Meningiomas are the most common primary brain tumors in adults but much less frequent in children. Many subtypes exist, including anaplastic (malignant) meningioma, which accounts for less than 20% of pediatric tumors. Meningiomas can arise in association with cancer predisposition syndromes due to germline variants in genes such as NF2, MEN1 and SMARCE1.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFOf the past decade, micro/nanoplastics (MP/NP) and per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) have become two of the most pervasive persistent organic pollutants leading to significant accumulation within waterways. Various sorbent materials have been evaluated for PFAS and MP/NP removal, but their simultaneous removal has rarely been explored. Herein, we report a library of polymer-based, cationic nanoparticle networks (CNN) with systematic variation in surface charge density, polymer molecular weight, and nanoparticle size for the removal of anionic MP/NP and PFAS from aqueous solutions.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFLarge canids (wolves, dogs, and coyote) and people form a close relationship in northern (subarctic and arctic) socioecological systems. Here, we document the antiquity of this bond and the multiple ways it manifested in interior Alaska, a region key to understanding the peopling of the Americas and early northern lifeways. We compile original and existing genomic, isotopic, and osteological canid data from archaeological, paleontological, and modern sites.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPurpose: To evaluate the relative diagnostic yield of clinical germline genomic tests in a diverse pediatric cancer population.
Patients And Methods: The KidsCanSeq study enrolled pediatric cancer patients across six sites in Texas. Germline analysis included both exome sequencing and a therapy-focused pediatric cancer gene panel.
Gauge theories are powerful theoretical physics tools that allow complex phenomena to be reduced to simple principles and are used in both high-energy and condensed matter physics. In the latter context, gauge theories are becoming increasingly popular for capturing the intricate spin correlations in spin liquids, exotic states of matter in which the dynamics of quantum spins never ceases, even at absolute zero temperature. We consider a spin system on a three-dimensional pyrochlore lattice where emergent gauge fields not only describe the spin liquid behavior at zero temperature but crucially determine the system's temperature evolution, with distinct gauge fields giving rise to different spin liquid phases in separate temperature regimes.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFRecognition of patients with multiple diagnoses, and the unique challenges they pose to clinicians and laboratorians, is increasing rapidly as genome-wide genetic testing grows in prevalence. We describe a unique patient with dual diagnoses of PDCD10-related cerebral cavernous malformations and ETV6-related thrombocytopenia with associated neutropenia. She presented with brain abscesses as an infant, which is highly atypical for these disorders in isolation.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFQuantum spin liquids (QSLs) have become a key area of research in magnetism due to their remarkable properties, such as long-range entanglement, fractional excitations, and topologically protected phenomena. Recently, the search for QSLs has expanded into the three-dimensional world, despite the suppression of quantum fluctuations due to high dimensionality. A new candidate material, KNi(SO), belongs to the langbeinite family and consists of two interconnected trillium lattices.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFObjective: Surgical resection of motor eloquent tumors poses the risk of causing postoperative motor deficits which leads to reduced quality of life in these patients. Currently, rehabilitative procedures are limited with physical therapy being the main treatment option. This study investigated the efficacy of repetitive navigated transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) for treatment of motor deficits after supratentorial tumor resection.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFFor decades, frustrated quantum magnets have been a seed for scientific progress and innovation in condensed matter. As much as the numerical tools for low-dimensional quantum magnetism have thrived and improved in recent years due to breakthroughs inspired by quantum information and quantum computation, higher-dimensional quantum magnetism can be considered as the final frontier, where strong quantum entanglement, multiple ordering channels, and manifold ways of paramagnetism culminate. At the same time, efforts in crystal synthesis have induced a significant increase in the number of tangible frustrated magnets which are generically three-dimensional in nature, creating an urgent need for quantitative theoretical modeling.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWoolly mammoths in mainland Alaska overlapped with the region's first people for at least a millennium. However, it is unclear how mammoths used the space shared with people. Here, we use detailed isotopic analyses of a female mammoth tusk found in a 14,000-year-old archaeological site to show that she moved ~1000 kilometers from northwestern Canada to inhabit an area with the highest density of early archaeological sites in interior Alaska until her death.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFJ Exp Psychol Gen
February 2024
We compare eye movement strategies across a range of different stimulus sets to test the prediction that eye movements are guided by expected information gain. When searching for a simple target that has been defined based on orientation, interindividual variability is high, and a large proportion of eye movements are directed to locations where peripheral vision would have been sufficient to determine whether the target was present there or not. In contrast, when searching for a target defined based on identity, eye movements are similar across individuals and highly efficient, being directed almost exclusively to the locations where central vision is most needed.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFDiagnosing, selecting therapy for, and monitoring cancer in patients using a minimally invasive blood test represents a significant advance in precision medicine. Wide variability exists in how circulating tumor DNA (ctDNA) assays are developed, validated, and reported in the literature, which hinders clinical adoption and may negatively impact patient care. Standardization is needed for factors affecting ctDNA assay performance and reporting, including pre-analytical variables, analytical considerations, and elements of laboratory assay reporting.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: Highly sensitive molecular assays have been developed to detect plasma-based circulating tumor DNA (ctDNA), and emerging evidence suggests their clinical utility for monitoring minimal residual disease and recurrent disease, providing prognostic information, and monitoring therapy responses in patients with solid tumors. The Invitae Personalized Cancer Monitoring assay uses a patient-specific, tumor-informed variant signature identified through whole exome sequencing to detect ctDNA in peripheral blood of patients with solid tumors.
Methods: The assay's tumor whole exome sequencing and ctDNA detection components were analytically validated using 250 unique human specimens and nine commercial reference samples that generated 1349 whole exome sequencing and cell-free DNA (cfDNA)-derived libraries.
ACS Appl Mater Interfaces
July 2023
Direct write printing is restricted by the lack of dielectric materials that can be printed with high resolution and offer dissipation factors at radio frequency (RF) within the range of commercial RF laminates. Herein, we outline the development of dielectric materials with dielectric loss below 0.006 in X and Ku frequency bands (8.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWhile freshwater and anadromous fish have been critical economic resources for late prehistoric and modern Native Americans, the origin and development of fishing is not well understood. We document the earliest known human use of freshwater and anadromous fish in North America by 13,000 and 11,800 years ago, respectively, from primary anthropogenic contexts in central Alaska (eastern Beringia). Fish use appears conditioned by broad climatic factors, as all occurrences but one are within the Younger Dryas chronozone.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFFracton phases are a particularly exotic type of quantum spin liquids where the elementary quasiparticles are intrinsically immobile. These phases may be described by unconventional gauge theories known as tensor or multipolar gauge theories, characteristic for so-called type-I or type-II fracton phases, respectively. Both variants have been associated with distinctive singular patterns in the spin structure factor, such as multifold pinch points for type-I and quadratic pinch points for type-II fracton phases.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPolymerization-induced crystallization-driven self-assembly (PI-CDSA) is combined, for the first time, with helical, rod-coil block copolymer (BCP) self-assembly to enable scalable and controllable synthesis of chiral nanostructures of variable shape, size, and dimensionality. Herein, we report newly developed PI-CDSA (PI-CDSA) methodologies in the synthesis and self-assembly of chiral, rod-coil BCPs composed of poly(aryl isocyanide) (PAIC) rigid-rod and poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG) random-coil components. Using PEG-based nickel(II) macroinitiators, the construction of PAIC-BCP nanostructures with variable chiral morphologies is accomplished at solids contents ranging 5.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFA new trehalose-grafted poly(2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate) (HEMA) glycopolymer was synthesized via the perfluorophenyl azide (PFPA)-mediated Staudinger reaction between poly(HEMA--HEMA-PFPA) and a diphenylphosphine-derivatized trehalose. The reaction occurred rapidly at room temperature without the use of any catalyst, giving the trehalose glycopolymers over 68% yield after 1 h. The grafting density of trehalose can be controlled by the copolymer composition in poly(HEMA--HEMA-PFPA), resulting in 6.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAtten Percept Psychophys
January 2023
Symmetry perception studies have generally used two stimulus types: figural and dot patterns. Here, we designed a novel figural stimulus-a wedge pattern-made of centrally aligned pseudorandomly positioned wedges. To study the effect of pattern figurality and colour on symmetry perception, we compared symmetry detection in multicoloured wedge patterns with nonfigural dot patterns in younger and older adults.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFMolecular encoding in abiotic sequence-defined polymers (SDPs) has recently emerged as a versatile platform for information and data storage. However, the storage capacity of these sequence-defined polymers remains underwhelming compared to that of the information storing biopolymer DNA. In an effort to increase their information storage capacity, herein we describe the synthesis and simultaneous sequencing of eight sequence-defined 10-mer oligourethanes.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPediatr Blood Cancer
November 2022
Background: The association of childhood cancer with Lynch syndrome is not established compared with the significant pediatric cancer risk in recessive constitutional mismatch repair deficiency syndrome (CMMRD).
Procedure: We describe the clinical features, germline analysis, and tumor genomic profiling of patients with Lynch syndrome among patients enrolled in pediatric cancer genomic studies.
Results: There were six of 773 (0.
Somatic copy number alterations (SCNAs) in tumors are clinically significant diagnostic, prognostic, and predictive biomarkers. SCNA detection from targeted next-generation sequencing panels is increasingly common in clinical practice; however, detailed descriptions of optimization and validation of SCNA pipelines for small targeted panels are limited. This study describes the validation and implementation of a tumor-only SCNA pipeline using CNVkit, augmented with custom modules and optimized for clinical implementation by testing reference materials and clinical tumor samples with different classes of copy number variation (CNV; amplification, single copy loss, and biallelic loss).
View Article and Find Full Text PDFHepatoblastoma (HB) is the most common pediatric primary liver malignancy, and survival for high-risk disease approaches 50%. Mouse models of HB fail to recapitulate hallmarks of high-risk disease. The aim of this work was to generate murine models that show high-risk features including multifocal tumors, vascular invasion, metastasis, and circulating tumor cells (CTCs).
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAn important task for vision science is to build a unitary framework of low- and mid-level vision. As a step on this way, our study examined differences and commonalities between masking, crowding and grouping-three processes that occur through spatial interactions between neighbouring elements. We measured contrast thresholds as functions of inter-element spacing and eccentricity for Gabor detection, discrimination and contour integration, using a common stimulus grid consisting of nine Gabor elements.
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