Publications by authors named "Rose Martin"

The European Commission mandated EFSA to assess the toxicity of bromide, the existing maximum residue levels (MRLs), and possible transfer from feed into food of animal origin. The critical effects of bromide in experimental animals are on the thyroid and central nervous system. Changes in thyroid hormone homeostasis could result in neurodevelopmental toxicity, among other adverse effects.

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  • This study investigates potential biases in both human readings of medical images and AI tools trained on human data, specifically focusing on knee osteoarthritis grading.
  • Researchers used a dataset of 50 patients for external validation and a larger cohort of 8,273 to analyze the performance of an FDA-approved AI tool.
  • Findings indicated that the AI tool displayed non-uniformity in disease grading, showing discrepancies of 20-22% and 13.6% in different patient datasets, but its overall accuracy was comparable to experienced radiologists without evidence of age or sex bias.
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The European Commission asked EFSA to update its 2012 risk assessment on brominated phenols and their derivatives in food, focusing on five bromophenols and one derivative: 2,4,6-tribromophenol (), 2,4-dibromophenol (), 4-bromophenol (), 2,6-dibromophenol (), tetrabrominated bisphenol S (), tetrabromobisphenol S bismethyl ether (). Based on the overall evidence, the CONTAM Panel considered in vivo genotoxicity of to be unlikely. Effects in liver and kidney were considered as the critical effects of 2,4,6-tribromophenol () in studies in rats.

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Climate change poses new challenges for environmental protection and food safety. With reported consequences including warmer temperatures, melting of Alpine glaciers, higher sea levels, droughts, extreme rainfall events and increased surface UV radiation, concerns about the impact on food contaminants have been raised. While the effects of climate change on POPs were initially expected to have the biggest impact in the arctic region, given the intensity, frequency and spread of extreme weather events, global influence on environmental pollution and food safety is currently anticipated.

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Relative rank models of risky decision-making suggest that human preferences are informed by sampled (and not absolute) values and their relative ranks. According to this proposal, an attribute's absolute value (e.g.

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No prior behavioral science research has delved into the impact of gamble presentation (horizontal or vertical) on individuals' utilitarian behavior, despite evidence suggesting that such choices can be influenced by comparing attributes like probability and money in gambles. This article addresses this gap by exploring the influence of gamble presentation on utilitarian behavior. A two-factor independent measures design was employed to explore the influence of the type of gamble presentation and age on participants' utilitarian decision-making preferences.

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The European Commission asked EFSA to update its 2011 risk assessment on tetrabromobisphenol A (TBBPA) and five derivatives in food. Neurotoxicity and carcinogenicity were considered as the critical effects of TBBPA in rodent studies. The available evidence indicates that the carcinogenicity of TBBPA occurs via non-genotoxic mechanisms.

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EFSA was asked for a scientific opinion on the risks for animal and human health related to the presence of polychlorinated naphthalenes (PCNs) in feed and food. The assessment focused on hexaCNs due to very limited data on other PCN congeners. For hexaCNs in feed, 217 analytical results were used to estimate dietary exposures for food-producing and non-food-producing animals; however, a risk characterisation could not be performed because none of the toxicological studies allowed identification of reference points.

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The European Commission asked EFSA to update its 2011 risk assessment on polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) in food, focusing on 10 congeners: , -, -, -, -, -, -, -, - and ‑. The CONTAM Panel concluded that the neurodevelopmental effects on behaviour and reproductive/developmental effects are the critical effects in rodent studies. For four congeners (, -, -, -) the Panel derived Reference Points, i.

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This statement provides scientific guidance on the information needed to support the risk assessment of the detoxification processes applied to products intended for animal feed in line with the acceptability criteria of the Commission Regulation (EU) 2015/786.

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Objective: To create a scalable and feasible retrospective consecutive knee osteoarthritis (OA) radiographic database with limited human labor using commercial and custom-built artificial intelligence (AI) tools.

Methods: We applied four AI tools, two commercially available and two custom-built tools, to analyze 6 years of clinical consecutive knee radiographs from patients aged 35-79 at the University of Copenhagen Hospital, Bispebjerg-Frederiksberg Hospital, Denmark. The tools provided Kellgren-Lawrence (KL) grades, joint space widths, patella osteophyte detection, radiographic view detection, knee joint implant detection, and radiographic marker detection.

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  • * The new analysis utilized a nearly doubled dataset and implemented a Bayesian statistical model, providing a more reliable and unbiased assessment of the potency of specific compounds with accompanying uncertainty estimates.
  • * The updated TEFs predict lower total toxic equivalents in analyzed human milk and seafood when compared to the 2005 TEFs, except for mono-ortho PCBs, which retained their earlier values due to insufficient data.
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The 'entourage effect' term was originally coined in a pre-clinical study observing endogenous bio-inactive metabolites potentiating the activity of a bioactive endocannabinoid. As a hypothetical afterthought, this was proposed to hold general relevance to the usage of products based on L. The term was later juxtaposed to polypharmacy pertaining to full-spectrum medicinal products exerting an overall higher effect than the single compounds.

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The first patient was misclassified in the diagnostic conclusion according to a local clinical expert opinion in a new clinical implementation of a knee osteoarthritis artificial intelligence (AI) algorithm at Bispebjerg-Frederiksberg University Hospital, Copenhagen, Denmark. In preparation for the evaluation of the AI algorithm, the implementation team collaborated with internal and external partners to plan workflows, and the algorithm was externally validated. After the misclassification, the team was left wondering: what is an acceptable error rate for a low-risk AI diagnostic algorithm? A survey among employees at the Department of Radiology showed significantly lower acceptable error rates for AI (6.

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Some types of poultry bedding made from recycled materials have been reported to contain environmental contaminants such as polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofurans (PCDD/Fs, dioxins), polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) brominated flame retardants (BFRs) polychlorinated naphthalenes (PCNs), polybrominated dioxins (PBDD/Fs), perfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS), etc. In one of the first studies of its kind, the uptake of these contaminants by chicken muscle tissue, liver, and eggs from three types of recycled, commercially available bedding material was simultaneously investigated using conventional husbandry to raise day old chickens to maturity. A weight of evidence analysis showed that PCBs, polybrominated diphenylethers (PBDEs), PCDD/Fs, PCNs and PFAS displayed the highest potential for uptake which varied depending on the type of bedding material used.

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Recycled bioresources (biosolids, compost-like-output, meat and bonemeal ash, poultry litter ash, paper sludge ash) were added to the feed of dairy cattle to simulate incidental ingestion from agricultural utilisation, to investigate the transfer of organic contaminants from the ingested materials to milk. The bioresources were blended with a loamy sand soil at agronomic rates to simulate a single application to land, which was added to the diet at 5 % of the total intake on a dry matter (DM) basis. Biosolids, and control treatments consisting of unamended soil, were also added directly to the feed at 5 % DM.

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The analgesic potential of L.-based medicinal cannabis products for treatment of cancer associated chronic pains has gained increased interest in recent years. To ensure a controlled distribution of these products and investigate their therapeutic potential, several countries have established so-called pilot trials.

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Following a request from the European Commission, the EFSA Panel on Contaminants in the Food Chain (CONTAM) assessed a decontamination process of fish oils and vegetable oils and fats to reduce the concentrations of dioxins (polychlorinated dibenzo--dioxins and polychlorinated dibenzofurans, abbreviated together as PCDD/Fs) and dioxin-like polychlorinated biphenyls (DL-PCBs) by adsorption to activated carbon. All feed decontamination processes must comply with the acceptability criteria specified in the Commission Regulation (EU) 2015/786. Data provided by the feed food business operator (FBO) were assessed for the efficacy of the process and to demonstrate that the process did not adversely affect the characteristics and properties of the product.

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Mangroves sequester significant quantities of organic carbon (C) because of high rates of burial in the soil and storage in biomass. We estimated mangrove forest C storage and accumulation rates in aboveground and belowground components among five sites along an urbanization gradient in the San Juan Bay Estuary, Puerto Rico. Sites included the highly urbanized and clogged Caño Martin Peña in the western half of the estuary, a series of lagoons in the center of the estuary, and a tropical forest reserve (Piñones) in the easternmost part.

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Tropical mangrove forests have been described as "coastal kidneys," promoting sediment deposition and filtering contaminants, including excess nutrients. Coastal areas throughout the world are experiencing increased human activities, resulting in altered geomorphology, hydrology, and nutrient inputs. To effectively manage and sustain coastal mangroves, it is important to understand nitrogen (N) storage and accumulation in systems where human activities are causing rapid changes in N inputs and cycling.

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  • The EFSA Panel on Contaminants in the Food Chain evaluated a request by the European Commission regarding a detoxification process for groundnut press cake, specifically targeting aflatoxins through ammoniation.
  • The Panel found that while literature suggests the process might lower aflatoxin levels below legal limits, the provided experimental data did not confirm compliance with the necessary safety criteria.
  • They recommended extensive testing to demonstrate reliability and non-reversibility of detoxification, including genotoxicity assessments and analysis of nutritional changes in the feed.
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Sacubitril/valsartan was approved by the Food and Drug Administration in 2015 to reduce the risk of cardiovascular death and hospitalization for heart failure (HHF) in patients with chronic heart failure with reduced ejection fraction defined as left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) ≤ 40%. This approval was based on PARADIGM-HF trial. Subsequently, PARAGON-HF was conducted to support a claim for sacubitril/valsartan in patients with heart failure with preserved ejection fraction (HFpEF), defined as LVEF ≥ 45%.

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Problem gambling is a gambling disorder often described as continued gambling in the face of increasing losses. In this article, we explored problem gambling behaviour and its psychological determinants. We considered the assumption of stability in risky preferences, anticipated by both normative and descriptive theories of decision making, as well as recent evidence that risk preferences are in fact 'constructed on the fly' during risk elicitation.

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Intertemporal choices are very prevalent in daily life, ranging from simple, mundane decisions to highly consequential decisions. In this context, thinking about the future and making sound decisions are crucial to promoting mental and physical health, as well as a financially sustainable lifestyle. In the present study, we set out to investigate some of the possible underlying mechanisms, such as cognitive factors and emotional states, that promote future-oriented decisions.

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Making morally sensitive decisions and evaluations pervade many human everyday activities. Philosophers, economists, psychologists and behavioural scientists researching such decision-making typically explore the principles, processes and predictors that constitute human moral decision-making. Crucially, very little research has explored the theoretical and methodological development (supported by empirical evidence) of utilitarian theories of moral decision-making.

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