Publications by authors named "Romeo-Iulian Olariu"

Urbanization and industrialization are important transformations shaping the current statement of the society, enhancing significantly the combustion emissions which are threatening the global climate system, air quality, and human health. These emissions contain polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) which are well known for their high toxicity. The present study is the first assessing the seasonal variation of 17 PAHs in size segregated fractions of atmospheric aerosol particles from a Romanian metropolitan area.

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The present relative kinetic study reports on the experimentally determined gas-phase reaction rate coefficients of OH radicals with a series of seven 3-hexenyl esters. The experiments were carried out in the environmental simulation chamber made of quartz from the "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" University of Iasi (ESC-Q-UAIC), Romania, at a temperature of (298 ± 2) K and a total air pressure of (1000 ± 10) mbar. In situ long-path Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy was used to monitor 3-hexenyl formate (3HF, ()-CHCHCH═CH(CH)OC(O)H), 3-hexenyl acetate (3HAc, ()-CHCHCH═CH(CH)OC(O)CH), 3-hexenyl isobutyrate (3HiB, ()-CHCHCH═CH(CH)OC(O)CH(CH)), 3-hexenyl 3-methylbutanoate (3H3MeB, ()-CHCHCH═CH(CH)OC(O)CHCH(CH)), 3-hexenyl hexanoate (3HH, ()-CHCHCH═CH(CH)OC(O)(CH)CH), -3-hexenyl -3-hexenoate (3H3H, ()-CHCHCH═CH(CH)OC(O)CHCH═CHCHCH), 3-hexenyl benzoate (3HBz, ()-CHCHCH═CH(CH)OC(O)CH), and the reference compounds.

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The present study provides a comprehensive assessment of the quantitative analysis by high-performance liquid chromatography coupled with dual orthogonal electrospray ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry (HPLC-ESI-TOF-MS) of pinene markers, biomass-burning related phenols, and other relevant carboxylic acids in atmospheric aerosol samples. Significant insights into the quantitative determination are offered on the basis of systematic experiments targeting the optimization of chromatographic separation, ionization source, and mass spectrometer performance. After testing three analytical columns, the best separation of the compounds of interest was achieved on a Poroshell 120 ECC18 column (4.

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The present study reports first data on the organic molecular composition and evolution of secondary organic aerosols (SOAs) markers in aerosol samples from an urban environment in Romania. Targeted and non-targeted approaches of liquid chromatography tandem with time-of-flight mass spectrometry (LC-ToF-MS) were used as powerful analytical approaches for aerosol characterization at the molecular level. Four distinct organic molecular groups (CHO, CHON, CHONS, and CHOS) were classified as relevant for both warm (with 847 assigned molecular formulae) and cold (with 432 assigned molecular formulae) periods.

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The performance of a fast and simple analytical procedure for rare earth elements (REEs) quantification from secondary sources was investigated in the present work. Seven silicate-rich certified reference materials (CRMs) in the form of Andesite (JA-1), Basalt (JB-3), Rhyolite (JR-1, JR-2), Granite (JG-2), Granodiorite (JG-3), and Till (TILL-1), were used for the optimization and characterization of the analysis method. The optimized method was used in the analysis of nine mining wastes selected within the ENVIREE project, under the ERA-MIN Program of the 7th Framework, having as the main aim to ensure a policy securing long-term access of REEs secondary sources at reasonable costs.

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Chemical analysis was performed on sediment samples collected in two sampling sessions (July and October) from Podu Iloaiei Dam Lake, one of the most important water resources used for aquaculture in north-eastern Romania. The concentration of 15 trace elements (TEs), 8 refractory elements (REs), and 15 rare earth elements (REEs)-determined using inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry-showed variability largely dependent of the sampling points and collection time. Manganese was the most abundant TE, V and Cr were the most abundant REs, while Ce was one of the most abundant REEs.

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The gas-phase IR absorption cross sections for 3-nitrocatechol, 5-methyl-3-nitrocatechol, 4-nitrocatechol and 4-methyl-5-nitrocatechol were evaluated using the ESC-Q-UAIC (the environmental simulation chamber made of quartz from the "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" University of Iasi, Romania) photoreactor facilities. Specific infrared absorptions and integrated band intensities in the range of 650-4000 cm were investigated by long path gas-phase FT-IR technique. Two different addition methods (solid and liquid transfer methods) of nitrocatechols into the reactor were employed in these investigations.

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The present paper reports the first size-resolved element measurements in the PM fraction collected throughout 2016 in the Iasi urban area in north-eastern Romania. Concentrations of water-soluble elements (Ag, Al, As, B, Ba, Be, Bi, Cd, Co, Cu, Cr, Fe, Ga, Mg, Mn, Mo, Ni, Pb, Rb, Se, Sr, Te, Ti, U, V, Zn) were determined using inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. Several water-soluble heavy metals (Al, Fe, Zn, As, Cr, Pb) exhibit clear seasonal patterns with maxima over the cold season and minima over the warm season.

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Recently, there is growing attention on the use of low-cost sorbents in the depollution of contaminated waters. As a consequence, the present work investigates the potential of soy bran and mustard husk as possible sorbent for the removal of arsenic(V) from residual water. Effects of various operating parameters such as: contact time, pH, initial arsenic concentration, pH, sorbent dose, temperature were investigated to determine the removal efficiency of arsenic(V).

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A new flow reactor has been developed to study ozonolysis reactions at ambient pressure and room temperature (297 ± 2 K). The reaction kinetics of O(3) with 4-methyl-1-pentene (4M1P), 2-methyl-2-pentene (2M2P), 2,4,4-trimethyl-1-pentene (tM1P), 2,4,4-trimethyl-2-pentene (tM2P) and α-pinene have been investigated under pseudo-first-order conditions. Absolute measurements of the rate coefficients have been carried out by recording O(3) consumption in excess of organic compound.

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In the present work, we analyze the transport properties of a novel polymer inclusion membrane (PIM) containing a poly-vinyl chloride (PVC) polymer matrix and the organic anion exchanger Aliquat 336 as a specific carrier, without addition of plasticizers. The study was specifically focused on the transport properties of Cr(VI) in conditions simulating industrial wastewaters. We analyzed the impact of several parameters on the Cr(VI) transport process such as: the carrier content of the PIM, the pH, and the phases' composition.

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In the present study, we report enhanced antimicrobial properties of 29 and 23 nm silver nanoparticles (Ag NPs) obtained by electrochemical synthesis in poly(amide-hydroxyurethane) media. Antibacterial activity assessed by disk diffusion method indicates that silver nanoparticles produced inhibition zones for both Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus depending on silver concentration. The bacterial growth curve performed in the presence of silver nanoparticles showed a stronger antibacterial effect at lower concentrations than those described in the earlier reports.

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Contrary to common expectations, the hydroxyl scavengers, carbonate and bicarbonate, are able to enhance the phototransformation by nitrate of a number of substituted phenols. Carbonate and bicarbonate, in addition to modifying the solution pH, are also able to induce a considerable formation of the carbonate radicals upon nitrate photolysis. The higher availability of less-reactive species than the hydroxyl radical would contribute to substantially enhance the photodegradation of the phenols/phenolates that are sufficiently reactive toward the carbonate radical.

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Photobromination of phenol takes place upon UV/Vis irradiation of FeIII and bromide under acidic conditions, and most likely involves the brominating agent Br2(-*). Bromination is also observed in the presence of nitrate and bromide under UV irradiation, most likely involving Br2(-*) formed upon oxidation of bromide by *OH. Moreover, quantitative bromination of phenol is observed in the dark in the presence of hydrogen peroxide and bromide.

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Hydroxyl radical formation rates, steady-state concentration, and overall scavenging rate constant were measured by irradiation of surface lake water samples from Piedmont (NW Italy) and nitrate-rich groundwater samples from Moldova (NE Romania). Dissolved organic matter (DOM) was the main source and sink of *OH upon lake water irradiation, with [*OH] being independent of DOM amount. Water oxidation by photoexcited DOM is a likely *OH source in the presence of very low levels of nitrate and dissolved iron.

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This paper is a tutorial review in the field of atmospheric chemistry. It describes some recent developments in tropospheric photochemistry in the aqueous phase and on particulate matter. The main focus is regarding the transformation processes that photochemical reactions induce on organic compounds.

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