Publications by authors named "Roberta Tankanow"

Purpose: The development of a computerized system for protocol management, dispensing, inventory accountability, and billing by the investigational drug service (IDS) of a university health system is described.

Summary: After an unsuccessful search for a commercial system that would accommodate the variation among investigational protocols and meet regulatory requirements, the IDS worked with the health-system pharmacy's information technology staff and informatics pharmacists to develop its own system. The informatics pharmacists observed work-flow and information capture in the IDS and identified opportunities for improved efficiency with an automated system.

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Objective: To compare tetrathiomolybdate and trientine in treating patients with the neurologic presentation of Wilson disease for the frequency of neurologic worsening, adverse effects, and degree of neurologic recovery.

Design: A randomized, double-blind, controlled, 2-arm study of 48 patients with the neurologic presentation of Wilson disease. Patients either received 500 mg of trientine hydrochloride 2 times per day or 20 mg of tetrathiomolybdate 3 times per day with meals and 20 mg 3 times per day between meals for 8 weeks.

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Objectives: Patients are assuming responsibility for their own health by self-medicating with dietary supplements, often without physician knowledge or oversight. The objectives of this study were to determine: 1) pediatric dietary supplement use by surveying parents of children who were hospitalized in a university institution; 2) if any health care professional inquired about supplement use at the time the child was hospitalized; 3) whether the use of a supplement was documented in the patient's medical record; and 4) parents' attitudes about dietary supplements.

Study Design: Parents of 100 hospitalized pediatric patients (<18 years of age) were randomly selected to complete a survey about their child's use of dietary supplements prior to and during hospitalization.

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Hawthorn, an herbal supplement, is currently being evaluated for the treatment of heart failure. The flavonoid components of hawthorn may be responsible for hawthorn's beneficial effects in the treatment of heart failure. However, these components may also affect P-glycoprotein function and cause interactions with drugs that are P-glycoprotein substrates, such as digoxin, which is also used to treat heart failure.

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