In 2020-2021, a "mysterious illness" struck Senegalese fishermen, causing severe acute dermatitis in over one thousand individuals following exposure through drift-net fishing activity. Here, by performing deep analysis of the environmental samples we reveal the presence of the marine dinoflagellate Vulcanodinium rugosum and its associated cyclic imine toxins. Specifically, we show that the toxin PortimineA, strongly enriched in environmental samples, impedes ribosome function in human keratinocytes, which subsequently activates the stress kinases ZAKα and P38 and promotes the nucleation of the human NLRP1 inflammasome, leading to the release of IL-1β/IL-18 pro-inflammatory cytokines and cell death.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFCopepods may contribute to harmful algal bloom formation by selectively rejecting harmful cells. Additionally, copepods and the chemical cues they exude, copepodamides, have been shown to induce increased toxin production in paralytic and amnesic toxin producing microalgae. However, it is unknown if diarrhetic shellfish toxin (DST) producers such as Dinophysis respond to copepods or copepodamides in a similar fashion.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFObjective: The dinoflagellate Alexandrium monilatum forms blooms during summer in tributaries of the lower Chesapeake Bay. Questions persist about the potential for A. monilatum to negatively affect aquatic organisms.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFSpecies of the dinoflagellate genus Alexandrium can release bioactive extracellular compounds with allelopathic effects (e.g., immobilization, inhibition of growth, photosynthesis or lysis) towards other phytoplanktonic organisms.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBlooms of the dinoflagellate Ostreopsis cf. ovata are regularly associated with human intoxications that are attributed to ovatoxins (OVTXs), the main toxic compounds produced by this organism and close analogs to palytoxin (PlTX). Unlike for PlTX, information on OVTXs'toxicity are scarce due to the absence of commercial standards.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFTo understand environmental effects affecting paralytic shellfish toxin production of Centrodinium punctatum, this study examined the growth responses, and toxin contents and profiles of a C. punctatum culture exposed to drastic changes of temperature (5-30 °C) and salinity (15-40). C.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe presence of microcystins (MCs) is increasingly being reported in coastal areas worldwide. To provide reliable data regarding this emerging concern, reproducible and accurate methods are required to quantify MCs in salt-containing samples. Herein, we characterized methods of extraction and analysis by liquid chromatography coupled to tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) for nine MCs and one nodularin (NOD) variants in both cyanobacteria (intracellular) and dissolved forms (extracellular).
View Article and Find Full Text PDFMany harmful algae are mixoplanktonic, i.e. they combine phototrophy and phagotrophy, and this ability may explain their ecological success, especially when environmental conditions are not optimal for autotrophic growth.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: Given the recent detection of tetrodotoxin (TTX) in bivalve molluscs but the absence of a full collaborative validation study for TTX determination in a large number of shellfish samples, interlaboratory assessment of method performance was required to better understand current capabilities for accurate and reproducible TTX quantitation using chemical and immunoassay methods.
Objective: The aim was to conduct an interlaboratory study with multiple laboratories, using results to assess method performance and acceptability of different TTX testing methods.
Methods: Homogenous and stable mussel and oyster materials were assessed by participants using a range of published and in-house detection methods to determine mean TTX concentrations.
Human intoxications in the Mediterranean Sea have been linked to blooms of the dinoflagellate Ostreopsis cf. ovata, producer of palytoxin (PlTX)-like toxins called ovatoxins (OVTXs). Exposure routes include only inhalation and contact, although PlTX-poisoning by seafood has been described in tropical regions.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFCiguatera poisoning is caused by the ingestion of fish or shellfish contaminated with ciguatoxins produced by dinoflagellate species belonging to the genera and . Unlike in the Pacific region, the species producing ciguatoxins in the Atlantic Ocean have yet to be definitely identified, though some ciguatoxins responsible for ciguatera have been reported from fish. Previous studies investigating the ciguatoxin-like toxicity of Atlantic species using Neuro2a cell-based assay identified as a potential toxin producer.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFTetrodotoxins (TTXs) are potentially lethal paralytic toxins that have been identified in European shellfish over recent years. Risk assessment has suggested comparatively low levels (44 µg TTX-equivalent/kg) but stresses the lack of data on occurrence. Both bacteria and dinoflagellates were suggested as possible biogenic sources, either from an endogenous or exogenous origin.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFDinophysis is the main dinoflagellate genus responsible for diarrheic shellfish poisoning (DSP) in human consumers of filter feeding bivalves contaminated with lipophilic diarrheic toxins. Species of this genus have a worldwide distribution driven by environmental conditions (temperature, irradiance, salinity, nutrients etc.), and these factors are sensitive to climate change.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFOstreopsis cf. ovata is a benthic and ovatoxin-producing dinoflagellate proliferating yearly along the Mediterranean coasts where blooms have been related to human illness and unusual mortality of marine organisms. The spreading of O.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFCiguatera food poisoning affects consumer health and fisheries' economies worldwide in tropical zones, and specifically in the Pacific area. The wide variety of ciguatoxins bio-accumulated in fish or shellfish responsible for this neurological illness are produced by marine dinoflagellates of the genus Gambierdiscus and bio-transformed through the food web. The evaluation of the contents of ciguatoxins in strains of Gambierdiscus relies on the availability of standards and on the development of sensitive and specific tools to detect them.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFSome species of the genus Dinophysis contain Diarrhetic shellfish Poisoning (DSP) toxins and are the main threat to shellfish farming in Europe including France. Dinophysis species are known to produce two families of bioactive lipophilic toxins: (i) okadaic acid (OA) and their analogues dinophysistoxins (DTXs) and (ii) pectenotoxins (PTXs). Only six toxins (OA, DTX1, DTX2, DTX3, PTX1 and PTX2) regulated by the European Union Legislation (EC No.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFCentrodinium punctatum is a fusiform dinoflagellate with a global marine distribution. Due to a close phylogenetic relationship of one C. punctatum strain to Alexandrium species, toxin production of this C.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAmong dinoflagellates responsible for benthic harmful algal blooms, the genus Ostreopsis primarily described from tropical areas has been increasingly reported from subtropical and temperate areas worldwide. Several species of this toxigenic genus produce analogs of palytoxin, thus representing a major threat to human and environmental health. The taxonomy of several species needs to be clarified as it was based mostly on morphological descriptions leading in some cases to ambiguous interpretations and misidentifications.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFHarmful algal blooms (HABs) of toxic species of the dinoflagellate genus Dinophysis are a threat to human health as they are mainly responsible for diarrheic shellfish poisoning (DSP) in the consumers of contaminated shellfish. Such contamination leads to shellfish farm closures causing major economic and social issues. The direct effects of numerous HAB species have been demonstrated on adult bivalves, whereas the effects on critical early life stages remain relatively unexplored.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe transfer of from freshwater to estuaries has been described worldwide and salinity is reported as the main factor controlling the expansion of to coastal environments. Analyzing the expression levels of targeted genes and employing both targeted and non-targeted metabolomic approaches, this study investigated the effect of a sudden salt increase on the physiological and metabolic responses of two toxic strains separately isolated from fresh and brackish waters, respectively, PCC 7820 and 7806. Supported by differences in gene expressions and metabolic profiles, salt tolerance was found to be strain specific.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFOver the last fifteen years, blooms of the genus Ostreopsis have been reported more frequently and at higher abundances in the Mediterranean area. Ostreopsis cf. ovata is known to produce ovatoxins (OVTXs), structural analogues of palytoxin, which is one of the most potent non-polymeric toxins.
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