Publications by authors named "Robert McCrindle"

Polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) are widely used industrial compounds that have been identified as contaminants in almost every component of the global ecosystem, and in human studies, higher levels of PFAS have been correlated with increased incidence of multiple diseases. Based on the results of human and laboratory animal studies, we hypothesize that the orphan nuclear receptor 4A1 (NR4A1) may be a critical target for some PFAS such as the legacy linear polyfluorooctanesulfonate (PFOS) and other sulfonates. We show that PFOS and related compounds bound the ligand binding domain (LBD) of NR4A1 and induced the growth of several cancer cell lines and enhanced tumor growth in an athymic nude mouse model.

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In this study, the spatial and temporal variations in the levels of C8-C40 n-alkanes and 18 polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in water and sediment from Loskop Dam (Mpumalanga Province South Africa), were investigated between 2015 and 2017. In addition, their sources, which have not been well defined, were also studied over the period. This water body is sourced from a historically contaminated water body, the Olifants River, which flows through areas where a range of industrial and agricultural activities take place.

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The presence of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in the environment is of major concern since some of these compounds are highly persistent, toxic (causing cancer) and wide spread pollutants. The objective of this study was to evaluate the levels of PAHs in sediment samples collected from Blood and Mokolo Rivers in Limpopo Province, South Africa. The PAHs in sediments were extracted using optimized microwave-assisted extraction (MAE) method.

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The combustion of coal in thermal power plants may result in high concentrations of elements in the coal fly ash remaining that may be toxic to living organisms or pose a risk to the environment. This study was aimed at determining the concentrations of potentially toxic elements in coal fly ash leachates, in an attempt to simulate natural processes that influence the environment. Powder X-ray diffraction (XRD), Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and elemental composition studies were employed to characterize the physicochemical properties of the parent coal fly ash.

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Electrochemical fluorination of 4-ethylbenzenesulfonyl halides produces a mixture of compounds that has found extensive use as an erosion inhibitor in aircraft hydraulic fluids. This paper reports a study of the composition of commercial samples of this material from two industrial scale manufacturers in terms of the structures and relative concentrations of their components, the major of which is perfluoroethylcyclohexanesulfonate (PFECHS). Fractionation of one of these mixtures by column chromatography produced fractions in which all significant components were of sufficient purity to allow assignment of their structures by F NMR spectroscopy.

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Environmental monitoring of the levels of potentially toxic metals is of importance because of possible adverse effects on living species. This study was conducted to assess the levels of Cd, Cr, Cu, Hg, Mn, Pb, U and V in water, sediment and peat samples collected from the region of Wonderfonteinspruit. Water samples were simply filtered and acidified with HNO prior to analysis.

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Degradation products of the chlorinated additive flame retardant Dechlorane Plus (DP) have been discovered globally. However, the identity of many of these species remains unknown due to a lack of available analytical standards, hindering the ability to quantitatively measure the amounts of these compounds in the environment. In the present study, synthetic routes to possible dechlorinated DP derivatives were investigated in an effort to identify the environmentally significant degradation products.

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Embelin (2,5-dihydroxy-3-undecyl-p-benzoquinone) is known for its potent anthelmintic activity, but also for wound-healing, antidiabetic, anticonvulsant, antitumour, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, hepatoprotective, antioxidant, antibacterial and antispermatogenic activities. A high-performance countercurrent chromatography method was developed for the purification of embelin from an extract of the seeds of Embelia schimperi fruit. The optimized solvent system (n-hexane-ethylacetate-ethanol-water, 7:3:7:3) resulted in the isolation of 13.

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During an investigation of the potential associated with coupling packed column supercritical fluid chromatography (pSFC) to mass spectrometry for the analysis of Dechlorane Plus and related compounds, it was found that negative ion atmospheric pressure chemical ionization (APCI) was a promising ionization technique. In the course of maximizing the responses associated with the target analytes, it proved useful to examine some aspects of the complex nature and reactivity of the corona discharge plasma generated to explain the observed ionization products. Various dopants/reagents were screened for both APCI and atmospheric pressure photoionization (APPI) in negative ion mode and mechanisms of ionization involving superoxide were elucidated based on the results obtained.

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The application of phosphorus based flame retardants as replacements for commonly used halogenated flame retardants has been gaining interest due to the possibility that these compounds may have a less significant impact on human and environmental health. Unfortunately, little is known about the chemical compositions of many of the technical products (which often are mixtures) and a single separation technique for concurrent analysis of these types of compounds has not been identified. This paper reports the results of an investigation into the constituents of three halogen free organophosphate flame retardants (OPFRs), resorcinol bis(diphenyl phosphate) (RDBPP), bisphenol A bis(diphenyl phosphate) (BPA-BDPP), and 9,10-dihydro-9-oxa-10-phosphaphenanthrene-10-oxide (DOPO).

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Aqueous film-forming foams (AFFFs), containing per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs), are released into the environment during response to fire-related emergencies. Repeated historical applications of AFFF at military sites were a result of fire-fighter training exercises and equipment testing. Recent data on AFFF-impacted groundwater indicates that ∼25% of the PFASs remain unidentified.

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Article Synopsis
  • Hexabromocyclododecane (HBCDD) is a brominated flame retardant flagged for elimination due to its environmental persistence and potential harmful effects.
  • The study successfully isolated and characterized the six main HBCDD stereoisomers using innovative enantioselective supercritical fluid chromatography methods.
  • The research demonstrates the effectiveness of packed column supercritical fluid chromatography as an eco-friendly technique for analyzing environmental contaminants, achieving baseline separation of all HBCDD enantiomers.
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The environmental occurrence of dechlorination moieties from the high production volume flame retardant, Dechlorane Plus (DP), has largely been documented; however, the sources have yet to be well understood. In addition, few laboratory-based studies exist which identify the cause for the occurrence of these chemicals in the environment or humans. Anaerobic dechlorination of the two DP isomers was investigated using a laboratory-simulated wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) environment where anaerobic digestion is used as part of the treatment regime.

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This paper deals with the characterization and aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AhR) agonist activities of a series of chlorinated, brominated, and mixed bromo/chlorocarbazoles, some of which have been identified in various environmental samples. Attention is directed here to the possibility that halogenated carbazoles may currently be emitted into the environment as a result of the production of carbazole-containing polymers present in a wide variety of electronic devices. We have found that any carbazole that is not substituted in the 1,3,6,8 positions may be lost during cleanup of environmental extracts if a multilayer column is utilized, as is common practice for polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxin (dioxin) and related compounds.

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The quantification of 14 polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) was carried out in sediment samples collected from Akaki River, Lake Awassa, and Lake Ziway, Ethiopia. The concentration of PAHs in the samples was determined using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) in selected ion monitoring (SIM) mode, after microwave-assisted extraction (MAE), using acetone/n-hexane (1:1, v/v) mixture. The accuracy of the method was determined by extracting and analyzing New York/New Jersey waterway sediment standard reference material (SRM 1944).

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Contamination of soils with the explosive hexahydro-1,3,5-trinitro-1,3,5-triazine (RDX, Research Department Explosive) as a result of military applications is a large-area problem globally. Since coniferous trees dominate the vegetation of large areas of military land in Central Europe, particularly in Germany, the long-term fate of (14)C-RDX in the conifers Scots pine and Dwarf Alberta spruce was studied. Acetic acid was the most effective solvent for the removal of extractable RDX residues from homogenates of RDX-laden tree material (85%, 80-90% and 64-80% for roots, wood and needles, respectively).

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In recent years, a number of halogenated carbazoles have been detected in environmental samples. These emerging contaminants have been shown to be persistent and possess dioxin-like toxicological potential. The goal of this research was to examine the literature to determine likely anthropogenic origin(s) of halogenated carbazoles in the environment.

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Microwave-assisted acid digestion and modified aqua regia (HNO3:HCl:HF:H3BO3) leaching techniques were used for the determination of 15 potentially toxic elements (V, Cr, Fe, Mn, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, As, Se, Ag, Cd, Sn, Hg and Pb) in sediment samples from Lake Awassa and Lake Ziway, Ethiopia. The digests were subsequently analyzed by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) and inductively coupled plasma-optical emission spectrometry (ICP-OES). Mercury was directly determined in the solid samples using an elemental mercury analyzer.

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The dechlorane family of flame retardants, which includes Mirex (also known as Dechlorane), Dechlorane Plus (DP), and Dechloranes (Dec) 602, 603, and 604, were manufactured at a facility along the Niagara River, upstream of Lake Ontario. Some of these compounds remain in use. In a previous study, we found Mirex and Dec602 to have greater bioaccumulation potentials than Dec604 and DP based on calculated biota-sediment accumulation factors (BSAFs).

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This work describes a single and fast approach using a filtering script as a means of prioritizing sample processing of data acquired by GC×GC-TOF MS for the identification of potentially novel persistent and bioaccumulative halogenated chemicals. The proposed script is based on the recognition of a generic halogenated isotope cluster pattern that allows for the simultaneous detection of chlorinated, brominated, or mixed halogen-substituted compounds in a single classification. Once developed, the script was applied to the identification of organohalogens in stream sediments collected across the southern region of Ontario (Canada).

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Compounds related to the high-production-volume flame retardant Dechlorane Plus (DP) were measured in a Lake Ontario food web located downstream of a DP manufacturing plant. These compounds, 1,3- and 1,5-DP-monoadducts (DPMA), are positional isomers and are thought to arise from the incomplete reaction of DP or impurities in the DP starting material during its manufacture. The 1,3-DPMA isomer was measured (0.

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Mass defect is the difference between the nominal and exact mass of a chemical element or compound. An intrinsic property of polyhalogenated molecules is a uniquely negative mass defect, which readily distinguishes halogenated from non-halogenated compounds in a complex mass spectrum and can be visualized by constructing a mass defect plot. This study demonstrates the utility of the mass defect plot as a powerful tool to screen gas-chromatography (ultra)high-resolution mass spectrometry data for potentially toxic and bioaccumulative halogenated compounds in a Lake Ontario lake trout, an apex species in the Great Lakes environment.

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We recently reported the discovery and identification of novel methoxylated polybrominated diphenoxybenzenes (MeO-PBDPBs) in herring gulls eggs from the Laurentian Great Lakes of North America. We presently investigated the temporal changes (1982-2010) in MeO-PBDPB concentrations and congener patterns, as well as chemical tracers of diet (ratios of carbon and nitrogen stable isotopes), in egg pool homogenates from five selected colony sites across the Great Lakes. Egg pool homogenates from the Channel-Shelter (C-S) Island (Lake Huron) contained ∑MeO-PBDPB concentrations orders of magnitude greater than those from other colonies, suggesting potential point contamination sources nearby.

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During the course of our studies of in-use chlorinated flame retardants, such as Dechlorane Plus(®) and Dechloranes 602 and 604, blubber of beluga whales from the Canadian Arctic and lake trout and whitefish from the North American Great Lakes were found to contain two novel dechlorination products of Dechlorane 602 (Dec602). The structures of these compounds were characterized by experiments performed using both gas chromatography-high resolution mass spectrometry and Fourier transform mass spectrometry with a prepared technical mixture of monohydro and dihydroDec602 derivatives. These Dec602 derivatives are analogous to the well-known monohydro and dihydro photochemical degradation products of Mirex.

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