Publications by authors named "Rolf Hakanson"

Background: Proghrelin, produced by the ghrelin (A-like) cells of the gastric mucosa, gives rise to cleavage products, including desacyl ghrelin, acyl ghrelin and obestatin. The products are thought to be secreted concomitantly. In an earlier study we found acyl ghrelin and obestatin, but not desacyl ghrelin, to suppress the release of hormones from isolated islets of mouse and rat pancreas.

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We monitored gastrin release in response to locally applied candidate messengers in intact conscious rats. Earlier studies have been performed on anaesthetized animals, isolated pieces of antrum, or purified preparations of gastrin cells. In this study we created an experimental situation to resemble physiological conditions, using reverse microdialysis to administer regulatory peptides and amines that might affect gastrin secretion.

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Objective: Wistar Kyoto (WKY) rats are more susceptible to stress-evoked ulcerations than Sprague-Dawley (SPD) rats. We have already demonstrated that gastrin cells are more active and ghrelin cells less active in WKY rats than in SPD rats. The purpose of this study was to compare endocrine cell activity and gastric acid output in WKY and SPD rats.

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Histamine in the rat stomach resides in enterochromaffin-like (ECL) cells and mast cells. The ECL cells are peptide-hormone-producing endocrine cells known to release histamine and chromogranin-A-derived peptides (such as pancreastatin) in response to gastrin. Ischemia (induced by clamping of the celiac artery or by gastric submucosal microinfusion of the vasoconstrictor endothelin) mobilizes large amounts of ECL-cell histamine in a burst-like manner.

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Objective: Surgical removal of the stomach (gastrectomy, Gx) leads to osteopenia in animals and in humans. In the rat, Gx adversely affects calvaria and trabecular bone. alpha-Ketoglutarate (AKG) is a precursor of hydroxyproline--the most abundant amino acid in bone collagen.

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Proghrelin, the precursor of the orexigenic and adipogenic peptide hormone ghrelin, is synthetized in endocrine (A-like) cells in the gastric mucosa. During its cellular processing, proghrelin gives rise to the 28-amino acid peptide desacyl ghrelin, which after octanoylation becomes active acyl ghrelin, and to the 23-amino acid peptide obestatin, claimed to be a physiological opponent of acyl ghrelin. This study examines the effects of the proghrelin products, alone and in combinations, on the secretion of insulin, glucagon, pancreatic polypeptide (PP) and somatostatin from isolated islets of mice and rats.

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We investigated whether ghrelin depletion (by gastrectomy surgery) and/or treatment/replacement with the gastric hormone ghrelin alters the expression of key hypothalamic genes involved in energy balance, in a manner consistent with ghrelin's pro-obesity effects. At 2 weeks after surgery mice were treated with ghrelin (12 nmol/mouse/day, sc) or vehicle for 8 weeks. Gastrectomy had little effect on the expression of these genes, with the exception of NPY mRNA in the arcuate nucleus that was increased.

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Ghrelin is produced by A-like cells (ghrelin cells) in the mucosa of the acid-producing part of the stomach. The mobilization of ghrelin is stimulated by nutritional deficiency and suppressed by nutritional abundance. In an attempt to identify neurotransmitters and regulatory peptides that may contribute to the physiological, nutrient-related regulation of ghrelin secretion, we challenged the ghrelin cells in situ with a wide variety of candidate messengers, including known neurotransmitters (e.

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Ghrelin is produced by gastric A-like cells and released in response to food deprivation. Interestingly, psychological stress also raises circulating ghrelin levels. This study compared plasma ghrelin levels in Sprague-Dawley (SPD) rats and high-anxiety Wistar Kyoto (WKY) rats.

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In this study we investigated the effects of gastrectomy (Gx) and of the gastric hormone, ghrelin, on the expression of proteins in brown adipose tissue (BAT) that are thought to be involved in thermogenesis. Heat production in BAT is known to depend upon activation and increased expression of beta3-adrenergic receptors (beta3-AR) and the consequent up-regulation of uncoupling protein 1 (UCP1). Mice were subjected to Gx or sham operation.

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Background: The ECL cells are histamine-producing endocrine cells in the oxyntic mucosa that synthesize and secrete proteins and peptides. They are the primary target for gastrin and mediate the control of gastrin on acid secretion and oxyntic mucosal growth. Knowledge of the molecular biology of the ECL cell is therefore important for understanding gastric physiology.

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Mice were subjected to gastrectomy (GX) or sham operation (controls). Four to six weeks later the pancreatic islets were isolated and analysed for cAMP or alternatively incubated in a Krebs-Ringer based medium in an effort to study insulin secretion and cAMP accumulation in response to glucose or the adenylate cyclase activator forskolin. Freshly isolated islets from GX mice had higher cAMP content than islets from control mice, a difference that persisted after incubation for 1 h at a glucose concentration of 4 mmol/l.

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Many physiological functions of the stomach depend on an intact mucosal integrity; function reflects structure and vice versa. Histamine in the stomach is synthesized by histidine decarboxylase (HDC), stored in enterochromaffin-like (ECL) cells, and released in response to gastrin, acting on CCK(2) receptors on the ECL cells. Mobilized ECL cell histamine stimulates histamine H(2) receptors on the parietal cells, resulting in acid secretion.

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Ghrelin is produced by the A-like cells of the stomach and mobilized by food deprivation. It was reported recently that acute psychological stress increases ghrelin gene expression in rat oxyntic mucosa. The aim of this study was to examine the effect of such stress on circulating ghrelin levels.

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Gastric acid secretion is regulated by endocrine, paracrine and neurocrine signals via at least three pathways, the gastrin-histamine pathway, the CCK-somatostatin pathway and the neural pathway. Genetically-engineered mice, subjected to targeted gene disruption (i.e.

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Histamine-producing ECL cells are numerous in the stomach. They express gastrin/CCK2 receptors and respond to gastrin by releasing histamine. Ultrastructurally, they display numerous and very characteristic secretory organelles: granules, secretory vesicles and microvesicles.

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Background: Ghrelin derives from endocrine cells (A-like cells) in the stomach (mainly the oxyntic mucosa). Its concentration in the circulation increases during fasting and decreases upon re-feeding. This has fostered the notion that the absence of food in the upper gastrointestinal (GI) tract stimulates the secretion of ghrelin.

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Palatable food is rich in fat and/or sucrose. In this study we examined the long-term effects of such diets on food intake, body weight, adiposity and circulating levels of the satiety peptide leptin and the hunger peptide ghrelin. The experiments involved rats and mice and lasted 5 weeks.

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The oxyntic mucosa is rich in ECL cells. They secrete histamine and chromogranin A-derived peptides, such as pancreastatin, in response to gastrin and pituitary adenylate cyclase-activating peptide (PACAP). Secretion is initiated by Ca2+ entry.

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Many of the endocrine cells in the stomach are poorly characterized with respect to physiological significance. In some cases, the anticipated hormone has not yet been identified. Global gene expression analysis of mouse stomach was performed in an attempt to identify the ECL-cell peptide/protein.

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In view of our previous data, showing that ghrelin and nitric oxide (NO) display apparently parallel effects on insulin secretion (inhibitory) and glucagon secretion (stimulatory), we have now investigated the effect of ghrelin on islet hormone secretion in relation to its effect on NO synthase (NOS) isoenzymes in isolated rat pancreatic islets. Dose-response studies revealed that ghrelin at concentrations of 0.01-1 micromol l-1 inhibited insulin secretion stimulated by 8.

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Microdialysis was used to study how ischemia-evoked gastric mucosal injury affects rat stomach histamine, which resides in enterochromaffin-like (ECL) cells and mast cells. A microdialysis probe was inserted into the gastric submucosa, and the celiac artery was clamped (30 min), followed by removal of the clamp. Microdialysate histamine was determined by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay.

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Background: Both gastrectomy (GX) and ovariectomy (OVX) induce osteopenia in man and experimental animals. The present study addresses the question--can alendronate, estrogen or parathyroid hormone (PTH) be used to treat established GX- or OVX -evoked osteopenia?

Methods: Rats were GX-, OVX- or SHAM-operated 8 weeks before starting the treatment with drugs. Each group was then treated for 8 weeks with 50 microg/kg/day alendronate, 10 microg/kg/day estrogen or 75 microg/kg/day PTH(1-84); n = 8 rats/group.

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Ghrelin, a recently discovered peptide hormone, is produced by endocrine cells in the stomach, the so-called A-like cells. Ghrelin binds to the growth hormone (GH) secretagogue receptor and releases GH. It is claimed to be orexigenic and to control gastric acid secretion and gastric motility.

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We combined in vitro and in vivo methods to investigate the effects of ghrelin, a novel gastric hormone, on insulin and glucagon release. Studies of isolated mouse islets showed that ghrelin concentrations in the physiological range (0.5-3 nmol l(-1)) had no effect on glucose-stimulated insulin release, while low ghrelin concentrations (1-100 pmol l(-1)) inhibited and high (0.

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