Pectin, a complex dietary fiber, constitutes a key structural component of the cell walls of numerous edible plant products. It is resistant to digestion by human enzymes and undergoes depolymerization and saccharification in the gastrointestinal tract through the action of carbohydrate-active enzymes (CAZymes) produced by gut microbiota. This enzymatic breakdown generates intermediate structural fragments, which are subsequently converted into pectin oligosaccharides (POS) and monosaccharides.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe human gastrointestinal microbiota, densely populated with a diverse array of microorganisms primarily from the bacterial phyla Bacteroidota, Bacillota, and Actinomycetota, is crucial for maintaining health and physiological functions. Dietary fibers, particularly pectin, significantly influence the composition and metabolic activity of the gut microbiome. Pectin is fermented by gut bacteria using carbohydrate-active enzymes (CAZymes), resulting in the production of short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs) such as acetate, propionate, and butyrate, which provide various health benefits.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWe carried out a comparative analysis between the bacterial microbiota composition of zoo-housed western lowland gorillas and their wild counterparts through 16S rRNA gene amplicon sequencing. In addition, we characterised the carbohydrate-active and methanogenic potential of the zoo-housed gorilla (ZHG) microbiome through shotgun metagenomics and RNA sequencing. The ZHG microbiota showed increased alpha diversity in terms of bacterial species richness and a distinct composition from that of the wild gorilla microbiota, including a loss of abundant fibre-degrading and hydrogenic Chloroflexi.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThis study aims to characterize the microbiota and peptidomic composition of raw milk kefir, and to address the potential anti-allergic effects of raw milk kefir using validated research models for food allergy. Raw milk kefir was produced after incubation with a defined freeze-dried starter culture. Kefir was sampled during fermentation at seven time intervals.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe cognitive skills critical for success have largely been studied in Western populations, despite the fact that children in low- and middle-income countries are at risk to not reach their full developmental potential. Moreover, scientists should leverage recent discovery to explore means of boosting cognition in at-risk populations. This semi-randomized controlled trial examined normative cognitive development and whether it could be enhanced by consumption of a probiotic food in a sample of 251 4- to 7-year-old children in urban schools in Côte d'Ivoire.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFGlycogen in the female lower reproductive tract is a major carbon source for colonization and acidification by common vaginal species, such as . Previously, we identified the amylopullulanase encoding gene of to correlate with the ability to autonomously utilize glycogen for growth. Here, we further characterize genetic variation and differential regulation of affecting the presence of its gene product on the outer surface layer.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFVaginal malodour is a sign of dysbiosis. The biogenic amines (BAs) cadaverine, putrescine and tyramine are known to be causative compounds. Recent reports suggest these compounds produced by pathogens might have a role beyond causing malodour; namely inhibiting the growth of lactobacilli bacteria that are crucial in the maintenance of vaginal homeostasis.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFInt J Environ Res Public Health
October 2021
The "Earthrise" photograph, taken on the 1968 Apollo 8 mission, became one of the most significant images of the 20th Century. It triggered a profound shift in environmental awareness and the potential for human unity-inspiring the first Earth Day in 1970. Taking inspiration from these events 50 years later, we initiated at our 2020 annual conference of VIVO Planetary Health.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFis the dominant species in the vagina of many women. With the potential for strains of this species to be used as a probiotic to help prevent and treat dysbiosis, we investigated isolates from vaginal swabs with -dominated and a dysbiotic microbiota. A comparative genome analysis led to the identification of metabolic pathways for synthesis and degradation of three major biogenic amines in most strains.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIntroduction: The metabolic activity of the gut microbiota plays a pivotal role in the gut-brain axis through the effects of bacterial metabolites on brain function and development. In this study we investigated the association of gut microbiota composition with language development of 3-year-old rural Ugandan children.
Methods: We studied the language ability in 139 children of 36 months in our controlled maternal education intervention trial to stimulate children's growth and development.
This semi-randomized controlled trial examined the effects of a probiotic food supplement on cortisol and C-reactive protein (CRP) in a sample of 262 four-to seven-year-old children (56% girls) in two economically-disadvantaged schools in an urban setting in Côte d'Ivoire. For one semester, children in one school were randomized to receive a probiotic (N = 79) or placebo (N = 85) fermented dairy food each day they attended school; one child (due to medical reasons) and all children in the other school (N = 98) continued their diets as usual. Children provided two saliva samples at 11:30 on consecutive days at the end of the study.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFTo cope with sudden changes in their environment, bacteria can use a bet-hedging strategy by dividing the population into cells with different properties. This so-called bimodal or bistable cellular differentiation is generally controlled by positive feedback regulation of transcriptional activators. Due to the continuous increase in cell volume, it is difficult for these activators to reach an activation threshold concentration when cells are growing exponentially.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFFollowing a school milk feeding program in Southwest Uganda, we initiated a probiotic yogurt school feeding program in the same region in 2018. In order to investigate the potential health benefits from probiotic yogurt we conducted an observational study, where we compared the effect of the consumption of locally produced probiotic yogurt containing yoba 2012 to milk in pre-primary schoolchildren from different schools on the occurrence of respiratory tract infections (common cold) and skin infections (e.g.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFFermented foods and alcoholic beverages have long been an important part of the human diet in nearly every culture on every continent. These foods are often well-preserved and serve as stable and significant sources of proteins, vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients. Despite these common features, however, many differences exist with respect to substrates and products and the types of microbes involved in the manufacture of fermented foods and beverages produced globally.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFChronic exposure of children in sub-Saharan Africa to aflatoxins has been associated with low birth weight, stunted growth, immune suppression, and liver function damage. species have been shown to reduce aflatoxin contamination during the process of food fermentation. Twenty-three s strains were isolated from fecal samples obtained from a cohort of rural Ugandan children at the age of 54 to 60 months, typed by 16S rRNA gene sequencing, and characterized in terms of their ability to bind aflatoxin B in vitro.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFInt J Environ Res Public Health
November 2019
inVIVO Planetary Health (inVIVO) is a progressive scientific movement providing evidence, advocacy, and inspiration to align the interests and vitality of people, place, and planet. Our goal is to transform personal and planetary health through awareness, attitudes, and actions, and a deeper understanding of how all systems are interconnected and interdependent. Here, we present the abstracts and proceedings of our 8th annual conference, held in Detroit, Michigan in May 2019, themed "From Challenges, to Opportunities".
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: Undernutrition impairs child development outcomes and growth. In this follow-up study of an open cluster-randomized intervention trial we examined the effects of an education package delivered to mothers in rural Uganda on their children's development, growth and gut microbiota at 36 months of age.
Methods: The parental trial included 511 mother-child pairs recruited when the children were 6-8 months.
Spontaneously fermented food products contain a complex, natural microbial community with potential probiotic activity. The addition of a health-promoting, probiotic bacterium to these products ensures the delivery of that probiotic activity to consumers. Here, we assess the microbial community of a traditional Senegalese milk product produced by spontaneous fermentation, called lait caillé.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFMicrobiome
March 2019
Background: A vaginal microbiota dominated by lactobacilli (particularly Lactobacillus crispatus) is associated with vaginal health, whereas a vaginal microbiota not dominated by lactobacilli is considered dysbiotic. Here we investigated whether L. crispatus strains isolated from the vaginal tract of women with Lactobacillus-dominated vaginal microbiota (LVM) are pheno- or genotypically distinct from L.
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