This study introduces a novel method to investigate in situ light transport within optically thick ensembles of cold atoms, exploiting the internal structure of alkaline-earth metals. A method for creating an optical excitation at the center of a large atomic cloud is demonstrated, and we observe its propagation through multiple scattering events. In conditions where the cloud size is significantly larger than the transport mean free path, a diffusive regime is identified.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFTo address the outstanding task of detecting entanglement in large quantum systems, entanglement witnesses have emerged, addressing the separable nature of a state. Yet optimizing witnesses, or accessing them experimentally, often remains a challenge. We here introduce a family of entanglement witnesses for open quantum systems.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWe report laser frequency stabilization by the combination of modulation transfer spectroscopy and balanced detection of a relatively weak hyperfine transition of the R(158)25-0 line of molecular iodine (I), which is used as a new frequency reference for laser trapping and cooling of Yb on the S - P transition. The atomic cloud is characterized by time-of-flight measurements, and an on-resonance optical depth of up to 47 is obtained. We show laser noise reduction and characterize the short-term laser frequency instability by the Allan deviation of the laser fractional frequency.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWe present an experimental setup to laser cool and trap a large number of ytterbium atoms. Our design uses an oven with an array of micro-tubes for efficient collimation of the atomic beam, and we implement a magneto-optical trap of 174Yb on the 1S0 → 1P1 transition at 399 nm. Despite the absence of a Zeeman slower, we obtain a loading of 4 × 109 at.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFEur Phys J D At Mol Opt Phys
December 2022
The Siegert relation relates field and intensity temporal correlations. After a historical review of the Siegert relation and the Hanbury Brown and Twiss effect, we discuss the validity of this relation in two different domains. We first show that this relation can be used in astrophysics to determine the fundamental parameters of stars, and that it is especially important for the observation with stellar emission lines.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFMultiple scattering of light by resonant vapor is characterized by Lévy-type superdiffusion with a single-step size distribution p(x)∝1/x^{1+α}. We investigate Lévy flight of light in a hot rubidium vapor collisional-broadened by 50 torr of He gas. The frequent collisions produce Lorentzian absorptive and emissive profiles with α<1 and a corresponding divergent mean step size.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFApart from the difficulty of producing highly scattering samples, a major challenge in the observation of Anderson localization of 3D light is identifying an unambiguous signature of the phase transition in experimentally feasible situations. In this Letter, we establish a clear correspondence between the collapse of the conductance, the increase in intensity fluctuations at the localization transition and the scaling analysis results based on the Thouless number, thus connecting the macroscopic and microscopic approaches of localization. Furthermore, the transition thus inferred is fully compatible both with the results based on the eigenvalue analysis of the microscopic description and with the effective-medium Ioffe-Regel criterion.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe nonlinear Schrödinger equation, used to describe the dynamics of quantum fluids, is known to be valid not only for massive particles but also for the propagation of light in a nonlinear medium, predicting condensation of classical waves. Here we report on the initial evolution of random waves with Gaussian statistics using atomic vapors as an efficient two dimensional nonlinear medium. Experimental and theoretical analysis of near field images reveal a phenomenon of nonequilibrium precondensation, characterized by a fast relaxation towards a precondensate fraction of up to 75%.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFProc Natl Acad Sci U S A
November 2017
We report the results of the direct comparison of a freely expanding turbulent Bose-Einstein condensate and a propagating optical speckle pattern. We found remarkably similar statistical properties underlying the spatial propagation of both phenomena. The calculated second-order correlation together with the typical correlation length of each system is used to compare and substantiate our observations.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFSuperradiance has been extensively studied in the 1970s and 1980s in the regime of superfluorescence, where a large number of atoms are initially excited. Cooperative scattering in the linear-optics regime, or "single-photon superradiance," has been investigated much more recently, and superradiant decay has also been predicted, even for a spherical sample of large extent and low density, where the distance between atoms is much larger than the wavelength. Here, we demonstrate this effect experimentally by directly measuring the decay rate of the off-axis fluorescence of a large and dilute cloud of cold rubidium atoms after the sudden switch off of a low-intensity laser driving the atomic transition.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFSince Dicke's seminal paper on coherence in spontaneous radiation by atomic ensembles, superradiance has been extensively studied. Subradiance, on the contrary, has remained elusive, mainly because subradiant states are weakly coupled to the environment and are very sensitive to nonradiative decoherence processes. Here, we report the experimental observation of subradiance in an extended and dilute cold-atom sample containing a large number of particles.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFNonequilibrium dynamics of many-body systems are important in many scientific fields. Here, we report the experimental observation of a phase transition of the quantum coherent dynamics of a three-dimensional many-spin system with dipolar interactions. Using nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) on a solid-state system of spins at room-temperature, we quench the interaction Hamiltonian to drive the evolution of the system.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPhys Rev E Stat Nonlin Soft Matter Phys
May 2014
We study the center-of-mass motion in systems of trapped interacting particles with space- and velocity-dependent friction and anharmonic traps. Our approach, based on a dynamical ansatz assuming a fixed density profile, allows us to obtain information at once for a wide range of binary interactions and interaction strengths, at linear and nonlinear levels. Our findings are first tested on different simple models by comparison with direct numerical simulations.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFJ Opt Soc Am A Opt Image Sci Vis
May 2014
We interpret cooperative scattering by a collection of cold atoms as a multiple-scattering process. Starting from microscopic equations describing the response of N atoms to a probe light beam, we represent the total scattered field as an infinite series of multiple-scattering events. As an application of the method, we obtain analytical expressions of the coherent intensity in the double-scattering approximation for Gaussian density profiles.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFDicke superradiance has been observed in many systems and is based on constructive interferences between many scattered waves. The counterpart of this enhanced dynamics, subradiance, is a destructive interference effect leading to the partial trapping of light in the system. In contrast to the robust superradiance, subradiant states are fragile, and spurious decoherence phenomena hitherto obstructed the observation of such metastable states.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWe study the breathing mode in systems of trapped interacting particles. Our approach, based on a dynamical ansatz in the first equation of the Bogoliubov-Born-Green-Kirkwood-Yvon hierarchy allows us to tackle at once a wide range of power-law interactions and interaction strengths, at linear and nonlinear levels. This both puts in a common framework various results scattered in the literature, and by widely generalizing these, emphasizes universal characters of this breathing mode.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWe address the problem of achieving a random laser with a cloud of cold atoms, in which gain and scattering are provided by the same atoms. In this system, the elastic scattering cross-section is related to the complex atomic polarizability. As a consequence, the random laser threshold is expressed as a function of this polarizability, which can be fully determined by spectroscopic measurements.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWe address the problem of achieving an optical random laser with a cloud of cold atoms, in which gain and scattering are provided by the same atoms. The lasing threshold can be defined using the on-resonance optical thickness b0 as a single critical parameter. We predict the threshold quantitatively, as well as power and frequency of the emitted light, using two different light transport models and the atomic polarizability of a strongly pumped two-level atom.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWe realize a laser with a cloud of cold rubidium atoms as gain medium, placed in a low-finesse cavity. Three different regimes of laser emission are observed corresponding, respectively, to Mollow, Raman, and four-wave mixing mechanisms. We measure an output power of up to 300 microW and present the main properties of these different lasers in each regime.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWe have constructed a blue laser source consisting of an amplified, grating tuned diode laser that is frequency doubled by a KNbO3 crystal in a compact standing wave cavity and produces as much as 200 mW of internal second-harmonic power. We have analyzed the unusual characteristics of this standing wave cavity to clarify the advantages and disadvantages of this configuration as an alternative to a ring cavity for second-harmonic generation. We emphasize its efficiency and stability and the fact that it has an inherent walk-off compensation, similar to twin crystal configurations.
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