The COVID-19 pandemic generated a great impact on health systems. We compared evolution, polypharmacy, and potential drug-drug interactions (P-DDIs) in COVID-19 and non-COVID-19 hospitalizations during first wave of pandemic. Prescriptions for hospitalized patients ≥ 18 years (COVID-19 and non-COVID-19 rooms) between April and September 2020 were included.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFRev Recent Clin Trials
May 2023
Objectives: We evaluated polypharmacy and possible drug-drug interactions (p-DDIs) in hospitalized patients before and after using the SIMDA Computerized Medical Decision Support System (CMDSS).
Materials And Methods: We included the prescriptions of ≥ 18 years hospitalized patients in the internal medicine department. We developed and implemented the Hdc.
Objective: To evaluate frequency and risk factors for dextropropoxypheneinduced QT-interval prolongation in the clinical setting.
Design: Prospective, noninterventional, observational, longitudinal cohort approach. Electrocardiograms were blindly evaluated by independent professionals.
Background: Differences in drug response among patients are common. Most major drugs are effective in only 25 to 60 percent of the patients, in part due to the CYP enzymes, whose activity vary up to 50-fold between individuals for some index metabolic reactions. Several factors affect CYP activity, among which genetic polymorphisms have been studied as the major cause for long time.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFInt J Clin Pharmacol Ther
March 2017
Unlabelled: A prolongation of the QTc-interval has been described for several opioids, including pethidine (meperidine).
Objective: To evaluate in the clinical setting the frequency and risk factors associated with the QT-interval prolongation induced by meperidine.
Research Design And Methods: We recruited patients requiring meperidine administration and recorded their medical history and comorbidities predisposing to QT-interval prolongation.
Introduction: Metabolic clearance of isoniazid (INH) may be up to 10 times faster in individuals who are rapid acetylators compared with slow acetylators. In addition, the acetylation phenotype has been suggested to change with age. A better knowledge of the age distribution of the acetylation genotype and phenotype in children requiring INH for tuberculosis treatment or prevention could be important to optimize safety and efficacy of INH use.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: Recombinant human interferon (hIFN beta) is indicated for the treatment of multiple sclerosis. Its effect presents species restriction, thus lacking biological activity on most mammals. Although there have been previous studies of the pharmacology of INF beta in Old World primates, no data exists on New World primates.
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