Background: There is wide racial difference in the prevalence of the absence of the plantaris tendon. This study was conducted to determine the prevalence of plantaris tendon in Indian population.
Materials And Methods: The presence of the plantaris tendon was determined by ultrasound in 250 healthy volunteers using the standard technique.
Background: Core biopsy has replaced fine needle aspiration cytology in the assessment of breast lumps to diagnose malignancy and is now standard of care in developed countries. Unfortunately, cost of core biopsy system is a major limitation in low-and middle-income countries (LMICs). This prompted us to devise and appraise a low-cost technique of core biopsy using negative pressure.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFJ Pharm Bioallied Sci
June 2021
Background: Teeth in the human body are the most mineralized tissue, which contain both organic and inorganic components. Demineralization and remineralization of teeth occur continuously, but demineralization causes structural loss of a tooth.
Aim: This study was done to find the effect of ceramic by adding mono-n-Dodecyl phosphate to ceramic in dentin remineralization.
Background: The present study was undertaken for assessing the pattern of oral prosthetic treatment and prevalence of dental diseases in edentulous patients in North Indian population.
Materials And Methods: A survey was carried out in North Indian population, and screening of the edentulous patients was done. Five hundred edentulous patients were enrolled.
Aim: The purpose of this study was to investigate temperature-dependent rheological properties of three endodontic sealers MTA Fillapex (Angelus, Brazil), AH Plus (Dentsply, Germany), and EndoREZ (Ultradent, USA).
Materials And Methods: Five samples of each group of endodontic sealers (n = 30) were freshly mixed and placed on the plate of a rheometer (MCR 301, AntonPaar, Physica) and examined at 25°C and 37°C temperature, respectively. Rheological properties of the sealers were calculated according to the loss modulus (G″), storage modulus (G'), loss factor (Tan δ), and complex viscosity (η*) using dynamic oscillatory shear tests.