Publications by authors named "Ridley S"

In mammalian hearts myocardial infarction produces a permanent collagen-rich scar. Conversely, in zebrafish a collagen-rich scar forms but is completely resorbed as the myocardium regenerates. The formation of cross-links in collagen hinders its degradation but cross-linking has not been well characterized in zebrafish hearts.

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Introduction: Neglected diseases are a significant global health challenge. Encouraging the development of therapeutics and vaccines for these diseases would address an important unmet medical need. We propose a priority review voucher programme for the European Union (EU).

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In mammalian hearts myocardial infarction produces a permanent collagen-rich scar. Conversely, in zebrafish a collagen-rich scar forms but is completely resorbed as the myocardium regenerates. The formation of cross-links in collagen hinders its degradation but cross-linking has not been well characterized in zebrafish hearts.

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Background: The submandibular gland (SMG) is routinely excised during neck dissection. Given the importance of the SMG in saliva production, it is important to understand its involvement rate by cancer tissue and the feasibility of its preservation.

Methods: Retrospective data were collected from five academic centers in Europe.

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This study aimed to assess energy availability (EA), alongside possible risk factors of reduced or low EA of professional female soccer players during a competitive season. Thirteen players (age: 23.7 ± 3.

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Background: Child pedestrian injuries in China result from crashes not just with cars. We considered how Chinese youth and young adults perceive pedestrian risk from four vehicle types-bicycles, electric bicycles, cars, buses-evaluating perceptions for two factors that may influence pedestrian behavior and risk-taking, perception of road environment risk and responsibility to avoid crashes. Understanding how pedestrians perceive risk, and how these perceptions change as children grow older, could guide prevention efforts.

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Background: Contemporary mental health policies require family inclusion in the design, implementation and evaluation of services.

Materials: This scoping review considers the factors in mental health practice which either mediate or promote family inclusion. A wide range of factors are reported to obstruct family inclusion, while a smaller number of studies report that meaningful family inclusion rests on a partnership approach which values the input of families and services users.

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Background: An online cross-sectional survey examined the relationships between the demographic characteristics, personal values, trust in sources of nutrition information and the use of convenience food outlets among middle-class household food providers in the Asia-Pacific region.

Methods: The survey was administered to 3945 household food providers in Melbourne, Singapore, Shanghai, Vietnam and Indonesia in late 2013. Information about demographics, personal values, trust in sources of nutrition information and use of convenience food outlets was elicited.

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The rise of the middle classes in developing countries and the associated epidemiological transition raises the importance of assessing this population group's awareness of the causes of obesity and effective weight control strategies in order to develop effective health promotion strategies. The study aimed to examine the perceptions of the causes of obesity and weight control strategies held by middle class household food providers in Melbourne, Singapore, Shanghai, Indonesia and Vietnam. An online survey was conducted in late 2013, early 2014 among 3945 respondents.

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Background: We explored whether positioning patients in a 25° back-up sniffing position improved glottic views and ease of intubation.

Methods: In the first part of the study, patients were intubated in the standard supine sniffing position. In the second part, the back of the operating table was raised 25° from the horizontal by flexion of the torso at the hips while maintaining the sniffing position.

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The reproducibility of laboratory experiments is fundamental to the scientific process. There have been increasing reports regarding challenges in reproducing and translating preclinical experiments in animal models. In Alzheimer's disease and related dementias, there have been similar reports and growing interest from funding organizations, researchers, and the broader scientific community to set parameters around experimental design, statistical power, and reporting requirements.

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Background: We examine why dementia prevention and risk reduction are relatively underfunded and suggest potential remediation strategies. The paper is aimed at researchers, funders and policy-makers, both within dementia and also the wider health prevention field.

Methods: A discussion-led workshop, attended by 58 academics, clinicians, funders and policy-makers.

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The annual Alzheimer's Research UK (ARUK) Conference was hosted by the Manchester and North West Network Centre on March 8-9, 2016. In this report, we provide a summary of the research presented.

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On 10-11 March 2015 University College London hosted the annual Alzheimer's Research UK Conference. This report provides an overview of the presentations and discussions that took place.

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Recent advances in trans-differentiation of one type cell to another have made it possible to directly convert Huntington's disease (HD) patient fibroblasts into neurons by modulation of cell-lineage-specific transcription factors or RNA processing. However, this possibility has not been examined. Here, we demonstrate that HD patient-derived fibroblasts can be directly trans-differentiated into neuron-like cells by knockdown of the expression of a single gene encoding the polypyrimidine-tract-binding protein.

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Purpose Of Review: Uncertainty surrounding medical decision-making is particularly important during end-of-life decision-making. Doubts about the patient's best interests and prognostic accuracy may lead to conflict.

Recent Findings: Many authors have suggested recently that medical attitudes to uncertainty need review.

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Assessing the appropriateness of continuing life support is a difficult task for intensive care unit staff. Part of this difficulty relates to prognostic uncertainty and the varying reliability of clinical decisions. Uncertainty about prognosis is quickly recognised by patients and families, and can be a source of mistrust and potential conflict.

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Regulation of mRNA translation is an important mechanism determining the level of expression of proteins in eukaryotic cells. Translation is most commonly initiated by cap-dependent scanning, but many eukaryotic mRNAs contain internal ribosome entry segments (IRESs), providing an alternative means of initiation capable of independent regulation. Here, we show by using dicistronic luciferase reporter vectors that the 5'-UTR of the mRNA encoding human insulin receptor (hIR) contains a functional IRES.

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The zinc finger-containing transcription factors Egr1 (Krox24) and Egr2 (Krox20) have been implicated in the proliferation and differentiation of many cell types. Egr2 has earlier been shown to play a positive role in adipocyte differentiation, but the function of Egr1 in this context is unknown. We compared the roles of Egr1 and Egr2 in the differentiation of murine 3T3-L1 adipocytes.

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Introduction: Throughout the world, trauma is a leading cause of morbidity and mortality in the young and most active group of society. While specialist trauma centers play a critical role in the survival after severe trauma, the assessment of trauma-related costs, budgeting for adequate trauma capacity, and determining the cost-effectiveness of interventions in critical care are fraught with difficulties. Through a systematic review of the European literature on severe trauma, we aimed to identify the key elements that drive the costs of acute trauma care.

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Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) incidence and workload as reflected by daily bed occupancy were assessed retrospectively over a 12-month period in a mixed adult ICU. All MRSA positive results were retrieved from the Microbiology Department; patients with MRSA were divided into those whose admission swabs were positive and those whose specimens subsequently became positive. There were 619 admissions, 48 of which had MRSA on admission (7.

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Using real data from a number of hospitals, we predicted the patient flows following a capacity or organisational change. Clinically recognisable patient groups obtained through classification and regression tree analysis were used to tune a simulation model for the flow of patients in critical care units. A tuned model which accurately reflected the base case of the flow of patients was used to predict alterations in service provision in a number of scenarios which included increases in bed numbers, alterations in patients' lengths of stay, fewer delayed discharges, caring for long stay patients outside the formal intensive care unit and amalgamating small units.

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