Objective: To determine whether the concentration of airborne virulent Rhodococcus equi varied by location (stall vs paddock) and month on horse farms.
Sample: Air samples from stalls and paddocks used to house mares and foals on 30 horse breeding farms in central Kentucky.
Procedures: Air samples from 1 stall and 1 paddock were obtained monthly from each farm from January through June 2009.
Objective: To determine whether airborne concentrations of virulent Rhodococcus equi at 2 horse breeding farms varied on the basis of location, time of day, and month.
Sample Population: 2 farms in central Kentucky with recurrent R equi-induced pneumonia in foals.
Procedures: From February through July 2008, air samples were collected hourly for a 24-hour period each month from stalls and paddocks used to house mares and their foals.