Gynecol Obstet Fertil Senol
February 2025
Objectives: Therapeutic education has been investigated in various surgical contexts to assess its impact on outcomes and hospital stay duration. This retrospective observational study evaluates the benefits of therapeutic education in vaginoplasty, focusing on hospital stay duration, follow-up rate, and vaginal stenosis incidence.
Materials And Methods: This study included all patients who underwent vaginoplasty between October 2018 and April 2021.
Background: Demand for gender-affirming surgery (GAS) is rising. The main objective of this surgery is the creation of a perineo-genital complex that appears and functions as femininely as possible, with a sensitive clitoris and a vagina capable of receptive intercourse. Penile skin inversion is currently regarded as the gold standard technique.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFJ Plast Reconstr Aesthet Surg
March 2019
Background: The latissimus dorsi (LD) flap is largely used in breast reconstruction. The aim of this study is to evaluate and compare the advantage of the LD flap in association with an implant to that of LD flap in association with lipofilling to add additional volume following breast reconstruction by assessing the number of revision procedures, length of hospitalization, complication rate, and patient satisfaction.
Methods: A retrospective cohort study was performed to evaluate complication rate, number and type of revision procedures required, hospitalization time, and overall duration of the reconstructive process in patients undergoing LD breast reconstruction in our department between January 2012 and March 2015.
Objective: The aim of this study was to analyze our technique of intraoperative venous compromise management based on conservation of the superficial inferior epigastric vein (SIEV), and to undertake a retrospective review of our series of breast reconstructions by deep inferior epigastric perforator (DIEP) flap, followed by a review of other techniques reported in the literature.
Materials And Methods: This retrospective study involves 198 breast reconstructions by DIEP flap performed between January 2010 and September 2017. Our surgical technique is related in detail, with a focus on venous compromise management.
Ann Chir Plast Esthet
February 2019
In primary male to female (MTF) sex reassignment surgery (SRS), the most frequent postoperative functional complications using the penoscrotal skin technique remain neovaginal stenosis, urinary meatal stenosis and secondary revision surgery. We aimed to retrospectively analyze postoperative functional and anatomical complications, as well as secondary procedures required after MTF SRS by penile skin inversion. All patients operated on for MTF SRS, using the inverted technique, from June 2006 to July 2016, were retrospectively reviewed.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFDue to the increasing number of fat grafting procedures, several laboratories have developed their own fat processing system (Puregraft(®), LipiVage(®), Viafill(®), etc.), such as closed harvesting systems, centrifugation or washing and filtration devices, or even simple decantation techniques. However, all these tissue-engineering systems are expensive.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFSerratia marcescens is an unusual cause of severe skin infection initially described in immunocompromised patients. We report a case of necrotizing cellulitis of the leg caused by S marcescens in a 68-year-old woman with diabetes mellitus and a history of chronic lymphoedema of the leg. We reviewed the literature and found 49 cases of severe skin infections from S marcescens that included 20 cases of necrotizing fasciitis (NF) as well as 29 cases of severe skin infections without NF (non-NF cases).
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAnn Chir Plast Esthet
February 2015
Background: The identified risks of smoking with regard to operated tissues are so elevated that it is clearly dangerous to operate a smoker when the proposed intervention is neither vital nor urgent.
Materials And Methods: The aim of this prospective study was to evaluate a simple method of screening patients who smoke, with the evaluation carried out before agreeing to carry out free tissue transfer. The purpose of the testing was to hold the patient responsible for his actions and minimize smoking-related complications by cancelling or postponing the planned operation if the patient continued to smoke.
Hyaluronic acid (HA) is the most used dermal filler. Some complications associated with its use have been described, but most of them are rare and benign. We report an exceptional case of skin necrosis of the tip of the nose, in a 22-year-old patient, after HA injection.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAnn Chir Plast Esthet
April 2014
Clitoromegaly is uncommon. It is mostly congenital, hormonal or tumoral. Epidermoid cyst is rare.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAnn Chir Plast Esthet
February 2014
After Koshima and Soeda first described perforator flaps in 1988, Wei has improved the technique by describing the "free style perforator flap". These flaps have the advantage of being performed on all skin perforators and in reducing donor site morbidity. The disadvantage, however is that the size of their angiosome is not defined and the evaluation of their relay on the experience of the surgeon.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFJ Plast Reconstr Aesthet Surg
December 2013
The reconstruction of severe defects of the ankle and foot is a challenge. The ideal solution should combine a thin skin flap on the dorsum to allow shoe fitting and a muscle flap with a split-thickness skin graft on the weight-bearing area. Perforator-based thoracodorsal chimaeric flaps allow us to achieve these two goals with minimal donor-site morbidity.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFObjective: The French Ministry of Health and its regional agencies decided on December 27th, 2010 to develop the ambulatory surgery in the purpose to eliminate 48,000 beds of surgery in France. This evolution, which results from Anglo-Saxon countries, is inevitable in front of the financial deficit of our health insurance. Like the Canadian plastic surgeons, who were forced to it for 7 years, we wanted to study the feasibility of an ambulatory care of the reduction mammaplasties in a hospitalo-university department.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFSince more than 50 years, many surgeons all around the world try to find the perfect surgical technique to treat limb lymphedemas. Decongestive physiotherapy associated with the use of a compressive garment has been the primary choice for lymphedema treatment. Many different surgical techniques have been developed, however, to date, there is no consensus on surgical procedure.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFJ Gynecol Obstet Biol Reprod (Paris)
June 2011
The authors report a very rare case of gestational gigantomastia and the pregnancy could be carried out in term. The repetition being inescapable, the mastectomy is the advised intervention if there is a later desire of pregnancy, in other cases a post-partum mammoplasty can be discussed.
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