Publications by authors named "Rosie Dunn"

On average, people with dementia live with 4.6 additional health conditions. Additionally, two thirds of carers of people with dementia are spouses, and are also likely to live with multimorbidity, given that older age is strongly associated with an increase in health conditions.

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Background: Older people and people with dementia experience a high prevalence of multiple health conditions. The terms 'comorbidity' and 'multimorbidity' are often used interchangeably to describe this, however there are key conceptual differences between these terms and their definitions. This has led to issues in the validity and comparability of research findings, potentially inappropriate intervention development and differences in quality of health care.

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Objective: following the #BanBPSD campaign there has been critical interest in common terminology used for 'changes in behaviour' associated with dementia. However, commentaries and emerging studies have not fully considered family carer perspectives. This study explores the views of family carers on terminology and language for this paradigm.

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Current policy emphasises the role of digital technologies in facilitating the management of long-term conditions. While digital resources have been developed for carers, there has been little attention to their development for people with dementia. The Caregiverspro-MMD website was developed as a joint resource for people with dementia and carers, delivering access to information, informal content, games and peer support.

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Aims: The aim of this study was to explore the opinions of people with dementia, about the language used to describe changes in behaviour associated with dementia.

Design: This study adopted a human rights approach in a mixed methods convergent parallel synthesis design.

Methods: Online and paper-based questionnaire data were collected between November 2019 and March 2020.

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Little is known about the training and support people with dementia and their carers need to use digital solutions. This paper shares learning from a bespoke programme that successfully trained people with dementia or mild cognitive impairment and their informal carers to use a social networking website. This work was undertaken as part of the European Horizon 2020 Caregiverspro-mmd trial (ISRCTN15654731).

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People living with dementia or cognitive impairment (PwD) and their carers often have unmet needs for informational and social support postdiagnosis. Web-based platforms have the potential to address these needs, although few have been developed for use by both PwD and carers. The CAREGIVERSPRO-MMD platform was developed to provide both user groups with informational and peer-to-peer social support.

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Background: The increasing number of people with dementia (PwD) drives research exploring Web-based support interventions to provide effective care for larger populations. In this concept, a Web-based platform (CAREGIVERSPRO-MMD, 620911) was designed to (1) improve the quality of life for PwD, (2) reduce caregiver burden, (3) reduce the financial costs for care, and (4) reduce administration time for health and social care professionals.

Objective: The objective of this study was to evaluate the usability and usefulness of CAREGIVERSPRO-MMD platform for PwD or mild cognitive impairment (MCI), informal caregivers, and health and social care professionals with respect to a wider strategy followed by the project to enhance the user-centered approach.

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