November 2024
Periodontal disease (PD) leads to the destruction of supportive tissues through an inflammatory response induced by biofilm accumulation. This low-grade systemic inflammation from PD increases the risk of comorbidities. Among potential therapeutic agents for PD, humic acids (HAs) are notable for their anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory properties.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFTheriogenology
March 2025
The aim of this study was to evaluate the use of a long-acting recombinant human FSH (rhFSH, corifollitropin-alpha) to induce ovarian stimulation in Nelore breed (Bos indicus) calves and prepubertal heifers prior to ovum pick-up (OPU) for in vitro embryo production (IVEP). In Experiment 1, a dose-response trial was performed to determine the optimal dose of rhFSH, which was determined to be 10 μg. In Experiment 2, 6-7 mo old calves were randomly allocated to receive rhFSH either via sc (n = 5) or im (n = 5).
View Article and Find Full Text PDFCoral microbiomes play crucial roles in holobiont homeostasis and adaptation. The host's ability to populate broad ecological niches and to cope with environmental changes seems to be related to the flexibility of the coral microbiome. By means of high-throughput DNA sequencing we characterized simultaneously both bacterial (16S rRNA) and Symbiodiniaceae (ITS2) communities of four reef-building coral species (Mussismilia braziliensis, Mussismilia harttii, Montastraea cavernosa, and Favia gravida) that differ in geographic distribution and niche specificity.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThree lateral flow immunoassay prototypes developed to detect IgM, IgG and IgM/IgG antibodies against Hantavirus were evaluated. A total of 163 samples were tested: 10 from Hantavirus patients, 103 from related diseases, and 50 from healthy controls. The prototypes exhibited 100 % sensitivity, 97.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWith the development of technologies, embryos can be produced using oocytes retrieved directly from the ovaries, i.e., regardless of ovulation.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: The Costa das Algas Environmental Protection Area (EPA) and the Santa Cruz Wildlife Refuge (WR), located in the Espírito Santo Continental Shelf, Brazil, are outstanding marine protected areas due to their high biodiversity, particularly of macroalgae. Together, these two relatively small protected areas (1,150 and 177 km, respectively) harbour about a quarter of all macroalgal species recorded in Brazil.The checklist presented herein updates the algal flora of these two protected areas with data obtained until 2019.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFTheriogenology
September 2024
The aim of this study was to evaluate the superestimulatory and superovulatory responses of cattle treated with corifollitropin-alpha, a long-acting human recombinant FSH (rhFSH). In the first and second experiments, we used Nelore (Bos indicus) heifers previously submitted to follicular wave suppression by active immunization against GnRH. In Experiment 1 (a dose-response study), heifers (n = 20) were randomly allocated into five groups, which received placebo (saline) or a single sc dose of 7.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFObjective: This study aims to evaluate aspirin as a chemical prophylaxis (200 mg) in total hip arthroplasty.
Methods: the study compared two groups and used ultrasonography (USG) to screen for low-deep venous thrombosis. Group 1 received 600 mg (control), and Group 2 received 200 mg of (intervention), associated with the use of elastic compression stockings and early walking.
The rapid decline of coral reefs calls for cost-effective benthic cover data to improve reef health forecasts, policy building, management responses and evaluation. Reef monitoring has been largely based on divers' observations along transects, and secondarily on quadrat-based protocols, video and photographic records. However, the accuracy and precision of the most common sampling approaches are not yet fully understood.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFContinental shelves encompass gently sloped seascapes that are highly productive and intensively exploited for natural resources. Islands, reefs and other emergent or quasi-emergent features punctuate these shallow (<100 m) seascapes and are well known drivers of increased biomass and biodiversity, as well as predictors of fishing and other human uses. On the other hand, relict mesoscale geomorphological features that do not represent navigation hazards, such as incised valleys (IVs), remain poorly charted.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThis study investigates the physiological response to heat stress of three genetically different Symbiodiniaceae strains isolated from the scleractinian coral Mussismilia braziliensis, endemic of the Abrolhos Bank, Brazil. Cultures of two Symbiodinium sp. and one Cladocopium sp.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIntroduction: The aim of this study was to evaluate potential effects of diflubenzuron on the production and quality of gametes, and on embryo production (IVEP) outcomes, in cattle.
Methods: Two experiments were performed, the first to evaluate effects on semen, and the second on -oocyte complexes (COC) and on IVEP. Nelore () bulls ( = 14) or heifers ( = 16) were allocated into control (CG) or treatment (DIF) groups.
June 2023
The combination of fruit pulps from different species, in addition to multiplying the offer of flavors, aromas and textures, favors the nutritional spectrum and the diversity of bioactive principles. The objective was to evaluate and compare the physicochemical characteristics, bioactive compounds, profile of phenolic compounds and in vitro antioxidant activity of pulps of three species of tropical red fruits (acerola, guava and pitanga) and of the blend produced from the combination. The pulps showed significant values of bioactive compounds, with emphasis on acerola, which had the highest levels in all parameters, except for lycopene, with the highest content in pitanga pulp.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFFoods
May 2023
Pepper ( spp.) is among the oldest and most cultivated crops on the planet. Its fruits are widely used as natural condiments in the food industry for their color, flavor, and pungency properties.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFUnlabelled: is a food-borne bacterium that causes listeriosis upon the ingestion of contaminated food. Traditional methods to detect require pre-enrichment broths to increase its concentration. To improve the screening of contaminated food and prevent listeriosis outbreaks, rapid, specific and sensitive assays are needed to detect This study developed a prototype lateral flow immunochromatographic assay (LFIA) employing antibodies against Internalin A (InlA) and Internalin B (InlB) proteins, that are involved in non-phagocytic cell invasion.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe recently described Lutz's stingray Hypanus berthalutzae is endemic to the Brazilian Province, including oceanic islands. Although it is expected to have life-history traits similar to the southern stingray H. americanus, little is known about its reproductive biology.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFEnviron Sci Pollut Res Int
November 2022
Water reservoirs have been constructed in hot semi-arid regions, which may be used to produce fish. The present study described major features of the economic, social, and environmental characteristics of a net-cage Nile tilapia production system, stocked with 100 and 120 fish/m, implemented in a reservoir in the hot semi-arid region of Brazil during an extended drought event. The production cycle was reduced from 6-8 to 4 months because of the lack of water in the reservoir.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFObjective: To investigate the effect of voluntary physical activity (VPA) on inflammatory profile and the progression of experimental periodontal disease (PD) in mice.
Methods: Male C57BL/6 mice were randomly distributed into Control; VPA; PD and PD/VPA groups. We registered VPA (total volume of revolutions) and average speed (revolutions/minute) in a free running wheel for 30 days.
In November 2015, the collapse of the Fundão dam (Minas Gerais, Brazil) carried over 40 × 10 m of iron ore tailings into the Doce river and caused massive environmental and socioeconomic impacts across the watershed. The downstream mudslide scavenged contaminants deposited in the riverbed, and several potentially toxic elements were further released through reduction and solubilization of Fe oxy-hydroxides under estuarine conditions. A turbidity plume was formed off the river mouth, but the detection of contaminants' dispersion in the ocean remains poorly assessed.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFMetab Brain Dis
December 2021
The search for strategies to develop resilience against metabolic and neuropsychiatric disorders has motivated the clinical and experimental assessment of early life interventions such as lifestyle-based and use of unconventional pharmacological compounds. In this study, we assessed the effects of voluntary physical activity and 7,8-Dihydroxy-4-methylcoumarin (DHMC), independently or in combination, over mice physiological and behavioral parameters, adult hippocampal and hypothalamic neurogenesis, and neurotrophic factors expression in the hypothalamus. C57Bl/6J mice were submitted to a 29-day treatment with DHMC and allowed free access to a running wheel.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: venom contains Phα1β. This toxin and its recombinant form have a remarkable analgesic potential that is associated with blockage of voltage-gated calcium channels and TRPA1 receptors. Although morphine is a mainstay drug to treat moderate and severe pain related to cancer, it has serious and dose-limiting side effects.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIn this study, a new species of Pseudogilbia Møller, Schwarzhans & Nielsen 2004 is described based on two male specimens (40-44 mm L ) from shallow reefs of Bahia, Brazil. Pseudogilbia australis sp. nov.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFUnlabelled: Opioids are the first-line treatment for cancer pain. Incomplete pain relief and the high rate of adverse effects of these compounds bring a need to combine them with other drugs acting on different targets.
Aims: We here evaluate the antinociceptive interaction and adverse events of methadone combined with recombinant Phα1β, an analgesic toxin from Phoneutria nigriventer.
The reef system off the Amazon River mouth extends from Amapá state to Maranhão state along the Brazilian Equatorial Margin, encompassing more than 10,000 km2 of rhodolith beds and high-relief hard structures on the outer shelf and upper slope. This unique hard bottom mosaic is remarkable for being influenced by the turbid and hyposaline plume from the world's largest river, and also for representing a connectivity corridor between the Caribbean and Brazil. Bryozoans were recently recognized as major reef builders in the Southwestern Atlantic, but their diversity off the Amazon River mouth remained unknown.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFTropical reefs are declining rapidly due to climate changes and local stressors such as water quality deterioration and overfishing. The so-called marginal reefs sustain significant coral cover and growth but are dominated by fewer species adapted to suboptimal conditions to most coral species. However, the dynamics of marginal systems may diverge from that of the archetypical oligotrophic tropical reefs, and it is unclear whether they are more or less susceptible to anthropogenic stress.
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