Publications by authors named "Robert H Remien"

Antiretroviral therapy (ART) adherence is crucial for HIV viral suppression. Tenofovir diphosphate (TFV-DP) concentrations in dried blood spots (DBS) offer a potential tool for monitoring and supporting adherence. We assessed acceptability and preferences of fingerstick-based DBS collection and drug-level feedback among 224 people living with HIV (PLWH) in South Africa.

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People with HIV (PWH) who inject drugs (PWID) face many barriers to ART adherence. Kazakhstan has one of the fastest growing HIV epidemics in the world, primarily fueled by injection drug use, yet ART adherence among PWID is low. Social support can help address these barriers, but ART adherence among PWID is rarely examined within the relationship context.

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  • Most patients engaged in treatment for opioid use disorder (OUD) initially, but retention dropped significantly over time, with only 17.1% remaining in treatment after 24 months.
  • Data showed that patients with opioid-positive tests at the start had a lower chance of achieving continuous abstinence, while those who tested opioid-negative had higher success rates.
  • Early achievement of abstinence was crucial; patients who maintained sobriety for the first 6 months were much more likely to stay in treatment for the following year or two, highlighting the need for interventions aimed at supporting early stability in high-risk individuals.
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Persistent pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) use reduces the risk of HIV infection, yet uptake lags among those with the greatest need. Sexual identity stigma may be a significant barrier to PrEP awareness and use among high-risk communities. The primary aim of this study was to determine whether sexual identity was related to PrEP awareness and use.

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As the COVID-19 pandemic began in 2020, significant public health mitigation efforts were vital to combat an unprecedented health crisis. These efforts, which involved social distancing and self-quarantine, likely worsened a public health crisis of social isolation and loneliness in the U.S.

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The federal Ending the HIV Epidemic (EHE) initiative was created to reduce new US HIV infections, largely through pre-exposure prophylaxis and HIV treatments that reduce HIV transmissibility to zero. Behavioral health disorders (mental health and substance use) remain significant barriers to achieving EHE goals. Addressing behavioral health (BH) disorders within HIV primary care settings has been promoted as a critical EHE strategy.

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HIV genotyping is used to assess HIV susceptibility to antiretroviral drugs. The Applied Biosystems HIV-1 Genotyping Kit with Integrase (AB kit, Thermo Fisher Scientific) detects resistance-associated mutations (RAMs) in HIV protease (PR), reverse transcriptase (RT), and integrase (IN). We compared results from the AB kit with results obtained previously with the ViroSeq HIV-1 Genotyping System.

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Mental health and substance use disorders can negatively affect physical health, illness management, care access, and quality of life. These behavioral health conditions are prevalent and undertreated among people with HIV and may worsen outcomes along the entire HIV Care Continuum. This narrative review of tested interventions for integrating care for HIV and behavioral health disorders summarizes and contextualizes findings from systematic reviews and meta-analyses conducted in the past decade.

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Purpose: HIV-positive people who inject drugs (PWID) in Kazakhstan face many challenges to antiretroviral therapy (ART) adherence. Interventions that leverage social support from an intimate partner, family member, or friend may be effective in improving ART adherence among this population. The purpose of this paper is to describe the implementation process of a dyad-based intervention among HIV-positive PWID and their treatment support partners.

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Adolescent girls and young women (AGYW) in sub-Saharan Africa experience delayed linkage to and poor retention in HIV care. Identifying and addressing specific barriers in HIV care programming is important to achieving the upgraded UNAIDS 95-95-95 targets and epidemic control. We examined these challenges among 103 HIV-positive AGYW in and out of HIV care in communities around Lake Victoria in western Kenya as part of a larger qualitative study to identify drivers of HIV testing and HIV care utilisation in key populations.

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In a randomised trial, we found that integrated maternal HIV and infant health services through the end of breastfeeding were significantly associated with the primary outcome of engagement in HIV care and viral suppression at 12 months postpartum, compared to the standard of care. Here, we quantitatively explore potential psychosocial modifiers and mediators of this association. Our findings suggest that the intervention was significantly more effective among women experiencing an unintended pregnancy but did not improve outcomes among women reporting risky alcohol use.

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Perinatal alcohol use is common in South Africa, including among young women living with HIV (WLHIV), but there are few insights into the drivers of alcohol use in this population. Following the completion of a pilot trial of a peer support intervention for WLHIV aged 16-24 years in Cape Town, we purposively selected participants who had reported perinatal alcohol use at ≥1 study visits to complete a qualitative in-depth interview exploring their experiences of substance use. Of 119 women enrolled, 28 reported alcohol use, and 24 were interviewed, with ≥1/3 reporting drinking throughout their pregnancy.

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Introduction: Our research assessed associations between stigma-related variables and medical care ratings among clients with HIV in HIV Prevention Trials Network (HPTN) 078 who were men who have sex with men (MSM).

Methods: Logistic regression explored care ratings, stigma, socio-demographics (N = 637). Qualitative thematic coding and themes explored stigmatizing experiences in different settings (N = 111).

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  • Rapid initiation of antiretroviral therapy (iART) after HIV diagnosis is linked to better care access and faster viral suppression, but can be influenced by stigma and mistrust.
  • The study involved 30 participants from an NYC HIV clinic, examining the relationship between HIV stigma, medical mistrust, and adherence to appointments (visit adherence) through a mix of quantitative and qualitative methods.
  • Results indicated that those who started ART immediately (0-3 days) experienced less stigma and mistrust, while those starting later (>30 days) faced heightened stigma and mistrust, underscoring the need for targeted strategies to overcome these barriers in iART implementation.
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Tenofovir diphosphate (TFV-DP) concentrations in dried blood spots (DBS) predict viral breakthrough, but their use remains understudied in real-world clinic settings. This pilot study examined acceptability, feasibility, and initial adherence outcomes of providing adherence feedback using TFV-DP concentrations on patient- and provider-levels in Cape Town, South Africa. We enrolled 60 persons with HIV (PWH) receiving tenofovir-containing ART attending a primary health clinic.

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Background: Electronic adherence (EA) and tenofovir diphosphate (TFV-DP) in dried blood spots (DBS) are objective measures of antiretroviral therapy (ART) adherence. We characterized the association between these measures in a prospective cohort of persons with HIV (PWH) on ART.

Setting: Four primary health clinics in Cape Town, South Africa.

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In this fifth decade of the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) epidemic, central nervous system (CNS) complications including cognitive impairment and mental health remain a burden for people with HIV (PWH) on antiretroviral therapy. Despite the persistence of these complications, which often co-occur, the underlying pathophysiology remains elusive and consequently treatments remain limited. To continue to grow our understanding of the underlying mechanisms of CNS complications among PWH, there is a need to reexamine our current approaches, which are now more than 2 decades old.

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Including adolescent men who have sex with men (AMSM) in HIV prevention and treatment studies without parental permission is vital, but has often faced barriers. We examine the case of recent Institutional Review Boards (IRB) reviews of an HIV treatment and prevention study that requested waiving parental permission at four United States sites, but received different responses from each institution. IRBs varied in whether and how they weighed parental rights against AMSMs' rights and individual and social benefits, and potential harms (e.

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Given poor adherence to treatment and prevention techniques, condomless sex jeopardizes adolescents and young adults (AYA) with perinatally-acquired HIV-infection (PHIV) or perinatal HIV-exposure who are uninfected (PHEU). We examined condomless sex and its association with PHIV-status, psychiatric disorder, and sociodemographics. Data come from a US-based study of primarily Black and Latinx AYAPHIV and AYAPHEU (N = 340).

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Objectives: After identifying and recruiting men who have sex with men living with HIV and virally unsuppressed, this study attempted to enhance treatment and care via case management to increase the proportion who achieved viral suppression.

Design: Participants were randomized into one of two study arms: standard of care (SOC) or enhanced case management (CM) intervention. Participants were followed for 12 months with quarterly study assessments, with blood collected for CD4+ cell count testing, HIV viral load testing (primary prespecified outcome), and plasma storage.

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Young pregnant and postpartum women living with HIV (WLHIV) are at high risk of poor antiretroviral therapy (ART) outcomes, which may be driven partly by HIV-related stigma. We conducted in-depth interviews with 20 pregnant and postpartum WLHIV aged 19-24 years to understand how different forms of HIV-related stigma manifest in their lives, as well as their experiences of HIV-status disclosure and social support. Participants described profound levels of perceived stigma in their community, including gossip from other young women and judgement from older adults.

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The long-acting feature of cabotegravir, an integrase-inhibitor highly effective in preventing acquisition of HIV in adolescents and adults, is both its greatest strength and a challenge to its implementation. Cab-LA is administered at 8-week intervals (after an initial loading dose) but has a long, variable drug "tail" that may leave users vulnerable to future drug resistance if they contract HIV during this critical period. The potential for cab-LA to meaningfully contribute to ending the HIV Epidemic is hindered by, among other factors, limited resources to guide patients and providers on how to safely discontinue injections.

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In-depth qualitative interviews explored the experiences and understandings of men 18-39 years old who have sex with men that could facilitate or prevent HIV testing and routine HIV testing. For many men who tested frequently, testing and routine testing were motivated by awareness of the benefit of prompt treatment; public health and provider encouragement to test periodically; responsibility towards sexual partners; and wanting to share a recent HIV-negative test result when seeking sex online. For some men, any testing was impeded by anxiety around possible HIV diagnosis that made testing a stressful occasion that required time and energy to prepare for.

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Despite advances in antiretroviral treatment (ART), the HIV epidemic persists in the United States (U.S.), with inadequate adherence to treatment and care a major barrier to ending the epidemic.

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