Publications by authors named "Raphael M Kudela"

In 2015, the largest recorded harmful algal bloom (HAB) occurred in the Northeast Pacific, causing nearly 100 million dollars in damages to fisheries and killing many protected marine mammals. Dominated by the toxic diatom , this bloom produced high levels of the neurotoxin domoic acid (DA). Through molecular and transcriptional characterization of 52 near-weekly phytoplankton net-tow samples collected at a bloom hotspot in Monterey Bay, California, we identified active transcription of known DA biosynthesis () genes from the three identified toxigenic species, including as the primary origin of toxicity.

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Harmful cyanobacteria blooms are a growing threat in estuarine waters as upstream blooms are exported into coastal environments. Cyanobacteria can produce potent toxins, one of which-hepatotoxic microcystins (MCs)-can persist and accumulate within the food web. Filter-feeding invertebrates may biomagnify toxins up to 100× ambient concentrations.

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Ocean spring phytoplankton blooms are dynamic periods important to global primary production. We document vertical patterns of a diverse suite of eukaryotic algae, the prasinophytes, in the North Atlantic Subtropical Gyre with monthly sampling over four years at the Bermuda Atlantic Time-series Study site. Water column structure was used to delineate seasonal stability periods more ecologically relevant than seasons defined by calendar dates.

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During 2018, a seabird mortality event occurred in central California, US, that affected Northern Fulmars (Fulmarus glacialis), Common Murres (Uria aalge), and Cassin's Auklets (Ptychoramphus aleuticus). An increase in beachcast birds were reported on standardized surveys in conjunction with an increased number of live-stranded birds admitted to rehabilitation centers. Neurologic symptoms were noted during intake examination for some birds.

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Unlabelled: In 2015, the largest recorded harmful algal bloom (HAB) occurred in the Northeast Pacific, causing nearly 100 million dollars in damages to fisheries and killing many protected marine mammals. Dominated by the toxic diatom , this bloom produced high levels of the neurotoxin domoic acid (DA). Through molecular and transcriptional characterization of 52 near-weekly phytoplankton net-tow samples collected at a bloom hotspot in Monterey Bay, California, we identified active transcription of known DA biosynthesis ( ) genes from the three identified toxigenic species, including as the primary origin of toxicity.

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Domoic acid produced by toxigenic Pseudo-nitzschia species is the main toxin threat from harmful algal blooms in Monterey Bay and the larger California Current region on the West Coast of the United States. Toxin monitoring in Monterey Bay includes a long-running time series of weekly measurements of domoic acid from water samples, sentinel mussels, and solid phase adsorption toxin tracking (SPATT) at the Santa Cruz Municipal Wharf (SCW). The SCW sampling site is unusual because of its position in the Monterey Bay upwelling shadow in the north bay.

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Pseudo-nitzschia species with the ability to produce the neurotoxin domoic acid (DA) are the main cause of harmful algal blooms (HABs) along the U.S. West Coast, with major impacts on ecosystems, fisheries, and human health.

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Pseudo-nitzschia species are one of the leading causes of harmful algal blooms (HABs) along the western coast of the United States. Approximately half of known Pseudo-nitzschia strains can produce domoic acid (DA), a neurotoxin that can negatively impact wildlife and fisheries and put human life at risk through amnesic shellfish poisoning. Production and accumulation of DA, a secondary metabolite synthesized during periods of low primary metabolism, is triggered by environmental stressors such as nutrient limitation.

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Many coastal states throughout the USA have observed negative effects in marine and estuarine environments caused by cyanotoxins produced in inland waterbodies that were transported downstream or produced in the estuaries. Estuaries and other downstream receiving waters now face the dual risk of impacts from harmful algal blooms (HABs) that occur in the coastal ocean as well as those originating in inland watersheds. Despite this risk, most HAB monitoring efforts do not account for hydrological connections in their monitoring strategies and designs.

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The Asian clam (Corbicula fluminea) and eastern oyster (Crassostrea virginica) are important resource bivalves found in and downstream of waterways afflicted with cyanobacterial harmful algae blooms (CHABs), respectively. This study examined the potential for C. fluminea and C.

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Next-generation satellite sensors such as the Ocean Color Instrument (OCI) aboard the NASA Plankton, Aerosols, Cloud and ocean Ecosystem (PACE) satellite and the proposed Surface Biology and Geology (SBG) sensor will provide hyperspectral measurements of water-leaving radiances. However, acquiring sufficiently accurate in situ validation data in coastal ecosystems remains challenging. Here we modeled hyperspectral normalized water-leaving radiance ([L(λ)]) in a dynamic coastal ecosystem using in situ inherent optical properties (IOPs) as inputs to the Hydrolight radiative transfer model.

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Blooms of the diatom genus Pseudo-nitzschia occur annually in the Southern California Bight (SCB), and domoic acid (DA) associated with these events can contaminate fisheries, presenting both human and wildlife health risks. Recent studies have suggested that marine sediments may act as a reservoir for DA, extending the risk of food web contamination long after water column blooms have ended. In this study, we conducted a regional assessment of the extent and magnitude of DA in the benthic environment, and monthly observations of sediments and benthic infauna at multiple stations over a 16-month period.

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The contamination of coastal ecosystems from a variety of toxins of marine algal origin is a common and well-documented situation along the coasts of the United States and globally. The occurrence of toxins originating from cyanobacteria along marine coastlines is much less studied, and little information exists on whether toxins from marine and freshwater sources co-occur regularly. The current study focused on the discharge of cyanotoxins from a coastal lagoon (Santa Clara River Estuary) as a consequence of an extreme tide event (King Tides; December 3-5, 2017) resulting in a breach of the berm separating the lagoon from the ocean.

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As harmful algal blooms (HABs) increase in magnitude and duration worldwide, they are becoming an expanding threat to marine wildlife. Over the past decade, blooms of algae that produce the neurotoxins domoic acid (DA) and saxitoxin (STX) and documented concurrent seabird mortality events have increased bicoastally in the United States. We conducted a retrospective analysis of HAB related mortality events in California, Washington, and Rhode Island between 2007 and 2018 involving 12 species of seabirds, to document the levels, ranges, and patterns of DA and STX in eight sample types (kidney, liver, stomach, intestinal, cloacal, cecal contents, bile, blood) collected from birds during these events.

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Climate change is responsible for increased frequency, intensity, and duration of extreme events, such as marine heatwaves (MHWs). Within eastern boundary current systems, MHWs have profound impacts on temperature-nutrient dynamics that drive primary productivity. Bull kelp (Nereocystis luetkeana) forests, a vital nearshore habitat, experienced unprecedented losses along 350 km of coastline in northern California beginning in 2014 and continuing through 2019.

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Harmful algal blooms produce toxins that bioaccumulate in the food web and adversely affect humans, animals, and entire marine ecosystems. Blooms of the diatom Pseudo-nitzschia can produce domoic acid (DA), a toxin that most commonly causes neurological disease in endothermic animals, with cardiovascular effects that were first recognized in southern sea otters. Over the last 20 years, DA toxicosis has caused significant morbidity and mortality in marine mammals and seabirds along the west coast of the USA.

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The global proliferation of toxin producing cyanobacterial blooms has been attributed to a wide variety of environmental factors with nutrient pollution, increased temperatures, and drought being three of the most significant. The current study is the first formal assessment of cyanotoxins in two impaired lakes, Canyon Lake and Lake Elsinore, in southern California that have a history of cyanobacterial blooms producing high biomass as measured by chl-a. Cyanotoxins in Lake Elsinore were detected at concentrations that persistently exceeded California recreational health thresholds, whereas Canyon Lake experienced persistent concentrations that only occasionally exceeded health thresholds.

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Electromagnetic theory predicts spectral dependencies in extinction efficiency near a narrow absorption band for a particle with an index of refraction close to that of the medium in which it is immersed. These absorption band effects are anticipated in oceanographic beam-attenuation (beam-c) spectra, primarily due to the narrow red peak in absorption produced by the phytoplankton photopigment, chlorophyll (Chl ). Here we present a method to obtain Chl absorption and size information by analyzing an eigendecomposition of hyperspectral beam-c residuals measured in marine surface waters by an automatic underway system.

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In the last decade, the known biogeography of nitrogen fixation in the ocean has been expanded to colder and nitrogen-rich coastal environments. The symbiotic nitrogen-fixing cyanobacteria group A (UCYN-A) has been revealed as one of the most abundant and widespread nitrogen-fixers, and includes several sublineages that live associated with genetically distinct but closely related prymnesiophyte hosts. The UCYN-A1 sublineage is associated with an open ocean picoplanktonic prymnesiophyte, whereas UCYN-A2 is associated with the coastal nanoplanktonic coccolithophore Braarudosphaera bigelowii, suggesting that different sublineages may be adapted to different environments.

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San Francisco Bay (SFB), California, USA is the largest estuary in the western United States and is home to more than 7 million people in nine counties and 101 cities. It is highly nutrient enriched and is directly connected to the Gulf of the Farallones and coastal Pacific ocean through the Golden Gate strait. The Gulf of the Farallones is one of several "hotspots" for the neurotoxin domoic acid, produced by members of the genus Pseudo-nitzschia.

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Time series now have sufficient duration to determine harmful algal bloom (HAB) responses to changing climate conditions, including warming, stratification intensity, freshwater inputs and natural patterns of climate variability, such as the El Niño Southern Oscillation and Pacific Decadal Oscillation. Against the context of time series, such as those available from phytoplankton monitoring, dinoflagellate cyst records, the Continuous Plankton Recorder surveys, and shellfish toxin records, it is possible to identify extreme events that are significant departures from long-term means. Extreme weather events can mimic future climate conditions and provide a "dress rehearsal" for understanding future frequency, intensity and geographic extent of HABs.

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Diarrhetic shellfish toxins (DSTs) are produced by the marine dinoflagellate, Dinophysis, as well as select species of benthic Prorocentrum. The DSTs can bioaccumulate in shellfish and cause gastrointestinal illness when humans consume high levels of this toxin. Although not routinely monitored throughout the U.

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This study examines the occurrence of humpback whale (Megaptera novaeangliae) song in the northeast Pacific from three years of continuous recordings off central California (36.713°N, 122.186°W).

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Monterey Bay, California experiences near-annual blooms of Pseudo-nitzschia that can affect marine animal health and the economy, including impacts to tourism and commercial/recreational fisheries. One species in particular, P. australis, has been implicated in the most toxic of events, however other species within the genus can contribute to widespread variability in community structure and associated toxicity across years.

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