Publications by authors named "Raulston G"

This conceptual article attempts to help health care professionals deepen their understanding of the psychological characteristics of antisocial spinal cord-injured patients that predispose them to injury, being a disruptive influence on the medical floor, oppositional acting out with physicians, and potentially thwarting effective treatment. Group techniques are described that appear to improve the adaptation of these patients to their traumatic injury and hospital environment.

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We have demonstrated that Rowett and NIH strains of random-bred athymic and euthymic rats exhibited significant levels of natural killer (NK) cell cytotoxicity against various murine and human tumor cell lines. Rats of both strains displayed high NK cell cytotoxicity in peritoneal exudate, peripheral blood and spleen, and lower activities in lung and liver. No activity was detected in bone marrow.

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In retrospective evaluation of treatment of canine malignant lymphoma, 12 of 13 dogs that had received doxorubicin alone or in combination with dacarbazine attained complete remission. Doxorubicin had been given alone, with combination chemotherapy being used only when complete remission could not be achieved and maintained with doxorubicin. The response to single or combined chemotherapy was correlated with histologic cell type of the malignant lymphoma.

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In order to determine the minimum dose of buffy coat cells necessary to achieve hematopoietic rescue following supralethal irradiation, mongrel dogs under general anesthesia were subjected to leukacytapheresis using three different techniques of cell separation. The buffy coats were frozen with dimethylsulfoxide and stored at -196 degrees C until transfused. Sixteen dogs were irradiated with 800 rads and were supported with antibiotics and transfusions of irradiated homologous blood.

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The cervical spinal cords of 30 rhesus monkeys were irradiated with 50 MeV d leads to Be neutrons or 60Co gamma rays to evaluate the dose-response relationships for radiation myelopathy. Three groups were treated with 50 MeV d leads to Be neutrons using dosage schedules of 1300 rad n gamma (Group I), 1425 rad n gamma (Group II), or 1550 rad n gamma (Group III) in nine fractions over 29 days. Three groups were irradiated with 60Co gamma rays using dosage schedules of 4620 rad (Group IV), 5390 rad (Group V), or 5940 rad (Group VI) in 22 fractions over 29 days.

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The metabolism of methotrexate in rabbits was investigated following 6 hr of infusion with [3',5',7-(3)H]methotrexate (50 mg/kg). Methotrexate and its metabolites were analyzed by an enzyme kinetic method, reverse phase high-performance liquid chromatography, and scintillation counting of radioactivity. 7-Hydroxymethotrexate was found to be a major metabolite in plasma, urine, bile and various tissues of rabbits.

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The acute and late effects of 50 MeV neutrons were investigated by irradiating a variety of organ systems in large animals using dosage schedules similar to those that have been employed clinically. The RBEs for acute effects in pig skin and rhesus monkey oral mucosa were significantly less than the RBEs for late effects. This observation has also been noticed clinically.

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A cultured tumor cell line was derived from a spontaneous fibrosarcoma in a gerbil (Meriones unguiculatus). The cell line consistently produced large tumors with a high incidence of metastases in gerbils of all ages and in both sexes.

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Five soft tissue tumors of varied morphology in dogs and cats were classified as malignant fibrous histiocytomas on the basis of their histologic composition. All were composed of varying mixtures of histiocytes and fibroblasts and three contained large multinucleated cells. This giant cell variant of malignant fibrous histiocytoma was seen only in cats.

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Twenty rhesus monkeys had one kidney irradiated (after undergoing unilateral nephrectomies) with one of four doses: 960 or 1080 rads of 50 MeVd leads to Be neutrons, or 2350 or 2700 rads of 60Co. Whereas animals treated with the lower dose of neutrons or 60Co are alive with relatively normal renal function, those treated with the higher dose of neutrons died of radiation nephritis. Animals treated with the higher dose of 60Co developed radiation nephritis but survived.

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Twenty-five rhesus monkeys were randomly assigned to one of five treatment schedules: 1. control group, no irradiation, 2. 60Co five times weekly, 3.

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