Publications by authors named "Rohilla Manish"

Objective: Atypia of undetermined significance (AUS) is an indeterminate category which presents a significant challenge for pathologists and clinicians. The management options are dependent on the rate of malignancy for a given populace.

Material And Methods: This is a retrospective analysis of 61 cases of the AUS Bethesda category III with grouping into neoplastic and non-neoplastic according to the histopathology data and clinical follow-up.

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  • A 9-year-old girl presented with painful swelling in her left index finger, which was punctured, leading to a chronic discharging sinus and other systemic symptoms like lymphadenopathy.
  • A Mantoux test confirmed tuberculosis, and a fine aspiration showed signs of inflammation and acid-fast bacilli.
  • After being started on a 4-drug antitubercular therapy, she showed significant improvement in pain and swelling within two months, highlighting the condition known as tubercular dactylitis which primarily affects younger children and presents as swelling of tubular bones.
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The FNAC smear and histopathology of stromal predominant Wilm's tumour with rhabdomyoblastic Differentiation along with immunostaining in a 7-year-old male. In this paper, the diagnostic potential of FNAC in identifying rare histological variants of paediatric renal tumours is highlighted.

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Introduction: Urinary cytology (UrCy) is highly sensitive to diagnosing high-grade urothelial carcinoma (HGUC) but cannot predict muscularis propria invasion. Further, the atypical urothelial cell category (AUC) may have variable outcomes. Image morphometry (IM) may be a valuable adjunct technique in this setting.

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Introduction: The atypical urothelial cell (AUC) category in The Paris System (TPS) in urine cytology (UrCy) is a challenging area. This study aimed to evaluate the UroVysion fluorescence in situ hybridization (U-FISH) assay in predicting the outcome of AUC. Additionally, we explored the association of abnormal U-FISH results in high-grade urothelial carcinoma (HGUC) concerning muscularis propria invasion (MPI).

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  • - Myoepithelial carcinoma (MC) is a rare tumor primarily found in salivary glands and occasionally in soft tissue, displaying both epithelial and smooth muscle characteristics, often affecting the extremities.
  • - A case of retroperitoneal MC was accurately diagnosed using cytological findings combined with immunocytochemistry and fluorescence in situ hybridization to identify specific genetic rearrangements.
  • - The study highlights the importance of recognizing the unique features of this tumor and using additional testing methods to address diagnostic challenges, as there are very few reported cases of soft tissue MC in medical literature.
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The detection of the primary site in Carcinoma of Unknown Primary (CUP) is a challenging task which can significantly alter the course of management and also prognosis. Various modalities have been assessed with varying sensitivity and specificity. Imaging and cytological diagnosis have formed a key part of the diagnostic algorithm of CUP.

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Background: Mucormycosis is a fungal infection that can affect multiple organs. The role of fine-needle aspiration cytology (FNAC) in its diagnosis is not well documented.

Aim: The objective of this study was to describe the detailed cytomorphologic features of mucormycosis on FNAC samples.

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Background: Recently, the World Health Organization (WHO) has proposed a reporting system for pancreaticobiliary cytopathology. We applied this classification for pancreatic lesion samples by fine needle aspiration (FNA) and compared the results to the previous classification of the Papanicolaou Society of Cytopathology (PSC) system for risk stratification.

Methods: The computerized database was searched for all pancreatic endoscopic ultrasound-guided fine-needle aspiration (EUS-FNA) and transabdominal ultrasound-guided FNA (TUS-FNA) samples from 2016 to 2020 and cases were reassigned as per the PSC and the WHO diagnostic categories.

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Introduction: Pleuropulmonary blastoma (PPB) is a rare, aggressive, primary intrathoracic malignancy typically seen in infancy and early childhood. Accurate distinction from congenital cystic lung lesions is crucial due to significant prognostic and therapeutic differences. Cytologic features have rarely been described.

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  • Tuberculous peritonitis and peritoneal carcinomatosis are difficult to distinguish due to similar symptoms and insidious onset, but CT scans are essential for evaluation.
  • A study analyzed 44 tuberculous peritonitis cases and 45 peritoneal carcinomatosis cases to find distinguishing clinical and radiological features.
  • Key symptoms for tuberculous peritonitis included fever and weight loss, while abdominal pain and malignancy history were common in peritoneal carcinomatosis; specific imaging findings can help improve diagnosis.
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Pilomatrixoma is a relatively rare benign skin appendageal tumor, often presenting in the pediatric age group as a nodular lesion and most commonly involving the head and neck, making it amenable to primary fine needle aspiration (FNA) diagnosis. We report the clinical and histopathological findings of two cases of pilomatrixoma in children, both of which were initially misdiagnosed as small round blue cell tumors due to high cellularity and misinterpretation of the proliferating basaloid cells. Histopathology revealed basal cell proliferation and mitoses indicating that they were progressive, early lesions.

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Background: Testicular malignancy is the most common solid organ cancer occurring in young men. The most common testicular malignancy is germ cell tumor. Extragonadal malignancies such as lymphomas are rare.

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Background: Following microsurgical vaso-epididymal anastomosis (VEA), anastomotic patency with sperm returning to the ejaculate is not always present and may even be delayed. The presence of motile spermatozoa is highly suggestive of future patency following surgery.

Aims: We prospectively analyse the factors that could predict motile spermatozoa at the epididymis intraoperatively and predictors of patency in patients with obstructive azoospermia (OA) undergoing microsurgical VEA.

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Objectives: The protein ALK is targeted for therapy in neuroblastoma, and ALK mutation confers a poor prognosis. We evaluated ALK in a cohort of patients with advanced neuroblastoma diagnosed by fine-needle aspiration biopsy (FNAB).

Methods: Fifty-four cases of neuroblastoma were evaluated for ALK protein expression by immunocytochemistry and ALK gene mutation by next-generation sequencing.

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Background: The sensitivity of single abdominal paracentesis for diagnosis of peritoneal carcinomatosis (PC) varies from 40-70%. We hypothesized that rolling-over the patient before paracentesis might improve the cytological yield.

Research Design And Methods: This was a single center pilot study with a randomized cross-over design.

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Objectives: Immunosuppressed individuals are more prone for opportunistic infections. pneumonia (PJP), previously known as pneumonia (PCP), is the most common opportunistic infection affecting people living with HIV. As PJP can cause life threatening serious infection to a patient, treatment should not be delayed for these cases.

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Objectives: Endoscopic ultrasound-guided fine-needle aspiration cytology (EUS-FNAC) is an effective method to acquire tissue from the mucosal, submucosal, and peri-intestinal structure with the pancreas being the most common organ to be targeted. This study is aimed to evaluate the role of EUS-FNAC in pancreatic lesions as well as other gastrointestinal (GI) structures including lymph nodes, upper GI tract, liver, and spleen.

Material And Methods: A total of 71 cases were taken in which EUS FNAC was performed over 19 months (2018-July 2019).

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Background And Aim: To describe the cytomorphological findings of all cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) cytology samples showing infiltration by chronic myeloid leukaemia (CML) and their correlation with haematological findings.

Materials And Methods: A retrospective analysis of all CSF samples reported as showing infiltration by CML on cytology from January 2014 to December 2021 was performed.

Results: A total of 10 cases with positive CSF cytology were evaluated.

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Introduction: Malignant effusions are commonly encountered in day-to-day cytology practice. Determining the primary site of malignancy in carcinomatous effusions is a Herculean task. Cytology coupled with immunocytochemistry (ICC) is often found to be helpful in this context.

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Neuroendocrine neoplasms (NENs) are a rare heterogeneous group of breast epithelial tumours showing predominant NE differentiation. NENs of the breast account for less than 1% of all NENs. The index case calls for recognition of these tumours using morphology adjunct with ancillary techniques such as immunohistochemistry on FNA cell blocks.

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