Publications by authors named "Rebecca Sandak"

For accurate reading comprehension, readers must first learn to map letters to their corresponding speech sounds and meaning and then they must string the meanings of many words together to form a representation of the text. Furthermore, readers must master the complexities involved in parsing the relevant syntactic and pragmatic information necessary for accurate interpretation. Failure in this process can occur at multiple levels and cognitive neuroscience has been helpful in identifying the underlying causes of success and failure in reading single words and in reading comprehension.

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Using functional magnetic resonance imaging, we investigated multimodal (visual and auditory) semantic and unimodal (visual only) phonological processing in reading disabled (RD) adolescents and non-impaired (NI) control participants. We found reduced activation for RD relative to NI in a number of left-hemisphere reading-related areas across all processing tasks regardless of task type (semantic vs. phonological) or modality (auditory vs.

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Using fMRI, we explored the relationship between phonological awareness (PA), a measure of metaphonological knowledge of the segmental structure of speech, and brain activation patterns during processing of print and speech in young readers from 6 to 10 years of age. Behavioral measures of PA were positively correlated with activation levels for print relative to speech tokens in superior temporal and occipito-temporal regions. Differences between print-elicited activation levels in superior temporal and inferior frontal sites were also correlated with PA measures with the direction of the correlation depending on stimulus type: positive for pronounceable pseudowords and negative for consonant strings.

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Functional neuroimaging studies indicate that a primary marker of specific reading disability (RD) is reduced activation of left hemisphere (LH) posterior regions during performance of reading tasks. However, the severity of this disruption, and the extent to which these LH systems might be available for reading under any circumstances, is unclear at present. Experiment 1 examined the cortical effects of stimulus manipulations (frequency, imageability, consistency) that have known facilitative effects on reading performance for both nonimpaired (NI) and RD readers.

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A series of experiments studied the effects of repetition of printed words on (1) lexical decision (LD) and naming (NAM) behavior and (2) concomitant brain activation. It was hypothesized that subword phonological analysis (assembly) would decrease with increasing word familiarity and the greater decrease would occur in LD, a task that is believed to be less dependent on assembly than naming. As a behavioral marker of assembly, we utilized the regularity effect (the difference in response latency between words with regular versus irregular spelling-sound correspondences).

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Using functional magnetic resonance imaging, we explored the role of semantics in mediating orthographic-to-phonological processing in reading aloud, focusing on the interaction of imageability with spelling-to-sound consistency for low-frequency words. Behaviorally, high-imageable words attenuate the standard latency and accuracy disadvantage for low-frequency inconsistent words relative to their consistent counterparts. Neurobiologically, high-imageable words reduced consistency-related activation in the inferior frontal gyrus but increased posterior activation in the angular and middle temporal gyri, representing a possible neural signature of the tradeoff between semantics and phonology in reading aloud.

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fMRI was used to investigate the separate influences of orthographic, phonological, and semantic processing on the ability to learn new words and the cortical circuitry recruited to subsequently read those words. In a behavioral session, subjects acquired familiarity for three sets of pseudowords, attending to orthographic, phonological, or (learned) semantic features. Transfer effects were measured in an event-related fMRI session as the subjects named trained pseudowords, untrained pseudowords, and real words.

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