Objective: The highly specialized language used in prostate biopsy pathology reports coupled with low rates of health literacy leave some patients unable to comprehend their medical information. Patients' use of online search engines can lead to misinterpretation of results and emotional distress. Artificial intelligence (AI) tools such as ChatGPT (OpenAI) could simplify complex texts and help patients.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFObjectives: To assess the utility and performance of the large language model ChatGPT 4.0 regarding accuracy, completeness, and its potential as a time-saving tool for pathologists and laboratory directors.
Methods: A deidentified database of questions previously sent to pathology residents from health care providers was used as a source of general knowledge-type pathology questions.
Am J Clin Pathol
September 2023
Objectives: The hook effect is a common preanalytical error that results in falsely decreased analyte concentrations in immunoassays. We present here an example in a semiquantitative SARS-CoV-2 antispike total antibody assay and report the incidence of this error at our institution.
Methods: All specimens with initial results within the reportable range of the assay were diluted.
Objective: To evaluate the difference in lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) concentrations in plasma vs serum specimens in our patient population.
Materials And Methods: We measured LDH in 110 paired plasma and serum specimens over a 2-week period. Hemolytic indices were performed on each specimen.
This study compared the performance of four serology assays for Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) and investigated whether COVID-19 disease history correlates with assay performance. Samples were tested at Northshore using the Elecsys Anti-SARS-CoV-2 (Roche Diagnostics), Access SARS-CoV-2 IgG anti-RBD (Beckman Coulter), and LIAISON SARS-CoV-2 S1/S2 IgG (DiaSorin) as well as at Genalyte using Maverick Multi-Antigen Serology Panel. The study included one hundred clinical samples collected before December 2019 and ninety-seven samples collected from convalescent plasma donors originally diagnosed with COVID-19 by PCR.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: Nucleic acid persists after symptom resolution and infectivity for many viral infections via delayed clearance of nucleic acid fragments, non-infectious particles, or transmissible virus. For Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19), the relationship between nasopharyngeal (NP) swab positivity, the development of antibodies against COVID-19, and clinical history are unclear.
Study Design And Methods: Individuals who recovered from COVID-19 and volunteered to donate convalescent plasma (CP) were screened by NP swab PCR, responded to a questionnaire, and were tested for anti-COVID-19 antibodies.
Objectives: Preanalytical factors, such as hemolysis, affect many components of a test panel. Machine learning can be used to recognize these patterns, alerting clinicians and laboratories to potentially erroneous results. In particular, machine learning might identify which cases of elevated potassium from a point-of-care (POC) basic metabolic panel are likely erroneous.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFSeasonal influenza virus causes significant morbidity and mortality each year. Point-of-care (POC) testing using rapid influenza diagnostic tests (RIDTs), immunoassays that detect viral antigens, are often used for diagnosis by physician offices and urgent care centers. These tests are rapid but lack sensitivity, which is estimated to be 50 to 70%.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPathologists and laboratory scientists provide valuable guidance on laboratory utilization, test ordering, interpretation, and quality control provided that clinical staff can easily access the laboratory team. To encourage consultation between clinicians with laboratory scientists and pathologists, we developed an easily accessible electronic tool termed "MyPathologist," placed on the homepage of our electronic health record system. Over its 2-year pilot, utilization of this consultation tool climbed as we continued to publicize it and incorporated education into housestaff onboarding and electronic health record training.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAn explosion of knowledge and technology is revolutionizing medicine and patient care. Novel testing must be brought to the clinic with safety and accuracy, but also in a timely and cost-effective manner, so that patients can benefit and laboratories can offer testing consistent with current guidelines. Under the oversight provided by the Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments, laboratories have been able to develop and optimize laboratory procedures for use in-house.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFReverse pseudohyperkalemia is a term used to describe in vitro, falsely elevated potassium concentrations in plasma specimens that occur in association with extreme leukocytosis and are commonly associated with hematologic malignant neoplasms. Tumor lysis syndrome is an in vivo lysis of tumor cells that leads to elevated levels of potassium, uric acid, phosphate, and lactate dehydrogenase, as well as decreased calcium concentrations. Herein, we report a case of a 66-year-old Caucasian man with stage IV mantle-cell lymphoma who has elevated levels of potassium, uric acid, and phosphorus, as well as a white blood cell (WBC) count greater than 100,000 cells per mm3.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFCells have evolved mutagenic bypass mechanisms that prevent stalling of the replication machinery at DNA lesions. This process, translesion DNA synthesis (TLS), involves switching from high-fidelity DNA polymerases to specialized DNA polymerases that replicate through a variety of DNA lesions. In eukaryotes, polymerase switching during TLS is regulated by the DNA damage-triggered monoubiquitylation of PCNA.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFHuman E4B, also called UFD2a, is a U box-containing protein that functions as an E3 ubiquitin ligase and an E4 polyubiquitin chain elongation factor. E4B is thought to participate in the proteasomal degradation of misfolded or damaged proteins through association with chaperones. The U box domain is an anchor site for E2 ubiquitin-conjugating enzymes, but little is known of the binding mechanism.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFCalorimetry measurements, performed by multicollision induced dissociation, have been used to probe the melting of a number of (NaCl)nNa+ clusters with n=22-37. The clusters anneal at 225-325 K and melt at 750-850 K. (NaCl)22Na+ and (NaCl)37Na+, which can adopt geometries that are perfect fragments of the bulk lattice melt at around 850 K.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFCalorimetry measurements (using a method based on multicollision induced dissociation) have been performed for unsupported gallium clusters, Gan+ (n = 30-50 and 55). Melting transitions have been identified from spikes in the heat capacities recorded as a function of temperature. There are enormous fluctuations in the melting temperatures and the heats of fusion with cluster size.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFA novel multicollision induced dissociation scheme is employed to determine the energy content for mass-selected gallium cluster ions as a function of their temperature. Measurements were performed for Ga(+)(n) (n=17 39, and 40) over a 90-720 K temperature range. For Ga+39 and Ga+40 a broad maximum in the heat capacity-a signature of a melting transition for a small cluster-occurs at around 550 K.
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