Background: The measurement of gait is likely influenced by walking speed in children with hemiplegia, but this relationship is not well characterized.
Research Question: What is the influence of walking speed on spatiotemporal and symmetry measures of gait in children with hemiplegia, with consideration of side and footwear condition?
Methods: Children with hemiparetic gait due to stroke were recruited for a small pilot intervention study. Participants walked at self-selected and fast speeds while barefoot and while wearing shoes.
Background: Children with hemiplegia often demonstrate gait deviations including increased variability and asymmetry. Step-to-step gait variability decreases over childhood and increases in the presence of neurologic dysfunction. Gait variability in children with hemiplegia should therefore be interpreted in reference to age-related norms RESEARCH QUESTION: Does conversion of the enhanced gait variability index (eGVI) to age-normalized z-scores improve interpretation of gait variability in children with hemiplegia?
Methods: Ten children (11.