Publications by authors named "Robert E. Porter"

Avian encephalomyelitis (AE) is a disease caused by the avian encephalomyelitis virus (AEV) of the genus Tremovirus in the family Picornaviridae. Recently, cases of turkey poults showing neurological signs were submitted to the veterinary diagnostic laboratories at South Dakota State University and the University of Minnesota. The affected birds were showing nervous neurological signs such as tremors, inability to stand, torticollis, and wing drop.

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Turkey arthritis reovirus (TARV) has been established as a cause of lameness in meat type turkeys in the past decade. However, no information is available on the age susceptibility of TARV or its transmission dynamics. We conducted this study to determine the age at which turkey poults are susceptible to TARV infection and whether infected birds can horizontally transmit the virus to their non-infected pen mates (sentinels).

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Turkey reoviruses have been implicated in multiple disease syndromes resulting in significant economic losses to the turkey industry. It has been known for decades that turkey enteric reovirus (TERV) is involved in poult enteritis complex, but turkey arthritis reovirus (TARV), the causative agent of tenosynovitis in turkeys, emerged in 2011. In 2019, we isolated reovirus from several cases of hepatitis in turkeys and tentatively named it turkey hepatitis reovirus (THRV).

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We created a recombinant live pichinde virus-vectored bivalent codon optimized subunit vaccine that expresses immunogenic Sigma C and Sigma B proteins of turkey arthritis reovirus. The vaccine virus could be transmitted horizontally immunizing the non-vaccinated pen mates. The vaccine was tested for efficacy against homologous (TARV SKM121) and heterologous (TARV O'Neil) virus challenge.

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A flock of captive bobwhite quail () experienced loose droppings, depression, and increased mortality starting at 3 wk of age. Necropsy of the affected birds revealed intestines dilated with frothy and tan fluid. Irregular dark brown fissures within the koilin layer of the gizzard were found in 20%-30% of the birds.

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Vaccination may be an effective way to reduce turkey arthritis reovirus (TARV)-induced lameness in turkey flocks. However, there are currently no commercial vaccines available against TARV infection. Here, we describe the use of reverse genetics technology to generate a recombinant Pichinde virus (PICV) that expresses the Sigma C and/or Sigma B proteins of TARV as antigens.

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Since August 2014, the University of Minnesota Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory has received cases of turkey enteritis that are clinically different from previously described cases of poult enteritis syndrome and light turkey syndrome. The birds develop dark green and extremely foul-smelling diarrhea starting at 8-10 wk of age, which may last up to 15-16 wk of age. The affected turkey flocks show poor uniformity, and feed conversion and market weights are reduced.

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Turkey arthritis reovirus (TARV) causes tenosynovitis in turkeys, resulting in decreased profits for producers due to the increase in morbidity, mortality, and feed conversion ratio. There is limited information on TARV epidemiology, including the dynamics of diagnostic submissions to veterinary diagnostic laboratories. In this study, we retrospectively analyzed 719 cases of lameness in turkeys submitted to the Minnesota Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory from March 2010 to May 2018.

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Turkey arthritis reovirus (TARV) infections have been recognized since 2011 to cause disease and significant economic losses to the U.S. turkey industry.

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Article Synopsis
  • Rotavirus G (RVG) strains have been found in various birds, but only a few genomes have been studied in detail, specifically from a pigeon and two chicken strains.
  • Two turkey RVG strains were characterized: one from a healthy hatchery and another from a hatchery with high embryo and poult mortality; they showed an 85.3% similarity in the VP7 gene while other genes were more closely related.
  • There is evidence of possible recombination between RVG strains from turkeys and a human rotavirus strain, highlighting the need for further research into RVG’s spread and its effects on poultry health.
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The incursion of highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) into the United States during 2014 resulted in an unprecedented foreign animal disease (FAD) event; 232 outbreaks were reported from 21 states. The disease affected 49.6 million birds and resulted in economic losses of $950 million.

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Turkey arthritis reovirus (TARV) causes lameness and tenosynovitis in commercial turkeys and is often associated with gastrocnemius tendon rupture by the marketing age. This study was undertaken to characterize the biomechanical properties of tendons from reovirus-infected turkeys. One-week-old turkey poults were orally inoculated with O'Neil strain of TARV and observed for up to 16 weeks of age.

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From 2008 to 2012, 4 separate cases of quail bronchitis virus infection were seen in bobwhite quail (Colinus virginianus) raised in Minnesota. The quail chicks ranged in age from 5 d to 8 wk and suffered from respiratory distress and elevated mortality. On necropsy, gross lesions consisted of mucus in trachea, congested lungs, caseous air sacculitis, accumulation of chalky white urates on internal organs, necrotic foci in liver, and enlarged spleen.

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Newly emergent turkey arthritis reoviruses (TARV) were isolated from tendons of lame 15-week-old tom turkeys that occasionally had ruptured leg tendons. Experimentally, these TARVs induced remarkable tenosynovitis in gastrocnemius tendons of turkey poults. The current study aimed to characterize the location and the extent of virus replication as well as the cytokine response induced by TARV during the first two weeks of infection.

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Since late 2009, an unusual problem of reovirus-related lameness has been seen in market-age tom turkeys in the upper Midwest area of the United States. In this study, we determined the efficacy of five commonly used disinfectants (Virocid, Keno X5, Synergize, One Stroke, and Tek Trol) against turkey arthritis reoviruses (TARVs). For comparison, turkey enteric reovirus (TERV) and chicken arthritis reovirus (CARV) were also included.

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Turkey arthritis reoviruses (TARVs) were isolated recently from gastrocnemius and digital flexor tendons of lame turkeys with swollen joints and tenosynovitis. These TARVs were genetically different from chicken arthritis reoviruses (CARVs) and produced gastrocnemius tenosynovitis when inoculated into turkey poults. The purpose of this study was to determine the pathogenicity of TARVs in chickens.

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Newly emergent turkey arthritis reoviruses (TARVs) have been isolated from cases of lameness in male turkeys over 10 weeks of age. In a previous study, experimental inoculation of TARV in one-week-old turkey poults produced lymphocytic tenosynovitis at four weeks post inoculation but without causing clinical lameness. This study was undertaken to determine if TARV infection at an early age can lead to clinical lameness in birds as they age.

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Turkey reoviruses (TRVs) can cause arthritis, tenosynovitis, and enteric diseases in turkeys, leading to huge economic losses. The TRVs are tentatively divided into turkey arthritis reoviruses (TARVs) and turkey enteric reoviruses (TERVs) depending on the type of disease they produce. This study was conducted to determine the survival of these viruses in autoclaved and nonautoclaved poultry litter and drinking water at room temperature (approx.

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From 2011 to 2014, 13 turkey arthritis reoviruses (TARVs) were isolated from cases of swollen hock joints in 2-18-week-old turkeys. In addition, two isolates from similar cases of turkey arthritis were received from another laboratory. Eight turkey enteric reoviruses (TERVs) isolated from fecal samples of turkeys were also used for comparison.

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Detection of West Nile virus (WNV) has been reported in a variety of wild ducks in the US, but little is known about the pathogenesis and outcome of exposure of the disease in these species. Previous experimental studies of WNV in ducks either have challenged a small number of ducks with WNV or have tested domesticated ducks. To determine susceptibility and immune response, we challenged 7-wk-old Wood Ducks (Aix sponsa) with a 1999 American Crow (Corvus brachyrhynchos) isolate of WNV.

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During late 2010 and early 2011, an unusual problem of lameness and swollen hock joints in commercial turkeys was reported in the upper Midwest, which continues to this day. The disease caused substantial economic losses to turkey producers. Reovirus was isolated from tendons and joint fluids of lame turkeys submitted to the Minnesota Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory.

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Seven strains of turkey arthritis reovirus (TARV) isolated from cases of turkey arthritis were characterized on the basis of their L class genome segment sequences, which were then compared with those of turkey enteric reovirus (TERV) and chicken reovirus (CRV). All three L class gene segments of TARVs and TERVs and their encoded proteins λA, λB, and λC were similar in size to those of CRV reference strain S1133. The conserved motifs such as C2H2 zinc-binding motif and conserved polymerase region were present in λA and λB, respectively.

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We report on the complete characterization of S class gene segments of 12 newly isolated turkey arthritis reoviruses (TARVs) and compare it with that of a turkey enteric reovirus (TERV). Phylogenetic analysis of S2, S3 and S4 genome segments revealed grouping of all TARVs into two lineages while, on the basis of S1 genome segment, only one lineage was found. All TARVs had 95-100% nucleotide identity based on sigma C protein sequences (S1 segment) but varied from 90-100%, 88.

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Turkey arthritis reovirus (TARV) has been isolated from the gastrocnemius tendons and tibiotarsal joint fluid of lame male turkeys >12 weeks old in the Midwest. Two experiments were conducted to compare the pathogenicity in turkeys of three TARVs (TARV-MN2, TARV-MN4 and TARV-O'Neil), one turkey enteric reovirus (TERV strain MN1) and one chicken arthritis reovirus (CARV strain MN1). Two hundred microlitres of virus were inoculated by the oral, intratracheal, or footpad route into 6-day-old poults placed in isolator units.

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Newcastle disease (ND) is highly contagious and causes severe economic losses to the poultry industry due to high morbidity and mortality. In this report, we describe the detection of Newcastle disease virus (NDV) in formalin-fixed tissues from an outbreak of ND on broiler farms in Egypt. The affected birds experienced respiratory and/or nervous signs and a 75% mortality rate.

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