Publications by authors named "Ratschbacher L"

Break-off of part of the down-going plate during continental collision occurs due to tensile stresses built-up between the deep and shallow slab, for which buoyancy is increased because of continental-crust subduction. Break-off governs the subsequent orogenic evolution but real-time observations are rare as it happens over geologically short times. Here we present a finite-frequency tomography, based on jointly inverted local and remote earthquakes, for the Hindu Kush in Afghanistan, where slab break-off is ongoing.

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Introduction: Procedures for measuring and counting tracks are time-consuming and involve practical problems. The precision of automatic counting methods is not satisfactory yet; the major challenges are distinguishing tracks and material defects, identifying small tracks and defects of similar size, and detecting overlapping tracks.

Materials And Methods: Here, we address the overlapping tracks issue using the algorithm Watershed Using Successive Erosions as Markers (WUSEM), which combines the watershed transform, morphological erosions and labeling to separate regions in photomicrographs.

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We demonstrate the parallel and nondestructive readout of the hyperfine state for optically trapped ^{87}Rb atoms. The scheme is based on state-selective fluorescence imaging and achieves detection fidelities >98% within 10 ms, while keeping 99% of the atoms trapped. For the readout of dense arrays of neutral atoms in optical lattices, where the fluorescence images of neighboring atoms overlap, we apply a novel image analysis technique using Bayesian inference to determine the internal state of multiple atoms.

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We report on the observation of cooperative radiation of exactly two neutral atoms strongly coupled to the single mode field of an optical cavity, which is close to the lossless-cavity limit. Monitoring the cavity output power, we observe constructive and destructive interference of collective Rayleigh scattering for certain relative distances between the two atoms. Because of cavity backaction onto the atoms, the cavity output power for the constructive two-atom case (N=2) is almost equal to the single-emitter case (N=1), which is in contrast to free-space where one would expect an N^{2} scaling of the power.

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We report on the immersion of a spin qubit encoded in a single trapped ion into a spin-polarized neutral atom environment, which possesses both continuous (motional) and discrete (spin) degrees of freedom. The environment offers the possibility of a precise microscopic description, which allows us to understand dynamics and decoherence from first principles. We observe the spin dynamics of the qubit and measure the decoherence times (T(1) and T(2)), which are determined by the spin-exchange interaction as well as by an unexpectedly strong spin-nonconserving coupling mechanism.

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The counterintuitive features of quantum physics challenge many common-sense assumptions. In an interferometric quantum eraser experiment, one can actively choose whether or not to erase which-path information (a particle feature) of one quantum system and thus observe its wave feature via interference or not by performing a suitable measurement on a distant quantum system entangled with it. In all experiments performed to date, this choice took place either in the past or, in some delayed-choice arrangements, in the future of the interference.

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We study cold heteronuclear atom-ion collisions by immersing a trapped single ion into an ultracold atomic cloud. Using ultracold atoms as reaction targets, our measurement is sensitive to elastic collisions with extremely small energy transfer. The observed energy-dependent elastic atom-ion scattering rate deviates significantly from the prediction of Langevin but is in full agreement with the quantum mechanical cross section.

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Bell's theorem shows that local realistic theories place strong restrictions on observable correlations between different systems, giving rise to Bell's inequality which can be violated in experiments using entangled quantum states. Bell's theorem is based on the assumptions of realism, locality, and the freedom to choose between measurement settings. In experimental tests, "loopholes" arise which allow observed violations to still be explained by local realistic theories.

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Although frequency multiplexing of information has revolutionized the field of classical communications, the color degree of freedom (DOF) has been used relatively little for quantum applications. We experimentally demonstrate a new hybrid quantum gate that transfers polarization entanglement of nondegenerate photons onto the color DOF. We create, for the first time, high-quality, discretely color-entangled states (with energy band gap up to 8.

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Tectonic models for the evolution of the Tibetan plateau interpret observed east-west thinning of the upper crust to be the result of either increased potential energy of elevated crust or geodynamic processes that may be unrelated to plateau formation. A key piece of information needed to evaluate these models is the timing of deformation within the plateau. The onset of normal faulting has been estimated to have commenced in southern Tibet between about 14 Myr ago and about 8 Myr ago and, in central Tibet, about 4 Myr ago.

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Anhydrous metasedimentary and mafic xenoliths entrained in 3-million-year-old shoshonitic lavas of the central Tibetan Plateau record a thermal gradient reaching about 800 degrees to 1000 degrees C at a depth of 30 to 50 kilometers; just before extraction, these same xenoliths were heated as much as 200 degrees C. Although these rocks show that the central Tibetan crust is hot enough to cause even dehydration melting of mica, the absence of hydrous minerals, and the match of our calculated P-wave speeds and Poisson's ratios with seismological observations, argue against the presence of widespread crustal melting.

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Three-component wide-angle seismic data acquired in southern Tibet during Project INDEPTH show strong P-to-S converted reflections from reflectors that are aligned at a depth of approximately 15 kilometers beneath the northern Yadong-Gulu rift. These converted reflections are locally higher in amplitude than the corresponding P-wave reflections. Modeling of reflection mode conversion as a function of incidence angle indicates that this condition obtains for a reflector that is a solid over fluid interface; it is not typical of a solid-solid interface.

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