Publications by authors named "Robin Amirkhan"

Littoral cell angioma (LCA) is a rare primary splenic tumor that is difficult to differentiate preoperatively from other benign and malignant splenic lesions. Most of the cases present as multiple nodules in the spleen. We report a case of large solitary LCA of the spleen, an uncommon presentation.

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Background: Overexpression of excision repair cross complementing group 1 (ERCC1), a DNA repair enzyme, is associated with resistance to cisplatin.

Materials And Methods: Tissues from 73 patients with squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck (HNSCC) who received concurrent cisplatin and radiation was analyzed immunohistochemically to determine if ERCC1 expression predicted for survival and response. Expression was scored as follows: 0=0% tumor nuclei positive, 1+=<50%, 2+=50-75% and 3+=>75%.

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Context: Granular cell tumors (GCTs) are classified as benign when none of the following features is present: spindling of the tumor cells, necrosis, diffuse pleomorphism, prominent nucleoli, high nuclear-cytoplasmic ratio, and mitotic rate >2 per 10 high-power fields. It has been suggested that a GCT be classified as atypical when 1 or 2 of these features are seen and as malignant when 3 or more of these are present. In our practice, we do not classify GCTs as malignant in the absence of metastasis.

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We report 2 previously undescribed morphological variants of pancreatic intraepithelial neoplasia (PanIN). The first variant with an intestinal phenotype was associated with mucinous carcinomas that occurred in the tail of the pancreas of 2 men (60 and 65 years old). The carcinomas lacked the characteristic ovarian-like stroma of mucinous cystic neoplasms observed in female patients and did not show a papillary architecture.

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Background: Preclinical data suggests that VEGF and COX-2 are potentially important mediators in the pathogenesis of small cell lung cancer (SCLC). Little is known about the frequency of tumor expression of VEGF and COX-2 in SCLC or the prognostic significance of this expression.

Materials And Methods: Clinical records from 54 cases of SCLC were reviewed.

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Malignant melanoma is known to display tremendous histologic diversity. One rare variant is the rhabdoid phenotype, so called because of the appearance of cells resembling rhabdomyoblasts seen in malignant rhabdoid tumors of the kidney. We present the histologic, immunohistochemical, and ultrastructural features of a malignant melanoma composed entirely of rhabdoid cells.

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Inhibin alpha subunit (inhibin A) expression in hemangioblastomas has not been previously reported in the literature. We analyzed the expression of inhibin A in 25 hemangioblastomas from 22 patients. Eleven cases were from 8 patients with von Hippel-Lindau disease, and these tumors were multicentric and/or recurrent.

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Cystic sebaceous neoplasms have been seen only in patients with Muir-Torre syndrome (MTS) and have recently been characterized as marker lesions of MTS. Histologically, these lesions form a spectrum of tumors ranging from benign cystic adenomas to proliferative cystic sebaceous tumors. We describe 2 proliferative cystic sebaceous tumors in a 53-year-old man whose workup revealed colonic adenocarcinoma and other sebaceous tumors consistent with MTS.

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Rosette formation is a feature that has not been described as occurring in melanocytic neoplasms. We present such a unique case. A 59-year-old man presented with an asymptomatic, soft, hairy 3.

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Background: We compared the effectiveness and safety of image-guided biopsies done with coaxial guides versus fine-needle aspiration done without coaxial guides.

Methods: With the use of hospital computer records and chart reviews, all image-guided biopsies done during a 4-year period at our institution were assessed for adequacy and complications. For each biopsy, the use of a coaxial guide, the site, and the imaging modality were recorded.

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