Background: Few studies have focused on the delivery subsequent to a failed vacuum delivery (failed-VD) in secundiparas. The objective of the current study was to examine the factors associated with a vaginal delivery following a failed-VD.
Methods: An historical prospective cohort.
J Minim Invasive Gynecol
April 2020
Study Objective: To describe the presentation, diagnosis, and management of a patient with abdominal pregnancy and to illustrate the laparoscopic technique used to manage this patient.
Design: A descriptive study approved by our local Institutional Review Board. Consent was given from the patient.
Aims: To determine the clinical yield of abdominal ultrasound in the evaluation of elevated liver enzymes (ELEs) in the second and the third trimester of pregnancy.
Methods: A retrospective cohort study including all pregnant women admitted to a single tertiary care center was conducted between April 2011 and January 2015 with ELE. Inclusion criteria included gestational age above 24 weeks and ELEs, abdominal ultrasound report, and live fetus.
Purpose: To determine the success rate of induction of labor (IOL) using Foley transcervical balloon (FTB) versus prostaglandin E (PGE) vaginal insert, following failure of cervical ripening with PGE vaginal insert.
Materials And Methods: A retrospective cohort study of all pregnant women admitted for IOL with either FTB or PGE vaginal insert. Either second dose of PGE vaginal insert or FTB was used as a second line treatment after failure (not giving birth in 24 h from insertion) of first PGE vaginal insert.