Aim: To assess the co-relation between mandibular flare and thickness of lingual cortex in relation to the third molars.
Materials And Methods: Retrospectively obtained computed tomography (CT) data of 26 patients was used after classifying them into respective skeletal malocclusion groups (classes I, II, and III). Thickness of lingual cortex was measured at crestal, middle, and apical levels in mandibular third molar region.
Cancer stem cells (CSCs) are a small sub-population of cells within a tumor mass proficient of tumor initiation and progression. Distinguishing features possessed by CSCs encompass self-renewal, regeneration and capacity to differentiate. These cells are attributed to the phenomenon of aggression, recurrence and metastasis in neoplasms.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFCOVID-19, a multi-system-affecting disease presents with an extensive clinical spectrum, ranging from no symptoms at all to fatal lung involvement. Several orofacial manifestations have also been reported, among which dysgeusia is one of the earliest reported symptoms. Several other manifestations of extensive variety have also been reported by various authors worldwide since the outbreak of the disease.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFChoristomas are tumor-like masses consisting of normal cells in an abnormal location. Choristomas of the oral cavity are rare lesions. We report a case of Cartilaginous choristoma on the ventral aspect of the tongue in a 25-year-old female.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAim And Objectives: The aim and objective of the study were to evaluate the immunohistochemical expression of proliferative markers, Ki67, and MCM2 in oral epithelial dysplasia (OED) and oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC), to compare the relationship of their staining patterns, and to look for correlation between them, if any.
Materials And Methods: Thirty archival paraffin-embedded tissue blocks of previously diagnosed cases of OED, OSCC each, and 10 normal oral mucosa were used in the study. Immunohistochemical staining for MCM2 and Ki67 markers was done and the slides were individually evaluated for MCM2 and Ki67 expression, with immunopositivity determined on the basis of dark brown staining of the nucleus.
Aim: The aim of the article was to evaluate the feasibility of pulp/tooth area ratio in three mandibular teeth, namely left canine, left first premolar, and left second premolar (33, 34, and 35), as an indicator of age using digital panoramic radiograph and Kvaal's parameters. The study also aimed at computing an area-specific formula for age estimation in Odisha population.
Materials And Methods: Observation and analysis of 50 digital orthopantomographs (OPGs) and clinical data of patients were made.
Background: In developing countries like India, irrespective of the various government laws and actions, substance abuse is a growing problem. Individuals with illicit drug dependence face social and psychological stigma with considerable health problems. Negligence to oral hygiene and lack of oral health treatments intensifies the sensations experienced by the subjects.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: Oral pathologists are involved in laboratory diagnosis and receive specimens of biopsy, oral cytologic smears and samples for hematology, biochemistry and microbiology and thus are at a risk for laboratory-acquired infections, which may occur inadvertently and can be considered as an occupational hazard.
Aim And Objectives: This study was conducted during the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic to assess the knowledge of oral pathologists and oral pathology postgraduate students regarding the safe laboratory practices, procedures and guidelines.
Materials And Methods: The study was a cross-sectional online questionnaire-based study.
Background: Odontogenic tumors, derived from epithelial, ectomesenchymal, and/or mesenchymal elements of the tooth-forming apparatus, constitute a heterogeneous group of lesions, including hamartomas, benign and malignant neoplasms with metastatic capabilities.
Highlight: This review provides a comprehensive overviewof the pathogenesis of odontogenic tumors and explains the associated molecular events in the context of hallmarks of cancer established by Hanahan D and Weinberg RA. Diagrammatic representations depicted in the article would facilitate easier understanding.
Introduction: Dental caries is the most prevalent chronic disease among children worldwide irrespective of the advancements in oral healthcare. The basis of considering dermatoglyphic patterns as marker for dental caries is that the epithelium of finger buds and enamel are both ectodermal in origin and develop during the same period of intrauterine life.
Aim And Objective: To record and evaluate the dermatoglyphic patterns, its correlation with early childhood caries (ECC) and to predict its efficacy in assessing the caries risk.
Dentistry as a profession is quite demanding and challenging and is also associated with occupational hazards like musculoskeletal disorders and stress-related problems. The practice of yoga has been proven to be efficacious in management of quite a lot of stress and lifestyle disorders. It strengthens one physically, mentally, and emotionally.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIndian J Pathol Microbiol
February 2020
Background: Oral submucous fibrosis (OSMF), a well-recognized oral potentially malignant disorder, results due to increased collagen production and reduced collagen degradation.
Aims And Objectives: To qualitatively compare the staining properties of collagen in OSMF using two special stains based on their birefringent property using polarizing microscopy. The study also assessed the distribution and orientation of collagen fibers in different grades of OSMF.
Aim: To study and compare the genotoxic effects of tobacco using micronuclei count in individuals with different tobacco-related habits.
Materials And Methods: A cross-sectional study was done comprising 200 individuals, divided into four groups. Group I: 50 subjects with history of tobacco chewing, group II: 50 subjects with a history of smoking tobacco, group III: 50 subjects with a history of both tobacco chewing and smoking, and group IV: 50 subjects without any habits as controls (age-matched).
Objectives: The aim of this study was to analyze the histopathologically diagnosed cases of oral lichen planus (OLP) in terms of age, gender, clinical variant, site, hyperpigmentation, systemic illness, grade of dysplasia, and associated malignant transformation. This study also intended to do a review of reported cases of OLP with malignant transformation.
Materials And Methods: One hundred and forty-three cases of histopathologically diagnosed OLP between 2010 and 2016 were retrospectively reviewed.
The advancements in the fields of technology and networking have revolutionized the world including the fields of medicine and dentistry. Telemedicine and its various branches provide a broad platform to medical professionals for consultations and investigations and can also act as a valuable educational aid. This review highlights the components, methods employed, clinical applications, advantages, disadvantages of telepathology and telecytology.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFObjectives: To compare oral health knowledge, attitude, and practices among dental and medical students in a Health care centre at Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India.
Materials And Methods: One hundred and fifty BDS and MBBS students each from Kalinga Institute of Dental Sciences and Kalinga Institute of Medical Sciences of KIIT University, Bhubaneswar respectively, were invited to participate in this survey using a self-administered structured questionnaire in English comprising 27 questions, which was designed to evaluate the oral health knowledge, attitude, and practices. The obtained data was analyzed using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences version 20 software.
Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma accounts for the sixth most common malignancy occurring worldwide with tobacco and alcohol being the two well established risk factors. In the recent years, substantial evidence has been obtained that Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) associated head and neck cancers are on the rise. This article provides an insight into the structure of HPV genome, molecular pathogenesis, detection methods and clinical implications of HPV positive Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma.
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