apparently non-andrological fields. You will read the transcript of discussions that actually took place at the Endocrinology Unit in Modena, Italy, in the form of the aporetic dialogues of ancient Greece. In this episode, the role of testosterone in gender differences in criminal behavior will be explored.

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  • The study of drug characterization began in 1948, mainly to trace the origins of opium, and has since evolved into various methods including geo-profiling and chemical attribution signatures (CAS) for substances like fentanyl.
  • Forensic profiling has expanded to include different analytical techniques and products, focusing on the chemical properties and origins of both natural and synthetic drugs, which aids in tactical and strategic intelligence in law enforcement.
  • The future of forensic profiling faces challenges due to organized crime, but advanced techniques like chemometrics and isotope ratio analysis provide critical support in combating illegal drug production and enhancing public health safety.
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Purpose: Individuals with Down syndrome (DS) show growth trajectories which deviate from standard ones due to variations in the growth of facial structures. Studying the effect of aging on the faces of DS individuals is necessary to obtain an accurate result through age progression, a technique based on the study of physiognomic features and used in cases of missing persons. Here we present scientific publications that delve into the rhythms of aging and morphological characteristics of facial features in DS individuals to enable appropriate age progression in cases of missing DS individuals.

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Postmortem interval (PMI) is a challenging issue in forensic practice. Although postmortem biomarkers of traumatic brain injury (TBI) are recognised as an emerging resource for PMI estimation, their role remains controversial. This study aims to evaluate postmortem concentrations of three TBI biomarkers (GFAP, NSE and S100B) in two matrices (cerebrospinal fluid and vitreous humor), in order to find out if these markers could be adopted in PMI estimation.

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Introduction: The postmortem diagnosis of acute myocardial ischemia (AMI) represents a challenging issue in forensic practice. Immunohistochemical studies and gene expression studies are becoming a promising field of research in forensic pathology. The present study aims to evaluate HIF-1α expression through immunohistochemistry (IHC), and mRNA-210 level using real-time polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR), in order to define if HIF-1α and mRNA-210 in post-mortem myocardium could be adopted in the diagnosis of AMI.

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The importance of non-human DNA in the forensic field has increased greatly in recent years, together with the type of applications. The molecular species identification of animal and botanical material may be crucial both for wildlife trafficking and crime scene investigation. However, especially for forensic botany, several challenges slow down the implementation of the discipline in the routine.

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Facial reproduction validation uses the methodology typical of forensic anthropology to confirm the accuracy of three-dimensional reproductions of faces. Achieving high accuracy in virtual facial reproductions is still under study. In the present paper, the Tenchini collection, which contains wax reproductions of prisoners' faces and their skulls, was used.

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Matrix metalloproteinase-9 (MMP-9) is involved in tissue remodeling and in skin wound healing. The present study focuses on the MMP-9 expression in epidermal wound healing within 1 h after injury, to test whether MMP-9 can be used to estimate the time of injury in forensic practice.A sample consisting of 5 individuals undergoing surgery was analyzed.

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  • The European Council of Legal Medicine (ECLM), established in 1992, represents forensic and legal medicine practitioners across 34 member countries and aims to assess and improve undergraduate forensic medicine training in these nations.
  • A study was conducted through a detailed questionnaire, which received responses from 21 of the 33 contacted countries, revealing a strong focus on teaching forensic medicine, with notable exceptions in Belgium and the UK.
  • The survey results will serve as a foundation for creating harmonized guidelines for undergraduate forensic medicine education, enabling the ECLM to form a working group that tailors a modern core curriculum to fit the needs and resources of each member country.
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Unlabelled: The human gut microbiota is a dynamic community of microorganisms that undergo variable changes over the entire life span. To thoroughly investigate the possible fluctuations of the microbiota throughout human life, we performed a pooled analysis of healthy fecal samples across different age groups covering the entire human life span. Our study integrated data from 79 publicly available studies and new stool samples from an Italian cohort, i.

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The age progression technique allows to update identification photos of individuals who have been missing for years. This method is based on the study of the facial variation and on the dynamics of facial growth. Knowledge about changes in the distribution of facial fat and the tone of the cartilage allows realistic predictions of the facial appearance after many years.

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The application of age progression to the search for missing persons demonstrates its usefulness in being able to reconstruct the aged face based on the current age of a person who has been missing for many years. Age progression takes into account facial physiognomic elements and their changes over time. Based on these premises, the present study aims to investigate the evolution of somatic features, from childhood to adulthood, of one of the authors' father using photos at different ages of him.

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The possibility of using epigenetics in forensic investigation has gradually risen over the last few years. Epigenetic changes with their dynamic nature can either be inherited or accumulated throughout a lifetime and be reversible, prompting investigation of their use across various fields. In forensic sciences, multiple applications have been proposed, such as the discrimination of monozygotic twins, identifying the source of a biological trace left at a crime scene, age prediction, determination of body fluids and tissues, human behavior association, wound healing progression, and determination of the post-mortem interval (PMI).

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Technology has greatly influenced and radically changed human life, from communication to creativity and from productivity to entertainment. The authors, starting from considerations concerning the implementation of new technologies with a strong impact on people's everyday lives, take up Collingridge's dilemma and relate it to the application of AI in healthcare. Collingridge's dilemma is an ethical and epistemological problem concerning the relationship between technology and society which involves two approaches.

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Introduction: Criminal responsibility evaluation represents one of the most controversial and debated issues in forensic psychiatry. Although clear procedures have been recommended, little research exists on decision-making process by forensic psychiatrists. We present a case assessing the criminal responsibility of a murderer who committed femicide as a result of chloroform poisoning and suffocation after a drug-facilitated sexual assault.

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A shared definition of femicide would help to distinguish it from the murder of a woman and understand its root causes favoring prevention. We conducted a Systematic Literature Review (SLR) to assess how (and if) femicide cases were related to mental disorders. Articles papers that explicitly define or discuss femicides or articles that, albeit not expressly mention femicides, thoroughly compare generic homicides and homicides with female victims.

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  • * A study involving students from three universities evaluated their alcohol consumption through questionnaires and a scientific method (hEtG analysis), finding that 77.1% of samples either tested negative for alcohol metabolites or showed very low levels, suggesting minimal chronic excessive drinking.
  • * The research revealed low self-reported abstinence from alcohol (only 2.8%) compared to higher rates for tobacco (65.3%) and coffee (16.7%), indicating a potential opportunity for public health initiatives to promote responsible drinking habits among students.
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The on-site inspection of the scene of an animal cadaver is crucial for a correct interpretation of the autopsy results, to determine the manner, method, and cause of death. This information plays a crucial role in the control of public health including the prevention of zoonoses. It is also fundamental for the recognition and the contrast of crimes against animals and to animal abuse phenomena, considered an alert sign of an anti-social or violent behavior of humans.

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