Moringa oleifera seed (MoS) and spray-dried seed (Sd-Mo) were supplemented in experimental diets to Almaco Jack Seriola rivoliana, and sampled on weeks 2 and 4; also, resistance against Aeromonas hydrophila was evaluated. Chemical compounds were determined by GC/MS and polyphenols contents were determined in MoS. After 4 weeks of experimental trial, weight growth and bactericidal activity were evaluated in serum, while intestine content was obtained to determinate the short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs).
View Article and Find Full Text PDFFish aquaculture has increased but also disease problems related to it, along with antimicrobial resistance. The use of medicinal plants containing phytochemicals with antimicrobial, antioxidant, and immunomodulatory activities has been proposed. In this study, C.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPermeability transition pore (PTP) opening dissipates ion and electron gradients across the internal mitochondrial membrane (IMM), including excess Ca in the mitochondrial matrix. After opening, immediate PTP closure must follow to prevent outer membrane disruption, loss of cytochrome c, and eventual apoptosis. Flickering, defined as the rapid alternative opening/closing of PTP, has been reported in heart, which undergoes frequent, large variations in Ca.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe 'sacred leaf' or "Hoja Santa" (Piper auritum Kunth) has a great value for Mexican culture and has gained popularity worldwide for its excellent properties from culinary to remedies. To contribute to its heritage, in this project we proposed the green synthesis of silver oxide nanoparticles (AgO NPs) using an extract of "Hoja Santa" (Piper auritum) as a reducing and stabilizing agent. The synthesized AgO NPs were characterized by UV-Visible spectroscopy (plasmon located at 405 nm), X-ray diffraction (XRD) (particle size diameter of 10 nm), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) (particle size diameter of 13.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe present study investigates for the first time chemical, proximate analyses and immunostimulant effect of Cyrtocarpa edulis fruit (CeF). Three design experiments were carried out to evaluate immunostimulant effect of C. edulis fruit: in vitro, in vivo and ex vivo studies in juveniles Almaco jack Seriola rivoliana.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBisphenol A is one of the most used components of the polycarbonate plastic industry in the word. This contaminant has disrupting effect in cells in in vitro and in vivo in fish. This study evaluated for the first time the cytotoxicity, oxidative stress and apoptosis induced by bisphenol A (BPA) in head-kidney and spleen leukocytes isolated from Pacific red snapper Lutjanus peru.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFDamiana (Turnera diffusa Willd) was evaluated in vitro for antioxidant and antibacterial activities against Staphylococcus aureus and Streptococcus pyogenes (as a preliminary screening assessment) by high-performance thin-layer chromatography (HPTLC)-Direct bioautography. A study was performed in vivo to evaluate the effects of Damiana enriched diets at 0.5 % on immune parameters in mucus and serum and gene expression in Almaco Jack (Seriola rivoliana) intestine after two and four weeks; an infection with Aeromonas hydrophila at 1x10 colony forming units (CFU) followed and an ex vivo study was carried out using head-kidney leukocytes.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFTrop Anim Health Prod
October 2023
Poultry is commonly infected by different bacteria and parasites in the environment, resulting in increased morbidity and mortality, but immunostimulants have been enhancing non-specific defense mechanisms conferring laying hens' protection. For this purpose, the pulp of yellow (Pouteria campechiana), white (Casimiroa edulis), and black (Diospyros digyna) sapotes were nanoencapsulated (YWB-SN) and evaluated in laying hens' peripheral blood leukocytes to test their addition to the experimental diets at a concentration of 0.5% (5g/kg of dry food) for 1 month (with two samples at days 15 and 30).
View Article and Find Full Text PDFMoringa oleifera is one of the most promising plants in aquaculture because it improves the health status, zootechnical parameters and resistance against diseases. This research evaluates the physicochemical, antioxidant values of spray-dried Moringa oleifera seed extract microencapsulates obtained at 140 and 180 °C with whey protein concentrate (WPC) and maltodextrin (MD) as wall materials in two different proportions: WPC 100% and WPC-MD (3:1). Also, immune response of peripheral blood leukocytes (PBL) of Longfin yellowtail Seriola rivoliana stimulated with spray-dried Moringa oleifera seed for 24 h was assessed.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFMolecules
May 2023
YMnO is a P-type semiconductor with a perovskite-type structure (ABO). It presents two crystalline systems: rhombohedral and hexagonal, the latter being the most stable and studied. In the hexagonal system, Mn ions are coordinated by five oxygen ions forming a trigonal bipyramid, and the Y ions are coordinated by five oxygen ions.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThis study aimed to examine the effect of CBS 8339 on innate immune responses in mice. Thirty BALB/c mice were randomly treated with phosphate buffered saline (PBS) (control) and two (Dh) doses: Dh 10ˆ6 CFU (colony forming units) and Dh 10ˆ8 CFU daily for 15 days. Spleen, blood, and gut samples were taken on days 7 and 15.
View Article and Find Full Text PDF"Cacti" are rich sources of phytochemicals with antioxidant activity, and their use is mainly focused on infusions in traditional medicine in Mexico. This study characterizes the chemical compounds found in Cylindropuntia cholla root by gas chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry (GC-MS) and determines the total content of polyphenols and flavonoids, as well as their antioxidant capacity. The immunostimulatory effect of aqueous C.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAdministration of immunostimulants in fish is a preventive method to combat infections. A wide variety of these biological molecules exist, among which one of the yeast wall compounds stands out for its different biological activities. The β-glucan that forms the structural part of yeast is capable of generating immune activity in fish by cell receptor recognition.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFUnlabelled: Excessive use of antibiotics has led to an increase of pathogenic bacteria with multiple antibiotic resistance. Hypersaline and hyperthermal environments promote the development of several microorganisms that can potentially act as immunostimulants. Thus, the aim of this study was bioprospecting marine bacteria from these environments using mouse leukocytes as a cell model for assess immunostimulatory activity.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFNanovaccine development is a growing research field in which the development of new carriers and bioconjugation approaches is a priority. In this sense, this report describes for the first time, the development of a novel conjugate that consists of gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) obtained by a one-step synthesis using an immunogenic peptide of the Lipopolysaccharide-assembly protein LptD frombacteria as a reducing and capping agent. The resultingcompounds were fully characterized and the results showed the high capacity of the peptide to form complexes and reduce gold ions.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe overuse of antibiotics in aquaculture has led to serious concerns on microbial resistance and chemical residues. Novel sources of immunostimulants could help to solve this problem by stimulating the immune system to fight against pathogens. Therefore, this study aims to explore the immunostimulant potential of Cystobacidium benthicum-β-glucans (Cb-βG) using thymus cells from Totoaba (Totoaba macdonaldi), a recently farmed fish species in Mexico.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFYarrowia lipolytica has been widely used in food industry but scarcely explored as probiotics. Thus, the aims of this study were to characterize in vitro the probiotic potential, antioxidant capacity, and antimicrobial activity of the marine yeast Y. lipolytica D-1 and N-6 strains.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFImmunostimulant and protective effects of Yarrowia lipolytica glucans against important pathogens, such as Escherichia coli, have not been investigated in goats and other ruminants. This study aimed to characterize Y. lipolytica N6-glucan (Yl-glucan) and its possible role in immunological signaling pathway activation and immunoprotection against E.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThis study investigated Lippia palmeri Watt (oregano) phytochemical compounds, their antioxidant capacity, and immunological effects on goat peripheral blood leukocytes (PBL), and on the presence of intermediate polar compounds in goat feces fed dietary oregano. The polar and nonpolar fractions of L. palmeri W.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFJ Food Sci Technol
September 2020
The use of antimicrobial agents within a matrix, specifically layered compounds, is of growing interest for reducing contamination due to food borne pathogens and deteriorative microorganisms, one of the main health problems worldwide. In this study, zinc layered hydroxide nanoparticles were synthesized as a matrix for nisin immobilization. Layered materials were characterized by X-ray diffraction, Fourier-Transform Infrared and Ultra Violet-Visible spectra, Scanning Electron Microscopy, and by Thermogravimetric Analysis.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAppl Microbiol Biotechnol
September 2020
Debaryomyces hansenii comes of age as a new potential probiotic for terrestrial and aquatic animals. Probiotic properties, including inmunostimulatory effects, gut microbiota modulation, enhanced cell proliferation and differentiation, and digestive function improvements have been related to the oral delivery of D. hansenii.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIn Mexican herbal medicines or natural remedies, Turnera diffusa (Turneraceae) known as "Damiana de California", has ethnopharmacological relevance, including aphrodisiac, diuretic, and antimicrobial activities. To explore the immunological effect of infusion and methanolic extracts from Damiana de California, this study investigated its chemical, biological, antimicrobial and immunological properties in Longfin yellowtail Seriola rivoliana leukocytes. The analysis of chemical compounds revealed a considerable level of total phenolic and flavonoid contents in the infusion compared with methanolic extract.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPrevious studies have shown that marine yeast Debaryomyces hansenii BCS004 (also known as Dh004) has a potential biotechnological application. The aim of this study was to investigate the structural characterization, antioxidant properties and possible health inductor of dietary β-D-glucan BCS004. In this study, a glucan BCS004 was obtained containing (1-6)-branched (1-3)-β-D-glucan with low molecular weight and a high purity of 90 and 91.
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