Background/objectives: Janus kinase inhibitors open new horizons for small-molecule drugs in treating inflammatory bowel disease, with ritlecitinib demonstrating significant efficacy in clinical trials for ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease. Ritlecitinib, a second-generation JAK3 inhibitor, is a novel therapeutic agent for alopecia areata and other autoimmune conditions.
Methods: A new stability-indicating UHPLC-DAD-MS/MS method was developed, validated, and applied for a forced degradation study of ritlecitinib under ICH guidelines.
The antiferromagnetic structure of Yb_{3}Ga_{5}O_{12} is identified by neutron diffraction experiments below the previously known transition at T_{λ}=54 mK. The magnetic propagation vector is found to be k=(1/2,1/2,0), an unusual wave vector in the garnet structure. The associated complex magnetic structure highlights the role of exchange interactions in a nearly isotropic system dominated by dipolar interactions and finds echoes with exotic structures theoretically proposed.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: Non-operative management of splenic injuries has significantly increased in the last decade with an increased emphasis on splenic preservation. This shift was assisted by increased availability of angioembolization, however, potential geographical variability in access exists in Aotearoa New Zealand (AoNZ). The aim of this study was to assess the management of splenic injury across AoNZ.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFObjectives: Research on Black maternal populations often focuses on deficits that can reinforce biases against Black individuals and communities. The research landscape must shift towards a strengths-based approach focused on the protective assets of Black individuals and communities to counteract bias. This study engaged the local Black community using a strengths-based approach to discuss the assets of Black maternal populations and to inform the design of a future clinical trial focused on reducing Black maternal health disparities.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFNumerous plant functional traits of ecophysiology and morphology associated with an epiphytic life history have promoted relatively high rates of evolutionary diversification and ecological success in tropical families such as the Orchidaeae, Polypodiaceae, Bromeliaceae, and Cactaceae. Epiphytic life histories are relatively uncommon in the Araceae and rare in the Cyclanthaceae which lack key functional traits for epiphytism. Only two lineages of Neotropical Araceae, and , include examples of epiphyte life histories.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: University students are at increased risk for both food insecurity and suboptimal fruit and vegetable (F/V) intake. Campus food pantries (CFP) have been a common intervention in response to student food insecurity, but there have been few evaluations of the effectiveness of this strategy on improving students' dietary intake.
Objective: To examine differences in the frequency of F/V intake by food security status, and whether the number of monthly CFP visits was associated with frequency of F/V intake among university students who were CFP clients.
The Cyclanthaceae comprise a relatively small family of about 230 species and 12 genera in the Pandanales that is widespread in wet Neotropical forests. The great majority of species can be divided into three growth forms (understory herbs, epiphytes, and root-climbing hemiepiphytes) that share functional traits with similar growth forms present in the Araceae, a member of the Alismatales and not closely related. Our objectives were first to characterize the diversity, functional growth forms, and ecological traits of Cyclanthaceae at the La Selva Biological Station.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFDespite the widespread use of virtual surgical planning (VSP), few papers describe the modeling methods used to generate the digital simulations that underpin VSP. This paper aims to review the modeling methods that are currently available for use in VSP and the implications of their use in clinical practice. A literature review was undertaken of the two broad categories of modeling techniques; contour-based planning-namely mirroring from the contralateral side, templating from a normative database, and extrapolation from surrounding landmarks-and occlusal-based planning (OBP).
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBreast surgeons are trained in diagnostic modalities, treatment effectiveness, patient safety, and operative techniques, with emphasis on "the right treatment at the right time for the right patient." But delivering quality breast cancer care means more than achieving good outcomes. Physicians have routinely measured disease-free survival and overall survival to determine success in treating breast cancer.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFEntangled spin states are created by implanting muons into single-crystal LiY_{0.95}Ho_{0.05}F_{4} to form a cluster of correlated, dipole-coupled local magnetic moments.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIntroduction: Trapeziometacarpal joint osteoarthritis (OA) produces significant functional impairment due to pain and loss of strength in both power and precision grips, but few studies have related radiographic scores to functional and pain-based measures.
Purpose: To investigate the association between markers of radiographic disease and outcomes for symptomatic and functional disease.
Study Design: This study in an exploratory analysis of baseline data from the first 100 participants in a clinical trial evaluating the efficacy of combined conservative therapies for base of thumb OA (COMBO).
Unlabelled: Previous surveys indicate that the majority of clinicians recommend avoidance of air travel for a period of time following an acute orbital fracture. This advice has largely been based on the theoretical risk that in-flight pressure variation may exacerbate orbital emphysema and produce visual compromise, though no previous reviews have been conducted on the evidence underpinning this advice. The purpose of this study was, therefore, to conduct a systematic review of the literature pertaining to the safety of air travel in the setting of an acute orbital fracture.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFObjective: To investigate heterogeneous effects of a combination of conservative therapies compared with an education comparator for thumb base (TB) osteoarthritis (OA) according to clinically relevant characteristics.
Methods: Pre-planned subgroup analysis of the COMBO trial (n = 204) which compared a combination of education on self-management and ergonomic principles, a prefabricated neoprene splint, hand exercises, and diclofenac sodium gel, with education alone for radiographic and symptomatic TB OA. Primary outcomes were change in pain (visual analogue scale [VAS], 0-100 mm) and hand function (Functional Index for Hand Osteoarthritis questionnaire, 0-30) from baseline to week-6.
Importance: A combination of conservative treatments is commonly used in clinical practice for thumb base osteoarthritis despite limited evidence for this approach.
Objective: To determine the efficacy of a 6-week combination of conservative treatments compared with an education comparator.
Design, Setting, And Participants: Randomized, parallel trial with 1:1 allocation ratio among people aged 40 years and older with symptomatic and radiographic thumb base osteoarthritis in a community setting in Australia.
The two-month nationwide lockdown implemented in Australia in response to COVID-19 involved restrictions on social gatherings and non-essential services, resulting in marked changes to the distribution of time spent at home and in the workplace. Given the likelihood of future lockdowns, this study aimed to investigate whether the lockdown was associated with an alteration in the pattern of acute hand injuries admitted to Sydney Hospital Hand Unit relative to the same period in 2019, and whether target areas for preventative strategies could be identified. During the lockdown period in 2020, 332 acute presentations were noted, and in the same period in 2019, 310 cases were noted.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBroad-leaved monocot herbs are widespread and dominant components of the shaded understories of wet neotropical forests. These understory habitats are characterized by light limitation and a constant threat of falling branches. Many shaded understory herb species have close relatives that occupy forest edges and gaps, where light availability is higher and defoliation threat is lower, creating an opportunity for comparative analysis of functional traits in order to better understand the evolutionary adaptations associated with this habitat transition.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWe report on the implementation of an induction based, low temperature, high frequency ac susceptometer capable of measuring at frequencies up to 3.5 MHz and at temperatures between 2 K and 300 K. Careful balancing of the detection coils and calibration allow a sample magnetic moment resolution of 5 × 10 Am at 1 MHz.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: Thumb-base osteoarthritis (OA) is a common cause of pain and disability This study aimed to investigate the associations of musculoskeletal ultrasound OA pathologies with the extent of pain, function, radiographic scores, and muscle strength in symptomatic thumb-base osteoarthritis.
Methods: This is a cross-sectional study of an ongoing clinical trial with eligibility criteria including thumb-base pain on Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) ≥40 (0 to 100 mm), Functional Index for Hand OA (FIHOA) ≥ 6 (0 to 30) and Kellgren Lawrence (KL) grade ≥ 2. The most symptomatic side was scanned to measure synovitis and osteophyte severity using a 0-3 semi-quantitative score, power Doppler and erosion in binary score.
Objective: Hand osteoarthritis (OA) trials often target exclusively the thumb base joint, although concomitant widespread interphalangeal (IP) joint involvement is frequent. We aimed to compare hand strength and function between individuals with isolated thumb base OA and those with coexistent IP joint pain and erosive OA.
Methods: Baseline data from a thumb base OA trial were analyzed (n = 204).
Breast implant-associated anaplastic large cell lymphoma is a malignancy of T lymphocytes that is associated with the use of textured breast implants in both esthetic and reconstructive surgeries. Patients typically present with a delayed seroma 8-10 years following implantation or-less commonly-with a capsular mass or systemic disease. Current theories on disease pathogenesis focus on the interplay among textured implants, Gram-negative bacteria, host genetics, and time.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFObjective: Greater joint laxity and radial subluxation of the thumb metacarpal base have been shown to be risk factors for the development of trapeziometacarpal osteoarthritis in an asymptomatic and radiographically normal joint. Despite this, it is unknown whether joint laxity changes with disease progression from mild to severe osteoarthritis. This study aimed to investigate the relationship between joint laxity and osteoarthritis severity, using the trapeziometacarpal subluxation ratio as an indicator of joint laxity.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFExcitations in a spin ice behave as magnetic monopoles, and their population and mobility control the dynamics of a spin ice at low temperature. CdEr_{2}Se_{4} is reported to have the Pauling entropy characteristic of a spin ice, but its dynamics are three orders of magnitude faster than the canonical spin ice Dy_{2}Ti_{2}O_{7}. In this Letter we use diffuse neutron scattering to show that both CdEr_{2}Se_{4} and CdEr_{2}S_{4} support a dipolar spin ice state-the host phase for a Coulomb gas of emergent magnetic monopoles.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIntroduction: Management of thumb base osteoarthritis (OA) using a combination of therapies is common in clinical practice; however, evidence for the efficacy of this approach is lacking. The aim of this study is to determine the effect of a combination of conservative therapies for the treatment of thumb base OA compared with an education control group.
Methods And Analysis: This is a randomised, controlled, single-centre, two-arm superiority trial with 1:1 allocation ratio; with assessor and statistician blinded.
Premise Of The Study: Geography and climate shape the distribution of organisms, their genotypes, and their phenotypes. To understand historical and future evolutionary and ecological responses to climate, we compared the association of geography and climate of three oak species (Quercus engelmannii, Quercus berberidifolia, and Quercus cornelius-mulleri) in an environmentally heterogeneous region of southern California at three organizational levels: regional species distributions, genetic variation, and phenotypic variation.
Methods: We identified climatic variables influencing regional distribution patterns using species distribution models (SDMs), and then tested whether those individual variables are important in shaping genetic (microsatellite) and phenotypic (leaf morphology) variation.