Purpose: The goal of this study was to see how the availability of ranibizumab affected the referral patterns for low vision (LV) evaluation.
Methods: This study used a retrospective review and a comparison of all patients newly referred from retinal Practice 1 (J.T.
Objective: To evaluate the intraocular pressure (IOP)-lowering potential of anecortave acetate (AA) in eyes with steroid-related ocular hypertension inadequately controlled with the maximal tolerated or appropriate medical therapy.
Design: Uncontrolled case series.
Methods: A total of 8 eyes of 7 subjects with medically uncontrolled IOP following intravitreal or sub-Tenon injections of triamcinolone acetonide were included.
Purpose: To evaluate two techniques for treatment of large submacular hemorrhages resulting from choroidal neovascularization associated with age-related macular degeneration.
Methods: Retrospective consecutive case series of 42 eyes of 42 patients who presented with submacular hemorrhages of at least 12 disc areas associated with visual loss of 3 months or less duration. One of two treatments was performed: (1) vitrectomy with removal of the submacular hemorrhage/neovascular membrane complex using subretinal forceps (SRH group), or (2) vitrectomy with injection of subretinal tissue plasminogen activator (TPA) followed by air-fluid exchange to achieve pneumatic displacement of the hemorrhage (TPA group).
Purpose: To evaluate the results of idiopathic macular hole surgery with or without epiretinal dissection or peeling of the internal limiting membrane (ILM).
Design: Retrospective consecutive nonrandomized comparative interventional trial.
Participants: One hundred seventy-two eyes of 162 patients with previously untreated idiopathic macular holes of <24 months duration.