Publications by authors named "Reimondas Sliteris"

High-density polyethylene (HDPE) pipes are becoming increasingly popular, being used in various fields, such as construction, marine, petroleum, water transfer, process water, methane gas collection, oil and gas gathering, gas distribution systems, mining, acid and wet gas lines, offshore oil and gas and in nuclear power plants. Higher-order guided Lamb wave (UGW) modes can be used to detect various defects in complex structures. We will apply this methodology to one of the types of plastic-the structure of high-density polyethylene (HDPE).

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Usually for non-destructive testing at high temperatures, ultrasonic transducers made of PZT and silver electrodes are used, but this could lead to damage to or malfunction of the ultrasonic transducer due to poor adhesion between PZT and silver. Soldering is one of the most common types of bonding used for individual parts of ultrasonic transducers (protector, backing, matching layer, etc.), but silver should be protected using additional metal layers (copper) due to its solubility in solder.

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The article is devoted to the investigation of ultrasonic inspection techniques suitable for detecting hydrogen-induced cracking (HIC) and a high-temperature hydrogen attack (HTHA), which are of great importance in petrochemical and refinery industries. Four techniques were investigated: total focusing method (TFM), advanced velocity ratio (AVR) measurement, advanced ultrasonic backscatter technique (AUBT) and time of flight diffraction method using ultra low angle ultrasonic transducers (TULA). The experimental investigation has been carried out on two carbon steel samples cut off from a heat exchanger of an oil refinery and potentially affected by HIC.

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The ultrasonic testing technique using Lamb waves is widely used for the non-destructive testing and evaluation of various structures. For air-coupled excitation and the reception of A mode Lamb waves, leaky guided waves are usually exploited. However, at low frequencies (<100 kHz), the velocity of this mode in plastic and composite materials can become slower than the ultrasound velocity in air, and its propagation in films is accompanied only by an evanescent wave in air.

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Ultrasonic non-destructive testing techniques (NDT) based on the application of guided waves are already used for inspection of plate-type structures made of various materials, including composite materials. Air-coupled ultrasonic techniques are used to test such structures by means of guided waves. The objective of this research was development and investigation of air-coupled excitation of a slow A₀ Lamb wave mode in thin plastic films by a PMN-32%PT ultrasonic array.

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Purpose: For long time, blood clot retraction was measured only by thromboelastographic or platelet contractile force measurement techniques. The purpose of the present study was development of a novel ultrasonic method based on simultaneous monitoring of variations in the ultrasound velocity and the frequency spectrum of the signal propagating in clotting blood and its application for automatic evaluation of blood clotting parameters.

Methods: Simultaneous measurement of ultrasound velocity and variations in the frequency spectrum of wideband ultrasonic signals in clotting blood samples was performed.

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For improvement of the efficiency of air-coupled ultrasonic transducers PMN-32%PT piezoelectric crystals which possess very high piezoelectric properties may be used. The electromechanical coupling factor of such crystals for all main vibration modes such as the thickness extension and transverse extension modes is more than 0.9.

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Air-coupled ultrasonic techniques are being increasingly used for material characterization, non-destructive evaluation of composite materials using guided waves as well as for distance measurements. Application of those techniques is mainly limited by the big losses of ultrasonic signals due to attenuation and mismatch of the acoustic impedances of ultrasonic transducers and air. One of the ways to solve this problem is by application of novel more efficient piezoelectric materials like lead magnesium niobate-lead titanate (PMN-PT) type crystals.

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An ultrasonic technique, invariant to temperature changes, for a density measurement of different liquids under in situ extreme conditions is presented. The influence of geometry and material parameters of the measurement system (transducer, waveguide, matching layer) on measurement accuracy and reliability is analyzed theoretically along with experimental results. The proposed method is based on measurement of the amplitude of the ultrasonic wave, reflected from the interface of the solid/liquid medium under investigation.

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In order to perform monitoring of the polymerisation process, it is necessary to measure viscosity. However, in the case of non-Newtonian highly viscous fluids, viscosity starts to be dependent on the vibration or rotation frequency of the sensing element. Also, the sensing element must possess a sufficient mechanical strength.

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In some nuclear reactors or accelerator-driven systems (ADS) the core is intended to be cooled by means of a heavy liquid metal, for example, lead-bismuth (Pb/Bi) eutectic alloy. For safety and licensing reasons, an imaging method of the interior of ADS, based on application of ultrasonic waves, has thus to be developed. This paper is devoted to description of developed various ultrasonic transducers suitable for long term imaging and measurements in the liquid Pb/Bi alloy.

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