Publications by authors named "Ricardo Trindade"

Banded iron formations (BIFs) are chemical sedimentary rocks commonly utilized for exploring the chemistry and redox state of the Precambrian ocean. Despite their significance, many aspects regarding the crystallization pathways of iron oxides in BIFs remain loosely constrained. In this study, we combine magnetic properties characterization with high-resolution optical and electron imaging of finely laminated BIFs from the 2.

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Earth's magnetic field exhibits a dominant dipole morphology. Notwithstanding, significant deviations from the dipole are evident today, particularly the South Atlantic Anomaly (SAA), characterized by anomalously low-field intensity and high directional variability, diminishing the field's shielding effect. To assess the persistence of SAA-like features over multimillion-year scales, we combine paleomagnetic data from Trindade Island (20°30'S, 29°22'W) with an evaluation of paleosecular variation (PSV) over the past 10 Myr.

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The Ediacaran-Cambrian transition documents a critical stage in the diversification of animals. The global fossil record documents the appearance of cloudinomorphs and other shelled tubular organisms followed by non-biomineralized small carbonaceous fossils and by the highly diversified small shelly fossils between ~ 550 and 530 Ma. Here, we report diverse microfossils in thin sections and hand samples from the Ediacaran Bocaina Formation, Brazil, separated into five descriptive categories: elongate solid structures (ES); elongate filled structures (EF); two types of equidimensional structures (EQ 1 and 2) and elongate hollow structures with coiled ends (CE).

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Magnetotactic bacteria produce chains of nanoscopic iron minerals used for navigation, which can be preserved over geological timescales in the form of magnetofossils. Micrometer-sized magnetite crystals with unusual shapes suggesting a biologically controlled mineralization have been found in the geological record and termed giant magnetofossils. The biological origin and function of giant magnetofossils remains unclear, due to the lack of modern analogues to giant magnetofossils.

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Unveiling the tempo and mode of animal evolution is necessary to understand the links between environmental changes and biological innovation. Although the earliest unambiguous metazoan fossils date to the late Ediacaran period, molecular clock estimates agree that the last common ancestor (LCA) of all extant animals emerged ~850 Ma, in the Tonian period, before the oldest evidence for widespread ocean oxygenation at ~635-560 Ma in the Ediacaran period. Metazoans are aerobic organisms, that is, they are dependent on oxygen to survive.

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Speleothems can provide high-quality continuous records of the direction and relative paleointensity of the geomagnetic field, combining high precision dating (with U-Th method) and rapid lock-in of their detrital magnetic particles during calcite precipitation. Paleomagnetic results for a mid-to-late Holocene stalagmite from Dona Benedita Cave in central Brazil encompass ~1900 years (3410 BP to 5310 BP, constrained by 12 U-Th ages) of paleomagnetic record from 58 samples (resolution of ~33 years). This dataset reveals angular variations of less than 0.

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During the mid-Cretaceous, the Earth experienced several environmental perturbations, including an extremely warm climate and Oceanic Anoxic Events (OAEs). Submarine volcanic episodes associated with formation of large igneous provinces (LIPs) may have triggered these perturbations. The osmium isotopic ratio (Os/Os) is a suitable proxy for tracing hydrothermal activity associated with the LIPs formation, but Os/Os data from the mid-Cretaceous are limited to short time intervals.

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The Neoproterozoic included changes in oceanic redox conditions, the configuration of continents and climate, extreme ice ages (Sturtian and Marinoan), and the rise of complex life forms. A much-debated topic in geobiology concerns the influence of atmospheric oxygenation on Earth and the origin and diversification of animal lineages, with the most widely popularized hypotheses relying on causal links between oxygen levels and the rise of animals. The vast majority of extant animals use aerobic metabolism for growth and homeostasis; hence, the binding and transportation of oxygen represent a vital physiological task.

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The biological toolkits for aerobic respiration were critical for the rise and diversification of early animals. Aerobic life forms generate ATP through the oxidation of organic molecules in a process known as Krebs' Cycle, where the enzyme isocitrate dehydrogenase (IDH) regulates the cycle's turnover rate. Evolutionary reconstructions and molecular dating of proteins related to oxidative metabolism, such as IDH, can therefore provide an estimate of when the diversification of major taxa occurred, and their coevolution with the oxidative state of oceans and atmosphere.

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Although air pollution decreased in some cities that shifted from an industrial to a service-based economy, and vehicular emission regulation became more restrictive, it is still a major risk factor for mortality worldwide. In central São Paulo, Brazil, air quality monitoring stations and tree-ring analyses revealed a decreasing trend in the concentrations of particulate matter and metals. Such trends, however, may not be observed in industrial districts located in the urban periphery, where the usual mobile sources may be combined with local stationary sources.

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Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to present evidence that supports the notion that the primary reason behind marginal bone loss and implant failure is immune-based and that bacterial actions in the great majority of problematic cases are of a secondary nature.

Materials And Methods: The paper is written as a narrative review.

Results: Evidence is presented that commercially pure titanium is not biologically inert, but instead activates the innate immune system of the body.

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The Paraná-Etendeka Magmatic Province is associated with the distensive tectonics that caused the rupture of the Gondwana continent during the Lower Cretaceous and generated an intense volcanism that covers South America and the NW portion of Namibia in Africa. In Brazil, this volcanic sequence is named Serra Geral Group and predominantly consists of basalts and subordinated silicic rocks. The goal of this study is to characterize the geomorphological features observed in the Aparados da Serra region, southern Brazil, and to evaluate the relationship between these structures and the primary silicic volcanic structures.

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The geomagnetic field's dipole undergoes polarity reversals in irregular time intervals. Particularly long periods without reversals (of the order of 10^{7} yr), called superchrons, have occurred at least three times in the Phanerozoic (since 541 million years ago). We provide observational evidence for high non-Gaussianity in the vicinity of a transition to and from a geomagnetic superchron, consisting of a sharp increase in high-order moments (skewness and kurtosis) of the dipole's distribution.

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To integrate the available published data on patients with oral lichen planus (OLP) rehabilitated with dental implants, as well as to review the recommendations for OLP patients receiving implants. : An electronic search was undertaken in February 2019 using five databases. Publications reporting cases of patients with OLP and rehabilitated with implant-supported oral prosthesis were included.

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Osseointegration is likely the result of an immunologically driven bone reaction to materials such as titanium. Osseointegration has resulted in the clinical possibility to anchor oral implants in jaw bone tissue. However, the mechanisms behind bony anchorage are not fully understood and complications over a longer period of time have been reported.

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Bone anchored biomaterials have become an indispensable solution for the restoration of lost dental elements and for skeletal joint replacements. However, a thorough understanding is still lacking in terms of the biological mechanisms leading to osseointegration and its contrast, unwanted peri-implant bone loss. We have previously hypothesized on the participation of immune mechanisms in such processes, and later demonstrated enhanced bone immune activation up to 4 weeks around titanium implants.

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The diminishing strength of the Earth's magnetic dipole over recent millennia is accompanied by the increasing prominence of the geomagnetic South Atlantic Anomaly (SAA), which spreads over the South Atlantic Ocean and South America. The longevity of this feature at millennial timescales is elusive because of the scarcity of continuous geomagnetic data for the region. Here, we report a unique geomagnetic record for the last ∼1500 y that combines the data of two well-dated stalagmites from Pau d'Alho cave, located close to the present-day minimum of the anomaly in central South America.

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Background: Osseointegration mechanisms are still not entirely understood.

Purpose: The present pilot study aims at demonstrating the involvement of the immune system in the process of osseointegration around titanium implants, comparing bone healing in the presence and absence of a titanium implant.

Materials And Methods: Fifteen New Zealand White rabbits had one osteotomy performed at each of the distal femurs; on one side, no implant was placed (sham) and on the other side a titanium implant was introduced.

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The evolutionary events during the Ediacaran-Cambrian transition (~541 Myr ago) are unparalleled in Earth history. The fossil record suggests that most extant animal phyla appeared in a geologically brief interval, with the oldest unequivocal bilaterian body fossils found in the Early Cambrian. Molecular clocks and biomarkers provide independent estimates for the timing of animal origins, and both suggest a cryptic Neoproterozoic history for Metazoa that extends considerably beyond the Cambrian fossil record.

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The terminal Neoproterozoic Era (850-542 Ma) is characterized by the most pronounced positive sulfur isotope ((34)S/(32)S) excursions in Earth's history, with strong variability and maximum values averaging δ(34)S∼+38‰. These excursions have been mostly interpreted in the framework of steady-state models, in which ocean sulfate concentrations do not fluctuate (that is, sulfate input equals sulfate output). Such models imply a large pyrite burial increase together with a dramatic fluctuation in the isotope composition of marine sulfate inputs, and/or a change in microbial sulfur metabolisms.

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The South American Monsoon System (SAMS) is generally considered to be highly sensitive to Northern Hemisphere (NH) temperature variations on multi-centennial timescales. The direct influence of solar forcing on moisture convergence in global monsoon systems on the other hand, while well explored in modeling studies, has hitherto not been documented in proxy data from the SAMS region. Hence little is known about the sensitivity of the SAMS to solar forcing over the past millennium and how it might compete or constructively interfere with NH temperature variations that occurred primarily in response to volcanic forcing.

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To understand the biological basis of osseointegration, one has to understand the 2 main sides of the implant-host interaction: tissue and biomaterial characteristics. This article addresses osseous tissue characteristics, and the potential role of soft tissues in the osseointegration of dental implants. Successful integration is driven by an inflammatory process.

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Background: The last few decades have seen a progressive shift in paradigm, replacing the notion of body implants as inert biomaterials for that of immune-modulating interactions with the host.

Purpose: This text represents an attempt at understanding the current knowledge on the healing mechanisms controlling implant-host interactions, thus interpreting osseointegration and the peri-implant bone loss phenomena also from an immunological point of view.

Materials And Methods: A narrative review approach was taken in the development of this article.

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