Publications by authors named "Rocio Pozuelo Calvo"

: Idiopathic Toe Walking (ITW) is a pediatric gait disorder characterized by persistent toe-to-heel ambulation in the absence of neurological, orthopedic, or developmental abnormalities. While spatio-temporal parameters often remain within normal ranges, subtle but clinically significant kinematic deviations may underlie compensatory mechanisms that sustain gait functionality. This study aims to evaluate spatio-temporal and sagittal plane kinematic differences between children with ITW and typically developing peers using Statistical Parametric Mapping (SPM).

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The HEALTHYBACK trial is based on a multimodal intervention to determine the effectiveness of a supervised physical exercise, mindfulness, behaviour change and pain neuroscience education programme on several health variables in individuals with chronic primary low back pain (CPLBP). The study will be a randomised controlled trial among 70 individuals diagnosed with CPLBP (aged 18-65 years). The intervention will be conducted in person within a hospital setting for 16 weeks and comprises a first phase (16 sessions supervised physical exercise (2 days/week, 45 min/session), mindfulness (1 day/week, 2.

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Background: The Shoulder Pain Disability Index (SPADI) is a recently published but widely used outcome measure.

Methods: This study included 136 patients with shoulder disorders. SPADI was first translated and back-translated and then subjected to psychometric validation.

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Objective: To study the correlation between the T2 relaxation times of the patellar cartilage and morphological MRI findings of chondromalacia.

Methods: This prospective study comprises 50 patients, 27 men and 23 women suffering of anterior knee pain (mean age: 29.7, SD 8.

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Purpose: To compare clinical and computed tomography (CT) measures in extension, 20 degrees and 30 degrees of flexion of symptomatic knees of patient with idiopathic patellofemoral pain syndrome with the contra lateral asymptomatic knee.

Materials And Methods: Knees of 52 consecutive patients with idiopathic patellofemoral pain were studied with CT. In 28 patients this condition was unilateral and asymptomatic knee was used as control; 76 knees were symptomatic.

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