Publications by authors named "Robert B"

Introduction: Novel adjuvant therapies are needed to prevent metastatic relapses in HER2-expressing breast cancer. Here, we tested whether trastuzumab-selected single-chain Fv (scFv) could be used to develop an anti-idiotype-based vaccine to inhibit growth of HER2-positive tumor cells in vitro and in vivo through induction of long-lasting HER-specific immunity.

Methods: BALB/c mice were immunized with anti-trastuzumab anti-idiotype (anti-Id) scFv (scFv40 and scFv69), which mimic human HER2.

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Constitutive activation of mammalian target of rapamycin complex 1 (mTORC1), a key kinase complex that regulates cell size and growth, is observed with inactivating mutations of either of the tuberous sclerosis complex (TSC) genes, Tsc1 and Tsc2. Tsc1 and Tsc2 are highly expressed in cardiovascular tissue but their functional role there is unknown. We generated a tissue-specific knock-out of Tsc1, using a conditional allele of Tsc1 and a cre recombinase allele regulated by the smooth muscle protein-22 (SM22) promoter (Tsc1c/cSM22cre+/-) to constitutively activate mTOR in cardiovascular tissue.

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The light-dependent reduction of protochlorophyllide, a key step in the synthesis of chlorophyll, is catalyzed by the enzyme protochlorophyllide oxidoreductase (POR) and requires two photons (O. A. Sytina et al.

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To prevent photo-oxidative damage to the photosynthetic membrane in strong light, plants dissipate excess absorbed light energy as heat in a mechanism known as non-photochemical quenching (NPQ). NPQ is triggered by the trans-membrane proton gradient (ΔpH), which causes the protonation of the photosystem II light-harvesting antenna (LHCII) and the PsbS protein, as well as the de-epoxidation of the xanthophyll violaxanthin to zeaxanthin. The combination of these factors brings about formation of dissipative pigment interactions that quench the excess energy.

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We have shown that TNFα specifically activates the interleukin-15 (IL15) system in cerebral endothelial cells composing the blood-brain barrier. To determine the functions of cerebral IL15 signaling in inflammation, we first treated mice with lipopolysaccharide (LPS) and determined the expression of the three receptor subtypes of IL15. Robust time-dependent upregulation occurred in all subunits.

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We report a series of ten cases of the clinical, endoscopic and pathological features of gastric metastases. Patients were six women and four men between 54 and 88 years old, with gastric metastases from breast carcinoma (4), lung carcinoma (4) and melanoma (2). Patients underwent an upper gastrointestinal endoscopy for epigastralgia (2), hematemesis (2), dysphagia (1) and anemia (5).

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Although circulating DNA (ctDNA) could be an attractive tool for early cancer detection, diagnosis, prognosis, monitoring or prediction of response to therapies, knowledge on its origin, form and rate of release is poor and often contradictory. Here, we describe an experimental system to systematically examine these aspects. Nude mice were xenografted with human HT29 or SW620 colorectal carcinoma (CRC) cells and ctDNA was analyzed by Q-PCR with highly specific and sensitive primer sets at different times post-graft.

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The precise position of the upper exciton component and relevant vibronic transitions of the B850 ring in peripheral light-harvesting complexes from purple photosynthetic bacteria are important values for determining the exciton bandwidth and electronic structure of the B850 ring. To determine the presence of these components in wild-type LH2 complexes the pump-probe femtosecond transient spectra obtained with excitation into the 730-840 nm spectral range are analyzed. We show that at excitation wavelengths less than 780 nm B850 absorption bands are present and that, in accordance with exciton theory, these bands peak further in the blue when the lowest optically allowed transition is more red-shifted.

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Chlorophylls (Chls)-a and -c(2) are identified and characterized in fucoxanthin chlorophyll-a/c(2) protein (FCP) complexes in the trimeric (FCPa(trim)) and oligomeric (FCPb(olig)) forms of FCP from the diatom Cyclotella meneghiniana using resonance Raman (RR) spectroscopy. Importantly, two different Chl-c(2)s are identified in both FCPa(trim) and FCPb(olig) from their signature ring-breathing modes at approximately 1360 cm(-1). In addition, the C13(1)-keto carbonyl peaks indicate the presence of more than four Chl-a's in both FCP complexes and are broadly classified into three groups with strong, medium and weak external hydrogen bonds.

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The bacterium Caulobacter crescentus encodes a two-component signaling protein, LovK, that contains an N-terminal photosensory LOV domain coupled to a C-terminal histidine kinase. LovK binds a flavin cofactor, undergoes a reversible photocycle, and displays regulated ATPase and autophosphorylation activity in response to visible light. Femtosecond to nanosecond visible absorption spectroscopy demonstrates congruence between full-length LovK and isolated LOV domains in the mechanism and kinetics of light-dependent cysteinyl-C4(a) adduct formation and rupture, while steady-state absorption and fluorescence line narrowing (FLN) spectroscopies reveal unique features in the electronic structure of the LovK flavin cofactor.

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Heme is a redox-reactive molecule with vital and complex roles in bacterial metabolism, survival, and virulence. However, few intracellular heme partners were identified to date and are not well conserved in bacteria. The opportunistic pathogen Streptococcus agalactiae (group B Streptococcus) is a heme auxotroph, which acquires exogenous heme to activate an aerobic respiratory chain.

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Laparoscopic mesh repair of ventral abdominal wall hernias is routinely performed. Mesh detachment and migration within the abdominal cavity is a late complication of this procedure. Symptoms are non-specific and imaging diagnosis is difficult to achieve because this complication is rare and overlooked.

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Purpose: To directly compare and study the variability of parameters related to hepatic blood flow measurements using 3 T phase-contrast magnetic resonance imaging (PC-MRI) and Doppler ultrasound (US).

Materials And Methods: Nine healthy subjects were studied. Blood velocities and flow rate measurements were performed in the portal vein and the proper hepatic artery.

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Hepatitis C virus (HCV), a major cause of chronic liver disease in humans, is the focus of intense research efforts worldwide. Yet structural data on the viral envelope glycoproteins E1 and E2 are scarce, in spite of their essential role in the viral life cycle. To obtain more information, we developed an efficient production system of recombinant E2 ectodomain (E2e), truncated immediately upstream its trans-membrane (TM) region, using Drosophila melanogaster cells.

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Background: Thyroid cancers are difficult to treat due to their limited responsiveness to chemo- and radiotherapy. There is thus a great interest in and a need for alternative therapeutic approaches.

Results: We studied the cytotoxic activity of anti-thyroperoxidase autoantibodies (anti-TPO aAbs, expressed in baculovirus/insect cell (B4) and CHO cells (B4') or purified from patients' sera) against a papillary thyroid cancer (NPA) cell line.

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The structural and functional consequences of changing the coordination state of one of the bacteriochlorophyll (BChl) cofactors in the purple bacterial reaction center have been explored. A combination of steady state spectroscopy and X-ray crystallography was used to demonstrate that mutagenesis of residue 181 of the L-polypeptide from Phe to Arg (FL181R) causes the BChl at the accessory (B(B)) position on the so-called inactive cofactor branch to become hexacoordinated, with no significant changes to the structure of the surrounding protein. This change was accompanied by the appearance of a distinctive absorbance band at 631 nm in the room-temperature absorbance spectrum.

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Fluorescence line-narrowing and resonance Raman properties of various chlorophylls have been measured in organic solvents. Resonance Raman spectroscopy is already a well-established method for the study of photochemical reactions in the various pigment-protein complexes involved in photosynthesis, while fluorescence line-narrowing is still an emerging technique for such systems. Interpretation of these vibrational spectra requires accurate comparative data on the pure isolated pigments.

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For the structural determination of a ligand bound to an amorphous macromolecular system, solid-state NMR can be used to provide interatomic distances. It is shown here that selective labeling in discrete locations with tritium enables accurate measurement of long-range distances owing to the high gyromagnetic ratio of this nucleus, without structural modification of the molecule. This approach gives access to the largest NMR distance ever measured between two nuclei (14.

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The symposium on Antibodies as Drugs, organized by Keystone Symposia and chaired by J. Marks, (University of California Los Angeles, USA), E.S.

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We report a case of recurrent digestive haemorrhage due to bleeding ectopic jejunal varices complicating portal hypertension in a 51-year-old cirrhotic patient, treated 1 year ago by transjugular intrahepatic porto-systemic shunt (TIPS) for the same problem. Successful embolisation with coils, of ectopic varices, was performed using original transjugular and trans-TIPS route, without complication, and no recurrence during a follow-up of 24 months.

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Monoclonal antibodies have emerged as a very successful class of therapeutic agents. In their native format, monoclonal antibodies are monospecific in that they recognize only one epitope, but their Fc domain also binds to FcfR-expressing cells. Attempts to improve the cytotoxicity of antibodies, particularly in the cancer field, have led to the design of bispecific antibodies: this can occur through various strategies, such as quadroma, thioether-linked Fab' gamma fragments or genetic engineering.

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Interleukin-15 (IL-15) is a cytokine produced in the normal brain that acts on its specific receptor IL-15Ralpha and co-receptors IL-2Rbeta and IL-2Rgamma in neuronal cells. The functions of the cerebral IL-15 system, however, are not yet clear. To test the hypothesis that IL-15Ralpha regulates metabolic activity and body temperature, we quantified the specific metabolic phenotype of IL-15Ralpha knockout mice.

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