Background/objective: To evaluate the weight and height status of under-five children between 1992 and 2021 in relation to nutritional context.
Subjects/methods: The study is based on the lengths/heights and weights of children <5 years in five national surveys (n = 505,026). After evaluating normality of the distributions, heights, and weights were expressed as z-scores relative to the WHO reference.
The assessment of biological maturation is a central topic in pediatric exercise sciences. Skeletal age (SA) reflects changes in each bone of the hand and wrist from initial ossification to the adult state. This study examined intra-observer and inter-examiner agreement is Greulich-Pyle (GP) assessments of SA in 97 male tennis players 8.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe use of industrial by-products as substitutes for raw materials in cement production not only reduces raw material use, thereby contributing to the circular economy, but also offers an avenue for reducing greenhouse gas emissions. This study investigates the perceptions of industry representatives and end-users across Belgium, Czechia and Slovenia regarding alternative cement made with industrial by-products categorised as naturally occurring radioactive materials. Based on 66 interviews, three main concerns were discerned: health, performance, and economic.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAddressing abdominal obesity requires multifaceted strategies, with physical activity and diet playing a pivotal role. The objective of this study was to assess alterations in body composition, adipokine concentrations, insulin resistance parameters, and lipid metabolism in males with abdominal obesity following two distinct interventions: exercise alone and exercise combined with a specific diet. The study involved 44 males with abdominal obesity (average age 34.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFObjectives: The aim of this research was to evaluate changes in body composition, adipokine levels, and dyslipidemia parameters in males with abdominal obesity following two distinct interventions: exercise alone and exercise combined with an ad libitum diet.
Methods: This study included 44 males with abdominal obesity (mean age 34.7 ± 5.
Background: Biochar is a relatively new development in sustainable agricultural management that can be applied to ameliorate degraded and less fertile soils, especially sandy-textured ones, to improve their productivity with respect to crop production through improved nutrient availability. However, as the literature has shown, the response of sandy-textured soils to biochar varies in terms of effect size and direction. Therefore, the present study systematically reviewed the available evidence to synthesize the impact of biochar amendments on aspects of the nutrient cycle of sandy-textured soils.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPurpose: To track body size and proportions, arm dimensions and grip strength in children, adolescents, and adults resident in an indigenous community in Oaxaca who were measured on two or three occasions across surveys in 1968, 1978, and 2000.
Methods: The three cross-sectional surveys included measures of height, weight, sitting height, arm circumference, triceps skinfold, and grip strength in surveys of schoolchildren in 1968 and of schoolchildren, adolescents and adults in 1978 and 2000. Cross-checks of surnames, forenames and ages/dates of birth of participants in the three surveys identified three samples of individuals measured on two occasions (1968-1978, two age groups in 1978-2000) and a subsample of individuals measured in the three surveys.
The Carbon Offsetting and Reduction Scheme for International Aviation (CORSIA) requires airlines to offset their greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions above 2019 levels by either buying carbon offsets or using Sustainable Aviation Fuels (SAFs). These are drop-in jet fuels made from biomass or other renewable resources that reduce GHG emissions by at least 10 % compared to kerosene and meet certain sustainability criteria. This study assesses the direct land use change (DLUC) emissions of SAF, i.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: Studies addressing age at peak height velocity (PHV) in longitudinal samples of participants in sports are relatively limited.
Purpose: To compare the growth status and estimated ages at PHV of longitudinal samples girls and boys active in sport with peers not active in sport, and to compare estimated ages at PHV among longitudinal samples of Polish youth active in sport.
Methods: Records from the Cracow Longitudinal Study, which measured youth annually from 8 to 18 years, were screened to identify individuals regularly active in sport.
Age at peak height velocity (APHV) is an indicator of maturity timing which is applicable to both sexes, and which is influenced by environmental factors. The objective of this study was to assess variation in APHV associated with several indicators of socioeconomic status (SES) in a longitudinal sample of Polish adolescents. The sample included 739 boys born in 1983 and followed annually from 12 to 16 years, and 597 girls born in 1985 and followed annually from 9 to 13 years.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFSecular change in the heights of adult men and women resident in ten rural communities in west-central Poland in four decennial surveys between 1986 and 2016 is considered. The adults were parents of children attending schools in rural communities in the province of Poznań. During each survey, parents of school children were asked to complete a questionnaire which requested their ages, heights and completed levels of education.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: Three indicators of early childhood undernutrition and associated factors are evaluated among under-5 children in five National Family Health Surveys in India spanning 1992 to 2021.
Methods: Data for 533,495 children under 5 years of age (U-5) were analysed in the context of three commonly used indicators of early childhood undernutrition - wasting, stunting and underweight. In addition to descriptive and inferential statistics, binary logistic regression was used to estimate the effects of specific explanatory factors on the three indicators using adjusted odds ratios.
Objective: To estimate the associations between height, weight, and three estimates of skeletal age (SA) and the strength and motor performance of male soccer players in two chronological age (CA) groups, 9-12 (n = 60) and 13-16 (n = 52) years.
Methods: Height, weight, strength (grip), speed (5 m, 20 m sprints), acceleration (time at crossing 10 m in 20 m sprint), agility (figure-of-eight run), power (vertical jump), and endurance (intermittent shuttle run) were measured. SA was assessed with the TW2 RUS, TW3 RUS, and Fels methods; each SA was expressed as the standardized residual of the regression of SA on CA (SAsr).
The contributions of height, weight and skeletal age (SA) to strength and motor performances of male soccer players 9-12 (n = 60) and 13-16 (n = 52) years were estimated. SA was assessed with the Fels method, and was expressed as the standardized residual of the regression of SA on chronological age CA (SAsr). Static strength (right + left grip), speed (5 m, 20 m sprints), acceleration (10 to 20 m), agility (figure-of-eight run), explosive strength (vertical jump) and endurance (yo-yo intermittent shuttle run, 13-16 years only) were measured.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFHindus and Muslims represent the two largest religions in India, and also differ in nutritional status, health-related habits and standard of living associated with economic disparities. In this context, the present study considered estimated secular changes in body size, proportions, and weight status among Hindu and Muslim Indian men. The data are from anthropological surveys in the 1970s which included measurements of height, weight and sitting height of 43,950 males 18-84 years (birth years 1891-1957).
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPurpose: The objective of this study is to evaluate the concordance of predicted maturity status classifications (pre-, circa-, or post-peak height velocity (PHV)) relative to observed age at PHV in youth soccer players.
Methods: Longitudinal height records for 124 male soccer players were extracted from academy records spanning the 2000 to 2022 seasons. Age at PHV for each player was estimated with the Superimposition by Translation and Rotation model.
Background: Motor performances of youth are related to growth and maturity status, among other factors.
Aim: To estimate the contribution of skeletal maturity status to the motor performances of female athletes aged 10-15 years and the mediation effects of growth status on the relationships.
Subjects And Methods: Skeletal age (TW3 RUS SA), body size, proportions, estimated fat-free mass (FFM), motor performances, training history and participation motivation were assessed in 80 non-skeletally mature female participants in several sports.
Estimated ages at take-off (TO) and at peak height velocity (PHV) based on two models and maturity status based upon age at PHV and skeletal age (SA) were compared in a longitudinal sample of male soccer players. In addition, estimated ages at PHV in 13 longitudinal samples of soccer players were compared. The longitudinal height records of 58 players of European ancestry, measured annually on four or five occasions between 11 and 16 years, were modeled with Superimposition by Translation and Rotation (SITAR) and Functional Principal Component Analysis (FPCA) to estimate ages at TO and PHV.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFRegional variation in the body size of Indian men 18-84 years of age (birth years 1891-1957) was considered. Heights, weights, and BMIs of Indian males from four regions of the country - North, East-Northeast, Central, and West were compared. Heights of men 35+ years of age were adjusted for estimated height loss with age; the estimate was added to observed height to provide an estimate of maximum height.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: Air pollution exposure is one of the major risk factors for aggravation of respiratory diseases. We investigated whether exposure to air pollution and accumulated black carbon (BC) particles in blood were associated with coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) disease severity, including the risk for intensive care unit (ICU) admission and duration of hospitalisation.
Methods: From May 2020 until March 2021, 328 hospitalised COVID-19 patients (29% at intensive care) were recruited from two hospitals in Belgium.
Fetal life and infancy are extremely sensitive to adverse environmental conditions. This study aimed to assess the effect of exposure to a natural disaster (cyclone Aila) in utero or during infancy on fine and gross motor functions in preadolescent Indian children. The study was conducted in West Bengal, India, and included approximately 700 children (7-10 years old) who were prenatally or postnatally exposed to cyclone Aila and a nonaffected group.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFObjectives: To evaluate secular change in body size and weight status of adult Indian males born in 1891-1957 and surveyed in the 1970s.
Methods: Data are from Anthropological Surveys. Only men were included in the surveys due to high female illiteracy and lack of female researchers.
Background: Skeletal age (SA) is an estimate of biological maturity status that is commonly used in sport-related medical examinations. This study considered intra-observer reproducibility and inter-observer agreement of SA assessments among male tennis players.
Methods: SA was assessed with the Fels method in 97 male tennis players with chronological ages (CA) spanning 8.
External workloads associated Hockey 5 s, the new version of youth field hockey, were evaluated in 31 elite U16 male field players (15.4 ± 0.7 years) from three national teams.
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