Publications by authors named "Roldan P"

Elucidating human cerebral cortex function is essential for understanding the physiological basis of both healthy and pathological brain states. We obtained extracellular local field potential recordings from slices of neocortical tissue from refractory epilepsy patients. Multi-electrode recordings were combined with histological information, providing a two-dimensional spatiotemporal characterization of human cortical dynamics in control conditions and following modulation of the excitation/inhibition balance.

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Objective: to study the anatomical feasibility of laser fiber insertion for interstitial thermal therapy via transorbital approach to the temporo-mesial structures (amygdala-hippocampus-parahippocampus complex).

Methods: Anatomical dissections were performed bilaterally on two human cadaveric heads via a transorbital approach, in which screws and laser fibers were used for magnetic resonance imaging-guided laser interstitial thermal therapy (MRIgLITT) assisted by neuronavigation. In addition, eight transorbital trajectories were simulated using the transorbital entry points obtained from a cadaveric radiological study of four patients previously operated on for mesial temporal lobe epilepsy.

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Introduction: Direct targeting in deep brain stimulation (DBS) has remarkably impacted the patient's experience throughout the surgery and the overall logistics of the procedure. When the individualised plan is co-registered with a 3D image acquired intraoperatively, the electrodes can be safely placed under general anaesthesia. How this applies to a general practice scenery (outside clinical trials and in a moderate caseload centre) has been scarcely reported.

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  • Oral mucositis is a common issue for patients undergoing hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT), leading to longer hospital stays and higher infection risks, prompting a trial to evaluate photobiomodulation therapy as a preventive measure.
  • The study will be a randomized controlled trial involving 30 participants aged 18-65 at the Clínica Dávila Oncology Unit, comparing the effects of photobiomodulation to a control group.
  • Primary outcomes will assess the severity of oral mucositis, functional capacity, and quality of life during the transplant process, with treatment adherence measured throughout the trial.
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  • - The study analyzed brain dynamics in 10 individuals with pharmacoresistant focal epilepsy and 30 healthy controls using resting-state functional MRI, focusing on how seizures start and spread.
  • - Findings revealed significant changes in global brain connectivity, with increased integration and flexibility, and specific regions showing paradoxical decreases in ignition within the seizure onset zone.
  • - The results contribute to a better understanding of epilepsy mechanisms and may help in creating diagnostic tools and therapies for seizure management.
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Background: The corona virus 2019 pandemic disrupted care for pediatric patients with chronic conditions, including those with childhood obesity. Lockdowns forced providers to create new ways of caring for this population. Telemedicine was a promising but previously unavailable solution.

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Colombia has extensive laws prohibiting discrimination against sexual minority people. However, violence and discrimination toward sexual minorities are still frequent. While a growing body of research shows that sexual minority people experience elevated rates of discrimination and domestic abuse globally, little research has been conducted on these issues affecting sexual minorities in Colombia specifically.

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Deep brain stimulation (DBS) is an effective treatment for patients with Parkinson's disease (PD). However, some patients may not respond optimally to clinical programming adjustments. Advances in DBS technology have led to more complex and time-consuming programming.

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  • This study compared the outcomes of two surgical techniques, endoscopic endonasal approach (EEA) and supraorbital keyhole procedure (SO), for treating meningiomas located at the planum sphenoidale and tuberculum sellae in 20 patients.
  • The research found that while both methods had similar rates of tumor removal and visual outcomes, the EEA group experienced longer hospital stays and a higher incidence of CSF leaks compared to the SO group.
  • Overall, both techniques resulted in comparable quality of life outcomes, though the SO group had a slightly higher recurrence rate and shorter follow-up period.
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Objective: Starting from an anatomic study describing the possibility of reaching the temporal region through an endoscopic transorbital approach, many clinical reports have now demonstrated the applicability of this strategy when dealing with intra-axial lesions. The study aimed to provide both a qualitative anatomic description of the temporal region, as seen through a transorbital perspective, and a quantitative analysis of the amount of temporal lobe resection achievable via this route.

Material And Methods: A total of four cadaveric heads (eight sides) were dissected at the Laboratory of Surgical Neuroanatomy (LSNA) of the University of Barcelona, Spain.

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Aim: The use of deep brain stimulation (DBS) has been recently extended for treating resistant psychiatric disorders, but the experience in patients with schizophrenia-related disorders and bipolar disorder (BD) is scarce.

Method: We conducted an observational, one-year longitudinal study to evaluate the effects of DBS in four treatment-resistant patients with schizophrenia, schizoaffective, and BD, included in a pilot, last-resource protocol. Patients were digitally monitored for objective assessment of behavioral changes.

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Background: Traditionally, functional neurosurgery relied in stereotactic atlases and intraoperative micro-registration in awake patients for electrode placement in Parkinson's disease. Cumulative experience on target description, refinement of MRI, and advances in intraoperative imaging has enabled accurate preoperative planning and its implementation with the patient under general anaesthesia.

Methods: Stepwise description, emphasising preoperative planning, and intraoperative imaging verification, for transition to asleep-DBS surgery.

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Computational models and in vivo studies in rodents suggest that the emergence of gamma activity (40-140 Hz) during memory encoding and retrieval is coupled to opposed-phase states of the underlying hippocampal theta rhythm (4-9 Hz). However, direct evidence for whether human hippocampal gamma-modulated oscillatory activity in memory processes is coupled to opposed-phase states of the ongoing theta rhythm remains elusive. Here, we recorded local field potentials (LFPs) directly from the hippocampus of 10 patients with epilepsy, using depth electrodes.

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Objective: The endoscopic transorbital approach (ETOA) is a minimally invasive approach that could be particularly appropriate for management of spheno-orbital meningiomas. The aim of this study was to perform a systematic review of the literature on the management of spheno-orbital meningiomas via the minimally invasive ETOA, searching for clinical scenarios in which this approach could be best indicated. A secondary aim was to describe 4 illustrative cases.

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Objectives: Incidence of hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection is increasing in women of reproductive age, leading to increased prevalence of HCV infection in children via vertical transmission. This quality improvement (QI) project aimed to increase referrals to and appointments scheduled with a specialty pediatric gastroenterology HCV clinic and the number of eligible children with HCV who completed treatment.

Methods: From July 2020 to August 2021, the QI team designed a project using the Model for Improvement and completed Plan Do Study Act cycles to test change ideas to improve HCV awareness and education for medical providers and families; standardize the referral process; track patients; increase clinic capacity; and connect families with community resource care coordination.

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Background: Combined endonasal and transorbital multiportal surgery has been recently described for selected skull base pathologies. Nevertheless, a detailed anatomic description and a quantitative comprehensive anatomic study of the skull base areas where these 2 endoscopic routes converge, a so-called connection areas, are missing in the scientific literature.

Objective: To identify all the skull base areas and anatomic structures where endonasal and transorbital endoscopic avenues could be connected and combined.

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Introduction: Glioblastoma (GBM) remains the most frequent and lethal primary brain tumor in adults, despite advancements in surgical resection techniques and adjuvant chemo- and radiotherapy. The most frequent recurrence pattern (75-90%) occurs in the form of continuous growth from the border of the surgical cavity, thus emphasizing the need for locoregional tumor control. Fluorescence-guided surgical resection using 5-ALA has been widely implemented in surgical protocols for such tumors.

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Objective: Intraoperative ultrasound (iUS) is a well-established technique whose aim is to provide real-time visualization of deep lesions during brain surgery. The lack of definition of anatomic semeiotics and the unusual direction of the insonation plane make interpretation and orientation challenging for the surgeon who newly approaches to such a tool. We propose a novel protocol to be applied during the surgical planning for intracranial lesions surgery, a so-called ultrasound-oriented surgical planning ("UOSP") protocol, and we provide a retrospective analysis of 21 patients who underwent surgery for an intracranial lesion in which UOSP was applied.

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Cognitive-relevant information is processed by different brain areas that cooperate to eventually produce a response. The relationship between local activity and global brain states during such processes, however, remains for the most part unexplored. To address this question, we designed a simple face-recognition task performed in patients with drug-resistant epilepsy and monitored with intracranial electroencephalography (EEG).

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Objective: Superior eyelid endoscopic transorbital approach (SETOA) is nowadays gaining progressive application in neurosurgical scenarios. Both anatomic and clinical reports have demonstrated the possibility of taking advantage of the orbital corridor as a minimally invasive route to reach anterior and middle cranial fossae and manage selected surgical lesions developing in these areas. The aim of this paper is to further shed light on other anatomic regions of the skull base as seen from a transorbital perspective, namely, the posterior cranial fossa and tentorial area, describing technical feasibility and steps in reaching this area through an extradural-transtentorial approach and providing quantitative evaluations of the "working area" obtained through this route.

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Background And Purpose: fMRI is a noninvasive tool for predicting postsurgical deficits in candidates with pharmacoresistant temporal lobe epilepsy. We aimed to test an adapted paradigm of the Rey Auditory Verbal Learning Test to evaluate differences in memory laterality indexes between patients and healthy controls and its association with neuropsychological scores.

Materials And Methods: We performed a prospective study of 50 patients with temporal lobe epilepsy and 22 healthy controls.

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  • Skull base surgery has evolved significantly due to neuroanatomic research, which has enhanced techniques like the endoscopic endonasal and transorbital approaches.
  • The development of the endoscopic transorbital approach involves four conceptual steps: examining orbital anatomy on dry skulls, detailed bone studies, cadaver dissection, and 3D quantitative assessments.
  • This anatomical analysis indicates that these steps are interconnected and adaptable, promoting the understanding and application of new surgical techniques.
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Background: Perfusion defects during stress can occur in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) from either structural or functional abnormalities of the coronary microcirculation. In this study, vasodilator stress myocardial contrast echocardiography (MCE) was used to quantify and spatially characterize hyperemic myocardial blood flow (MBF) deficits in HCM.

Methods: Regadenoson stress MCE was performed in patients with septal-variant HCM (n = 17) and healthy control subjects (n = 15).

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Meningioma (MN) is an important cause of disability, and predictive tools for estimating the risk of recurrence are still scarce. The need for objective and cost-effective techniques addressed to this purpose is well known. In this study, we present methylation-specific multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification (MS-MLPA) as a friendly method for deepening the understanding of the mechanisms underlying meningioma progression.

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