Publications by authors named "Ravenscroft J"

Background: A priority setting partnership for eczema (syn atopic eczema, atopic dermatitis) has identified that bathing frequency is a key area of patient interest. However, there are nolarge, high-quality randomised controlled trials (RCTs) investigating this.The Rapid Eczema Trials project is a novel programme of research that aims to deliver multiple online RCTs, using a citizen science approach.

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These case studies explore the subjective visual experiences of individuals with cerebral visual impairment (CVI), specifically dorsal stream dysfunction (DSD) characterized by simultanagnosia. Through three in-depth case studies, this work documents the challenges these individuals face when navigating cluttered environments. The individuals were asked to describe their visual experiences while watching videos of varying complexity, with the future aim of creating a simulation of simultanagnosia.

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Cerebral visual impairment (CVI) is increasingly being recognized as a significant cause of visual difficulties in children, particularly those with typical visual acuity, who nonetheless struggle in educational settings. This narrative review aims to elucidate the nature and impact of visual perceptual difficulties (VPD) associated with CVI in school-aged children, who often remain undiagnosed due to the current erroneous focus on visual acuity as a required diagnostic criterion for CVI. The review synthesizes findings from recent studies, highlighting that up to 3.

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  • A study was conducted to reach a consensus on interpreting skin prick tests (SPT) and dietary history related to food allergies in children under two with atopic dermatitis (AD).
  • Fourteen healthcare professionals participated in a modified Delphi study, discussing symptoms related to allergies and reaching agreements on allergen categorization and dietary advice.
  • The findings led to standardized recommendations for managing common food allergies like cow's milk, hen's egg, wheat, and soy, aiming to improve clinician education and decision-making.
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Children with severe atopic dermatitis (AD), refractory to conventional systemic treatment as well as single-agent biologic and Janus kinase inhibitor (JAKi) such as abrocitinib, currently face a lack of treatment options. In response to this clinical conundrum, we present three cases of severe and refractory pediatric AD successfully managed with combined dupilumab and abrocitinib. These children had exhausted all conventional treatments and had undergone treatment with both dupilumab and abrocitinib individually, as well as dupilumab in conjunction with methotrexate.

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Acne vulgaris is very common and can have significant negative impact on people. While sometimes a transient problem, acne may persist for many years and often leads to permanent scars or pigment changes. Guidelines unanimously advise topical treatments as first-line, although differ in recommending either topical benzoyl peroxide or topical retinoid (mainly adapalene) alone or in combination.

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  • A study compared the safety and effectiveness of ciclosporin (CyA) and methotrexate (MTX) in treating severe atopic dermatitis (AD) in children and young people aged 2-16 who didn't respond to topical treatments.
  • Cyclists showed more significant improvement at the 12-week mark, with more patients achieving at least a 50% improvement in their AD scores compared to those on MTX.
  • However, by the 60-week follow-up, MTX demonstrated better long-term outcomes, indicating its potential superiority beyond the initial treatment period.
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Background: Psychological and mental health difficulties are common in children and young people (CYP) living with skin conditions and can have a profound impact on wellbeing. There is limited guidance on how best to assess and support the mental health of this population, who are at risk of poor health outcomes.

Objectives: To provide consensus-based recommendations on the assessment and monitoring of and support for mental health difficulties in CYP with skin conditions (affecting the skin, hair and nails); to address practical clinical implementation questions relating to consensus guidance; and to provide audit and research recommendations.

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Individuals with cerebral visual impairment (CVI) frequently report challenges with face recognition, and subsequent difficulties with social interactions. However, there is limited empirical evidence supporting poor face recognition in individuals with CVI and the potential impact on social-emotional quality-of-life factors. Moreover, it is unclear whether any difficulties with face recognition represent a broader ventral stream dysfunction.

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We undertook a survey of UK healthcare professionals through the UK Dermatology Clinical Trials Network and British Dermatological Nursing Group to understand clinicians' routine practice of prescribing oral isotretinoin for treatment of acne vulgaris. We also wanted to understand clinicians' experiences and views on prescribing low daily dose regimens. Overall, the survey showed that clinicians adopted a patient-centred approach when deciding isotretinoin dosing.

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Acne vulgaris is one of the commonest inflammatory skin diseases seen worldwide, affecting all ethnicities and races, with a peak prevalence between age 15 years and 20 years. The burden of this condition, and the resulting clinical and psychological sequelae, is substantial. The visual appearance of acne and its sequelae, including scarring and pigment changes, frequently results in psychological and social morbidity because of concerns about appearance.

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  • Acne vulgaris is a prevalent skin condition that can lead to psychosocial issues, with various treatment options ranging from topical therapies to oral medications; NICE evaluates cost-effectiveness in their guidelines.
  • A decision-analytical model was used to compare the costs and quality-adjusted life-years (QALYs) of different treatments for acne from the NHS perspective, utilizing data from a network meta-analysis and expert opinions.
  • The study found that all treatments were more cost-effective than placebo, with topical combinations and photochemical therapy being the best for mild-to-moderate acne and oral isotretinoin plus others for moderate-to-severe cases, but results showed some uncertainty due to wide confidence intervals.
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Cerebral Visual Impairment (CVI) is a common condition in the UK. Patients with conditions associated with CVI are frequently seen in paediatric ophthalmology clinics offering eye care professionals an opportunity to identify children proactively. In most cases CVI occurs as part of a neurodevelopmental condition or as a feature of multiple and complex disabilities.

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Background: Various treatments for acne vulgaris exist, but little is known about their comparative effectiveness in relation to acne severity.

Objectives: To identify best treatments for mild-to-moderate and moderate-to-severe acne, as determined by clinician-assessed morphological features.

Methods: We undertook a systematic review and network meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials (RCTs) assessing topical pharmacological, oral pharmacological, physical and combined treatments for mild-to-moderate and moderate-to-severe acne, published up to May 2020.

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Background And Objectives: (1) To identify patient reported outcome measures (PROMs) which have been used to screen and assess mental health symptoms in studies of youth with skin disease. (2) To critically appraise their evidence base in this population.

Methods: A systematic literature search was conducted within PubMed and PsycINFO combining search terms for pediatric populations, dermatology, screening and assessment tools, and psychological and psychiatric conditions, to identify PROMs which screened or assessed for mental health symptoms in youth with skin disease.

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Background: The HI-Light Trial demonstrated that for active, limited vitiligo, combination treatment with potent topical corticosteroid (TCS) and handheld narrowband ultraviolet B offers a better treatment response than potent TCS alone. However, it is unclear how to implement these findings.

Aim: We sought to answer three questions: (i) Can combination treatment be used safely and effectively by people with vitiligo?; (ii) Should combination treatment be made available as routine clinical care?; and (iii) Can combination treatment be integrated within current healthcare provision?

Methods: This was a mixed-methods process evaluation, including semi-structured interviews with a purposive sample of trial participants, structured interviews with commissioners, and an online survey and focus groups with trial staff.

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Background: In children, psoriasis can be challenging to diagnose. Difficulties arise from differences in the clinical presentation compared with adults.

Objectives: To test the diagnostic accuracy of previously agreed consensus criteria and to develop a shortlist of the best predictive diagnostic criteria for childhood psoriasis.

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Background: Alemtuzumab significantly improved clinical and MRI outcomes vs. subcutaneous interferon beta-1a (SC IFNB-1a) in the CARE-MS trials (NCT00530348, NCT00548405), with sustained efficacy in 2 consecutive extensions (NCT00930553, NCT02255656 [TOPAZ]).

Methods: Post hoc analysis of 8-year alemtuzumab efficacy and safety in pooled CARE-MS patients (N=811) stratified by baseline age (≥18 to ≤25, >25 to ≤35, >35 to ≤45, >45 to ≤55 years).

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Background: Little is known about the demand for out-of-hours (OOH) dermatology in the UK, and this can make commissioning of acute services difficult. The East Midlands region has a population of 4.5 million people, with variable access to OOH dermatology services.

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Background: Systematic reviews suggest that narrowband ultraviolet B light combined with treatments such as topical corticosteroids may be more effective than monotherapy for vitiligo.

Objective: To explore the clinical effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of topical corticosteroid monotherapy compared with (1) hand-held narrowband ultraviolet B light monotherapy and (2) hand-held narrowband ultraviolet B light/topical corticosteroid combination treatment for localised vitiligo.

Design: Pragmatic, three-arm, randomised controlled trial with 9 months of treatment and a 12-month follow-up.

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Background: Evidence for the effectiveness of vitiligo treatments is limited.

Objectives: To determine the effectiveness of (i) handheld narrowband UVB (NB-UVB) and (ii) a combination of potent topical corticosteroid (TCS) and NB-UVB, compared with TCS alone, for localized vitiligo.

Methods: A pragmatic, three-arm, placebo-controlled randomized controlled trial (9-month treatment, 12-month follow-up).

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