Front Vet Sci
June 2024
Epidural anesthesia in dogs is a locoregional anesthesia technique used in veterinary medicine, becoming an important integrated application in the anesthetic protocol to provide safer and more effective analgesia to patients. For this, professionals must adhere to rigorous guidelines and possess technical skills. In this context, in veterinary education, the development of practical clinical skills represents a crucial aspect in the training of these professionals.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFFemoral neck fractures are a massive personal and health programme burden. Methods to study femoral neck strength, across its combined trabecular and cortical components are therefore essential. Rodent ovariectomy-induced osteoporosis models are commonly coupled with ex vivo 3-/4-point bending methods to measure changes in femoral cortical diaphysis.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFDisuse osteoporosis occurs after extended periods of bed rest or nerve damage leading to increased risk of fracture. It remains to be established, however, whether the trajectory of bone loss is equivalent in bone's cortical and trabecular compartments following long-term periods of reduced loading. Herein, we evaluate sciatic neurectomy-related cortical and trabecular bone loss in the tibia by microCT.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFInt J Exerc Sci
September 2020
The skeleton fulfils its mechanical functions through structural organization and material properties of individual bones. It is stated that both cortical and trabecular morphology and mass can be (re)modelled in response to changes in mechanical strains engendered by load-bearing. To address this, animal models that enable the application of specific loads to individual bones have been developed.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPurpose: To evaluate the maximal intraluminal pressure (MIP) supported by canine cadaveric urinary bladders that underwent cystotomy followed by cystorraphy, with and without serosal patching-supplementation.
Methods: Two groups (n=8 each) were formed, and in one (conventional) the cystotomy was closed with cushing pattern. In the other group (serosal), the same procedure was performed, and a piece of jejunum was used for the construction of the serosal patching over the cystorraphy.
J Ethnopharmacol
March 2015
Ethnopharmacological Relevance: Cedrela odorata L. (Meliaceae) is a native plant of the Amazon region and its inner stem bark is used in the treatment of diabetes in the form of maceration in Brazilian popular medicine. Until now, there is no scientific study on this activity.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe skeleton fulfils its mechanical functions through structural organisation and material properties of individual bones. Both cortical and trabecular morphology and mass can be (re)modelled in response to changes in mechanical strains engendered by load-bearing. To address this, animal models that enable the application of specific loads to individual bones have been developed.
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